2 张培基先生的散文翻译风格,19翻硕考研张培基现代散文精选翻译

不逢列梅之秋,早已二十十多年了 。
It is more than a decade since I last saw autumn in the north.
When I am in the south, the arrival of each autumn will put me in mind of Peiping’s Tao Ran Ting with its reed catkins, Diao Yu Tai with its shady willow trees, western Hills with their chirping insects, Yuquanshan mountain on a moonlight evening and Tan Zhe Si with its reverberating bell.
v.告诫, 使想到
put in mind of
How interesting it is to be able to keep my flowers and plants alive and watch them thrive and bloom year in year out.
日复一日, 已连续十多年
year in year out

2 张培基先生的散文翻译风格,19翻硕考研张培基现代散文精选翻译

并非乱吹,这是科学知识阿 。
It is no exaggeration to say that there is much knowledge involved in this!
And the more knowledge one acquires, the better it is of course.
As I have some trouble with my leg, I can’t move around easily, nor can I sit too long.
我不晓得盆景们受我的照料,非常感谢我不非常感谢 。
I don’t know if the flowers and plants under my care are grateful to me or not
However, I wish for my part to acknowledge my thanks to them.
acknowledge my thanks to them.
在我组织工作的这时候,我常常写了十几个字就到回廊中去看一看,浇浇这颗,搬搬那盆 。
I often leave off sedentary work after writing a few dozen words and go to the courtyard to take a look at the flowers, watering them and moving the potted ones.
[5pCtid]adj.盆景的, 瓶或瓶装的, 高纯度的
Then I’ll return to my room to write a bit more.
I’ll go through the same back-and-forth process again and again, thus combining mental with manual labour. This is a better way to keep me fit in mind and body than taking medicine.
keep me fit in mind and body
就算碰上狂风或是天气情况变异阿,就得全家人调动,救治盆景,极为亢奋 。
In case of storm or a sudden change of weather, however, the whole family will have to turn out to salvage the flowers and plants. Everybody will feel keyed up.
feel keyed up.
2 张培基先生的散文翻译风格,19翻硕考研张培基现代散文精选翻译

By the time when we have managed to move the several hundred potted flowers to the rooms in a hurry, we will be dog-tired and wet with perspiration.
[`dC^`taIEd]adj.疲倦极的, 筋疲力尽的
第二天,天气情况好转,又把花儿都搬进来,又是一次盗汗气喘病热汗三相 。
The next day, when the weather is fine, we will have another round of being dog-tired and perspiration in taking all the flowers out to the courtyard again.
可是,这是何等有趣啊 。
How interesting it is!
Isn’t it true that without doing manual labour, we couldn’t even keep a single flower alive?
It filled the whole family with pride whenever the milkman exclaims on entering our gate. “What a sweet smell.”
感到昙花开放的这时候,约几位朋友来看一看,更有秉烛夜游的神气---昙花总在夜里放蕊 。
When the nigh-blooming cereuses are about to be in flower, we will invite some friends to visit us in evening to feast their eyes on them—in an atmosphere smacking of nocturnal merry-making under candle light..
When the cereuses have branched out, we will pick some of the flowers and send them as a present to our friends.
feast ones eyes on
v.长出枝条, 扩展范围
branch out
We are of course especially happy to see them take away our fruits of labour.
I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them.
take to
But, short of time to do research and experiment in flower cultivation, I am no gardener at all.
I merely take flower cultivation as a pleasure of life.
I really don’t care whether or not my flowers will put forth plump and nice-looking blossom.
put forth plump
In summer, flowers and plants growing in luxuriance in my small courtyard will leave little open space as playground for the little cats, so they have to sport about in our rooms instead.
花穗多,但无奇花异草 。
I grow many flowers, but none of them are exotic or rare ones.
It is difficult to grow a precious flower species.
And I feel bad to see a good glower dying of illness.
我不愿时时落泪,北京的气候,对养花来说,不算很好 。
I don’t want often to shed tears over that. But Beijing’s climate is more or less unfit for the growing of flowers.
more or less unfit for
Freezing in winter, windy in spring, and either too dry or too often visited by rainstorm
春天最好,可是忽然会闹霜冻 。
While autumn is the best of all, it is often plagued by a sudden frost.
【2 张培基先生的散文翻译风格,19翻硕考研张培基现代散文精选翻译】在这种气候里,想把北方的好花养活,我还没有那么大的本事 。
In a climate like this, it is far beyond my capacity to grow precious flowers of southern breed.
所以,我只种一些自己会奋斗的盆景 。
Therefore, I only grow flowers and plants that are hardy and enjoy a high survival.
Although such flowers are able to weather through by themselves, I, however, never ignore them or abandon them to their own fate.
v.度过, 捱过
weather through
ignore them or abandon them to their own fate.
我得天天照料她们,向好朋友似的关切她们 。
I have to care for them everyday as if they were my close friends.
一来二去我摸着了一些门道 。
In the course of time, I have somehow got the hang of flower cultivation.
In the course of time
有的喜阴,就别放在太阳地里 。有的喜干,就别多浇水
Some flowers which are accustomed to growing in the shade should not be too much exposed to the sun. Those which prefer dryness should not be watered too often.
这是个乐趣,摸住门道 。
It gives me much pleasure to know the right way of handling them.
可是此地的草花很便宜,所以家家有院子,可以花不多的钱而种一院子花,即使算不了什么,可是到底可爱啊 。
It does not cost very much to plant a whole courtyard to such flowers which, though humble, are nevertheless lovely to look at,
such as morning glories on the wall, china pinks at the foot of the wall and marvels-of-Peru.
morning glory
Yet, cheap as they are, they attract butterflies!
Green vegetables, cabbages, hyacinth beans, young Soya beans, cucumbers, spinach, etc. are often carried straight from the suburbs to your residential quarters for marketing.
n.住处, 岗位
Often, leeks from rural farms after a rain still have specks of mud on their leaves.
青菜摊上的红红绿绿几乎有诗似的美丽 。
The vegetable stalls are so colorful that they present a scene of poetic charm.
Fruits come mainly from the western and northern suburbs, such as crab apples and cherry apples from the western hills.
crab apple
Look, how they are still covered with frostlike bloom when they are put on the market.
Indeed, america’s paper-wrapped oranges will pale beside Peiping’s plums bearing a thin coating of frostlike bloom.
Unlike the famous flowers which are most attractive when half opening, or good wine which is most tempting when one is half drunk, autumn, however, is best appreciated in its entirety.
The city proper is not plagued by factory chimneys such as you find in London giving off volumes o smoke all day long. On the outskirts of the city lie numerous flower gardens, vegetable farms and villages.
such as you find in
An ancient Chinese poet by the name of Tao Yuan Ming says aptly in one his famous poems, “plucking chrysanthemums under the eastern hedge, I calmly view the southern hills.”
adv.适当地, 适宜地
大概把“南”字变个“西”或“北”字,也没有多少不得了的吧 。
To adapt it to life in Peiping, I might as well substitute the word “western” or “northern” for the word “southern” in the line
Peiping is probably the only place for a man of limited means like me to live an easy and carefree life in.
live an easy and carefree life
a man of limited means
adj.无忧无虑的, 轻松愉快的, 不负责的
心中完全舒适,无所求也无可怕,像小儿安睡在摇篮里 。
Thus I can enjoy a perfect inner calm, free from any desire or fear, like a child sleeping peacefully in the cradle.
