
time to give people experience, reading to the human knowledge. I下面是为小编为大家整理的书籍的名言名句英语希望大家喜欢 。
1、 学会学习的人 , 是非常幸福的人 。He who learns to learn is a very happy man.
2、 A good book is the rich and precious vein of a great mind. – Milton
3、 正是问题激发我们去学习 , 去实践 , 去观察 。It is the problems that inspire us to learn, practice and observe.
4、 一些书可以浅尝即止;一些书可以狼吞虎咽;而有些书则需要细嚼慢咽 , 好好消化 。—-培根The three foundations of learning; seeing much, suffering much, and studying much. —-Catherall
5、The force of the wind tests the strength of the grass. 疾风知劲草 。
6、 Wisdom comes from diligence, and greatness comes from the ordinary.智慧源于勤奋 , 伟大出自平凡 。
7、 学乃身之宝 , 儒为席上珍 。君看为宰相 , 必用读书人 。Learning is the treasure of the body, while Confucianism is the treasure of the table. As prime minister, you must use a scholar.
【书籍的名言名句英语】8、想要懂得一门知识 , 先得承认自己无知 。If you want to know a knowledge, you have to admit your ignorance.
9、读书之于精神 , 恰如运动之于身体 。Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.
10、自得读书乐 , 不邀为善名 。Read for pleasure, not invite to be a good name.
11、立志是读书人最要紧的一件事 。Decision is the most important thing for a scholar.
12、the book is the elderly friend, is the young teacher. – Shimeiersi
13、 我们读书越多 , 就越发现我们是无知的 。The more we read, the more we discover that we are ignorant.
14、欲速是读书第一大病 , 功夫中在绵密不间断 , 不在不速也 。Acceleration is the most serious disease in reading. In Kungfu, there is no interruption, nor unexpectedness.
15、智慧就是懂得该忽略什么的技巧 。—-威廉-詹姆斯Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it. —-Thomas Paine
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