适合六一发朋友圈的句子 六一儿童节朋友圈句子

1、好看的皮囊千遍一律,有趣的灵魂要过六一 。
Good-looking skins are the same, and interesting souls have to pass June 1.
2、我能过六一吗?队友都说我菜的像小学生 。
Can I have June 1? My teammat苏州论坛网es say that I’m a pupil.

3、即使你已经是全世界的大人了,但依旧还是我一个人的小可爱 。
Even if you are adults all over the world, but still I am a little cute.
4、你一定要让着我,因为今天我是小朋友 。
You must let me, because today I am a child.

5、六月一日,宜可爱,宜游玩,宜快乐 。
June 1, should be lovely, should play, should be happy.
The sky is very 苏州论坛网blue, the sun is very warm, there is a little happiness I want to share with you, happy June day!

【适合六一发朋友圈的句子 六一儿童节朋友圈句子】7、童年有趣,成年有酒 。
Childhood is fun, adult has wine.
8、岁月可以偷走你的年龄,但是偷不走你的童心 。
Years can steal your age, but not your childlike innocence.

9、今天不想做大人,只想做童心未泯的小可爱 。
Today, I don’t want to be an adult. I just want to be a cute kid.
10、儿童节限定,本人全糖去冰 。
Children’s day limit, I whole sugar to ice.

11、我的宝贝,六一儿童节快乐!我陪你长大,你陪我变老 。
My dear, happy children’s Day! I grow up with you, you grow old with me.
Childhood is only once, and growth will not come again. Children’s Day is happy.
