
像我这种暴脾气的人,能陪着我的一定是世界上最好的人 。晒自己照片适合发朋友圈的说说,来看看吧!
1、活着不是为了取悦谁,自己开心就好 。
To live is not to please anyone, just be happy
2、为了我们喜欢的人和事去坚持 。
Stick to the people and things we like
3、没有特别幸福 , 就要特别努力 。
No special happiness, we must work hard
4、人都有两面性吧,一个假装快乐,一个真心快乐 。
People have two sides, one pretends to be happy, the other is really happy.
5、希望将来有人喜欢我,明目张胆又深情款款 。
I hope that someone will like me in the future, blatantly and affectionately
6、每个人都有自己的沼泽,都有爱而不得和生活的苦涩 。
Everyone has his own swamp, love and the bitterness of life.
7、我喜欢现在的季节,却不喜欢现在的生活 。
I like the season now, but I don't like the life now
8、谋爱先谋生,爱人先爱己 , 自己不优秀爱谁都没用 。
Make a living first, love yourself first. It's no use loving anyone if you are not good.
9、永远做一个开心快乐的美少女 。
Always be a happy and beautiful girl
10、或许一切都没有那么遭 , 一切都可以重新开始 。
Maybe everything is not so bad, everything can start again.
11、永远不要忘记,以前那个单纯可爱的小女孩 。
Never forget that simple and lovely little girl.
12、剧本没有翻到最后一页,谁也不知道结局 。
The script didn't turn to the last page, and no one knew the ending
13、过去的已成回忆 , 重要的是现在的自己 。
The past has become a memory, the important thing is the present
14、很庆幸自己能够一路撑过来,所以少了谁的陪伴都不孤独 。
I'm glad I can make it all the way, so I'm not lonely without anyone's company.
15、有你的地方,天气晴朗,万物皆可爱 。
Where you are, the weather is fine and everything is lovely
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