用法详解 “acount”是什么意思?能组成的短语有哪些?

英 [?’ka?nt]
例:To pay money into an account 把钱存入账户
用法:(1)by/from all accounts 据说,据报道,根据各方面所说
I’ve never been there,but it is,by all accounts,a lovely place.
我从没去过那,但是据说那里很漂亮 。
(2)on account of 因为,由于
He couldn’t come on account of his illness.
他因病来不了了 。
(3)on no accounts 绝不,无论如何都不
My name must on no accounts be mentioned to anyone.
我的名字绝对不能向任何人提起 。
On no accounts must this switch be touched.
无论如何都不要碰那个开关 。
(4)on one’s account 为了……的缘故
Don’t put off the meeting on my account.
不要因为我推迟会议 。
(5)take sth. into account 考虑,注意
You must take the expenses into account.
你必须把费用考虑进去 。
有时 sth. 较长,可放到后面 。
We must take into account the boy’s long illness.
有时也可说成 take account of sth.
You must take account of this fact.
【用法详解 “acount”是什么意思?能组成的短语有哪些?】你必须考虑到事实 。
