Then和than的区别 then是什么意思

There are tons of words in the English language that are similar but not the same and I've been creating a whole lot of lessons about them lately, particularly some of the really confusing ones.
Now you can check out all of the ones I've already made in that playlist right up there but today we're going to focus on two words that are often confused and misused, 'then' and 'than'.
英语中有很多单词非常相似,但是并不完全相同,我最近出过很多相关的课程,尤其是那些非常令人困惑的单词 。
大家可以看一下播放列表中我已经发布的课程,就在这里,但是今天呢我们要侧重于两个经常弄混,经常错用的单词,那就是‘then’和‘than’ 。
Now I'm Emma from mmmEnglish and if these two words confuse you, then this lesson is for you and even if you think that you know what they mean and how to use them correctly, it's worth just sticking around to check.
I'll explain how they're used in English, how they're pronounced, and of course we'll practise with a little quiz at the end to make sure that everything you learned during the lesson has stuck.
我是Emma,欢迎来到Emma的美味英语,如果这两个单词让你困惑的话,那这节课程就是为你量身定做的,即使你觉得你很清楚这两个单词是什么意思,也知道如何正确使用,检查一下对不对还是很有意义的 。
我会解释它们在英语中是如何使用的,它们是如何发音的,当然了,我们会在结尾的时候做几个小练习,来确保大家已经巩固了本节课程所学到的知识 。
And remember that all of my lessons have subtitles or captions and you can turn them on by clicking that settings button just down there.
And so many of my students, my amazing students who are generous enough to share some of their time for all of you, they have been writing subtitles in their own native languages so that more of the people from their country can watch and learn and experience the lessons on the mmmEnglish Channel so if you've got time and you're up for the challenge to write some of the captions in your own native language, I would absolutely appreciate it.
记住我的课程呢都是有字幕的,大家可以通过点击下面的设置按钮打开字幕 。
我的很多学生,他们都超级赞,而且非常慷慨大方,不吝于分享他们的时间,他们用自己的母语写了字幕,这样他们国家更多的人就可以观看学习,并且体验美味英语频道的课程,所以如果大家有时间并且准备好迎接挑战,将字幕翻译成自己的母语的话,那我会非常感激大家的 。
And look, I know you've been watching my lessons for a little while now so if you haven't subscribed already, I think it's time to do it. . . . . . .
看呀,我知道你看我的课程已经看了一段时间了,所以如果你还没有订阅的话,我觉得是时候动手了 。
To start this lesson, I want to make something really clear.
Than and then are not the same words even though they look similar and they sound quite similar, they have different meanings and uses.
在本节课程开始的时候,我想明确几件事情 。
Than和then是两个不同的单词,即使它们看起来很相近,听起来也很相似,但它们的意思和使用方式都完全不同 。
And I have to admit that these two words had me fooled for a long time at school.
Through school, I was forever using the wrong word and I was getting marked incorrect by my teachers all the time. It took years for me to remember.
我得承认这两个单词在我上学的时候都令我十分头疼 。
在上学的时候,我一直用的都不对,我的老师总是会会给我标出错误 。我花了很多年才记住 。
And part of the problem is that these words sound quite similar. They both use the voiced /th/ sound.
And we can hear a little difference in the vowel sound when these words are stressed in a sentence and sometimes they are /ean/.
部分问题就在于这两个单词听起来太相似了 。它们都有浊音th 。
当这两个单词在句子中重读的时候,我们能听到元音有所不同,有时候是/ean/ 。
The /a/ vowel sound, /ean/. And /e?n/.
元音/a/,/ean/.然后是/e?n/ 。
The /?/ vowel sound, /e?n/.
But actually, most of the time, these words are unstressed and then they sound really similar because both of those vowels sounds reduce down to the schwa sound.
元音/?/,/e?n/ 。
但是其实呢,大多数情况下,这两个单词都是非重读的,所以它们听起来非常像,因为这两个元音都变成了中元音 。
So it sounds like then, then. Then we can't hear any difference at all.
所以听起来就像是then一样 。然后我们就听不到任何区别了 。
Now the closest that I ever came to a rule for this was than with an A is used for comparisons and then with an E is used for time.
It helped me a little in the end so if you find it helpful to try and remember that rule, especially to use those words correctly in sentences, then go ahead.
我能想到的最近的规则就是如果是A的话,就是用来比较的,如果是E的话,就是用来表示时间的 。这后来对我有所帮助,所以如果你觉得有用的话,可以试着记一下这条规则,如果是在句子中正确使用这两个单词,然后就继续吧 。
Now let's go a little deeper and I think we'll start with than because there's only one basic definition and use for than. So than is a conjunction and we use it to make comparisons.
现在让我们再深入一点,我觉得我们应该从than开始,因为than只有一个基本的定义和用法 。Than是一个连词,我们用它来表示比较 。
So when we're highlighting the difference between two separate things. I'm taller than my sister.
当我们强调两个不同事物之间的差别的时候 。我比我的妹妹高 。
Your phone gets a better signal than mine.
Do you think that pasta is more filling than salad?
你的手机信号比我好 。
Notice that than is usually used with an adjective.
It's used to say that something is more or less than something else, taller than, better than, more filling than.
注意than通常都和形容词一起使用 。
通常说某个东西比另外一个东西多或者是少,更高,更好,更饱腹 。
Right? Now another common comparison phrase also uses than and that's rather than.
对吧?另外一个常见的也用than来表示比较的短语时rather than 。
I'd rather ride than walk, or I'd rather not go than wear that dress.
Rather is just another type of comparison.
相比于走路,我更愿意骑自行车,或者是我宁愿不去也不要穿那条裙子 。
Rather是另外一种类型的比较 。
It's like saying I prefer to do one thing more than the other. And with rather, you'll often see than.
就像是相对于另外一件事,我更想做这件 。一般than会和rather同时出现 。
Now finally, you'll also hear than used in quite a few fixed expressions and common phrases. I guess it's better late than never.
最后呢,你还会在一些固定表达和常见的短语中听到than 。我觉得晚做总比不做好 。
I'd like to go home sooner rather than later. Finding our way is easier said than done!
我恨不得马上回家 。寻找我们的道路说起来比做起来难多了 。
So did you hear in all of those fixed expressions how than was pronounced? It was reduced, it was short and low in pitch. It's an unstressed word, than, than, than. Right?
So I want you to practise them out loud with me, better late than never, sooner rather than later, easier said than done.
你在这些固定表达中听到than了吗?是怎么发音的呢?它的发音被削弱了,发音很短,语调很低 。这是个非重读单词,than,than,than 。对吧?
所以我想让大家和我一起练习大声念出来,晚做总比不做好,越快越好,说得比做得容易 。
Nice! Now of course, all of these phrases are used to make comparisons too.
很棒!当然了,这些短语都是用来表达比较的 。
Now we're going to take a really, really quick break here and while the ad is playing, I want you to write a sentence in the comments using than.
Okay? In this context in this structure.
那我们现在要稍作休息,进广告的时候呢,我希望大家在评论区用than造个句子 。
好吗?在这个语境中,用这个结构 。
So remember, you need to use a comparative adjective. Then I'll be back to explain how to use then.
几桌,需要使用比较级形容词 。然后我会回来解释如何使用then 。
Then can be a little more complicated than than because there are a few different ways that you can use it.
Then can be an adverb or an adjective but you'll most commonly see it used as an adverb.
和than相比,then稍微复杂一点,因为有很多不同的使用方式 。
Then可以是副词或者是形容词,但是你一般是看到它当做副词使用 。
Now remember that adverbs modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.
And at the start of this lesson, I said that then is used with time expressions right?
记住副词是修饰动词、形容词或者是其他的副词的 。
So with time, you're using then as an adverb. And it can mean something like next in order or next in time or in place but it can also mean soon afterwards.
和时间连用的时间,then是个副词 。它的意思是接下来的事情,但是也可以表示不久、后来的意思 。
He finished work and then went to meet some friends. So the action of finishing work came first and next he went to meet his friends.
他做完工作之后去见朋友了 。所以他先完成工作,然后去他就去见朋友了 。
So we're talking about the order of things. I was in the front of the line, then Sarah, then Charlie.
我们讨论的是事情发展的顺序 。
我站在队伍前面,然后是萨拉,然后是查莉 。
Now Sarah and Charlie were in the line, they were the next people in the order of the line. I was first, Sarah was second and Charlie was third.
萨拉和查莉在排队,他们在队伍里紧接着对方 。我是第一个,萨拉是第二个,查莉是第三个人 。
Then could also mean at the specific time as well. I can't meet tomorrow morning. I'll be at work then.
Then还可以表示一个特定的时间 。我明天早晨不能见面 。我当时在工作 。
So at that time that we're talking about I'll be at work. We didn't have mobile phones back then.
在那个时间呢,我们说的是我会在工作 。我们当时没有手机 。
So at that time in the past, back at that moment in time that we're talking about mobile phones didn't exist.
So yes, then is used with time expressions but we also use it in other ways as well.
在过去的那个时间我们说的是手机并不存在 。
是的,then是和时间表达连用的,但是我们也会用其他的使用方式 。
It can mean in addition or besides and as a result or in that case.
If I don't pay my bill tomorrow, then they'll charge me a late fee.
它可以表示除此之外,结果,或者是在那种情况下 。
如果我明天还没付账单的话,他们会罚我迟交费的 。
So as a result of not paying my bill, I'll get charged a fee.
So in the case that I don't pay my bill, I'll get charged a fee. You have to register the business, then you need a permit to operate.
所以因为我并没有付账单,我被罚款了 。
因为我没有付账单,我被罚款了 。
你得登记自己的公司,然后还需要经营许可 。
So this is in addition to registering the business you need to get a permit to operate. Okay?
除了登记自己的公司,你还需要获得经营许可 。对吧?
Now I mentioned that then is used as an adjective too. Now this use is a little less common but you'll still see it quite often and I wanted to include it today so that you can completely understand the uses of then.
我提到过then也可以用作形容词 。这种用法不是特别常见,但是你还是会经常见到的,我希望包含在今天的课程中,这样你们就可以完全理解then的全部用法了 。
Then as an adjective describes something as being that or existing at that time. My then roommate didn't want a dog.
Then呢作为一个形容词,描述的某个东西在某一段时间存在的状态 。我当时的室友并不想要狗狗 。
So I'm describing the person who was my roommate at that time, she's not my roommate now. Okay she was my roommate at a time in the past.
所以呢我在描述那段时间是我的室友的那个人,她现在已经不是我的室友了 。
好的,她在过去的某段时间是我的室友 。
So it's your turn now. Can you think of a sentence where you can use then as an adjective?
I want you to write that sentence down in the comments for me so I'm going to come down and check out your sentences in just a little while to make sure you're using it correctly.
所以现在到你啦 。你能想到一个句子里面then是用作形容词的吗?
我希望大家将那个句子写在评论处,我一会儿会下去检查大家造的句子,确保大家使用方式是正确的 。
But remember that we're always referring to something that is different from the present. You can't say my then brother.
但是要记住,我们所指的东西都是和目前的状态不一样的 。你不能说我当时的兄弟 。
Right? Because he's still your brother now. Now that's not going to change.
对吧?因为他现在还是你的兄弟 。那不会改变的 。
So it has to be a situation that was different in the past. It's not like that now.
所以必须是和以前不一样的状况 。现在已经不是那样子了 。
Now just like than, there are some common phrases or fixed expressions that use then okay? He does his work and then some.
就像than一样,有一些里面有then的常用短语和固定搭配 。他的工作一波接一波 。
Eating out now and then isn't too expensive. I called to book a ticket right then and there.
时不时地出去吃吃不是特别贵 。我立即打电话去订机票了 。
So have you heard any of those phrases before? I want you to practise saying them out loud with me now. Ready?
你之前听过这些句子吗?我希望大家练习和我一起大声地说出来 。准备好了吗?
And then some, now and then, right then and there. Did you hear how in most of those expressions then is stressed? Said much more strongly than than and the other fixed expressions.
远不止于此,时不时地,立刻 。你听出来在那些表达方式里面then都是重读的吗?
比than和其他的固定表达的发音要更重一些 。
Such tiny little insignificant words but using them accurately and this is especially important if you're taking IELTS or TOEFL exams because these areas or these mistakes become really obvious during your written exams, right?
Everyday language when you're speaking with people, no one's really going to know if you're using the wrong word but it all comes out in your writing and if you need some extra help with confusing words like this then practising with a native teacher can be really helpful because they're going notice all of the little things that you can do to help improve your accuracy, right?
And if you're not sure where to go to find a good one, well you guys know that I recommend Lingoda.
I take Spanish classes online with Lingoda but they also have an English program with plenty of native teachers from the US and the UK.
如果你不确定要去哪里找到好老师的话,那我向大家推荐Lingoda 。
我在Lingoda平台上学习西班牙语,但是他们还有英语的课程,有很多来自美国和英国的老师 。
The lessons are all in small groups so it's lots of fun and it's really affordable so definitely take a look if you think that's going to help. So I promised you a little quiz to put everything that we learnt into practice today, right?
这些课程都是小班课,所以非常生动有趣,而且真的很便宜,所以如果大家觉得有所帮助的话,一定要去看一看 。我承诺过大家要把我们今天所学的东西结合起来做个小测试,对吧?
Are you ready? Let's do it. He reached the finish line first.
准备好了吗?让我们开始吧 。他越过了终点线 。
Well if you guessed then, you're absolutely right because we're talking about the order that they finished the race, then Claire.
I'm going to order salad first, then I'll think about the main course.
好的,如果你们猜的是then的话,你们就猜对了,因为我们讨论的是他们完成比赛的顺序,然后是克莱尔 。
我要先点沙拉,然后再考虑主菜 。
Now this is another situation showing the order of things happening in time. It's harder. . .
这是另外一种情况,表示的是事情发展的时间顺序 。更难......
Did you guess than? We're comparing the heat to the heat inside an oven so it's really hot, right?
Her then boss later became her husband. So here, we're missing an adjective, right?
她当时的老板成了她的丈夫 。在这里呢,我们缺失的是一个形容词,对吧?
An adjective to describe the noun boss. So we need to use then as an adjective, right?
来描述名词‘老板’的形容词 。所以我们需要使用then作为形容词,对吧?
At the time she was working, he was her boss. He was her then boss.
在她工作的时候,他是她的老板 。他当时是她的老板 。
He's better at learning languages. Easy one. It's a comparison right? So it has to be than.
他更擅长学语言 。很简单 。这是个比较,对吧?所以应该是than 。
If you are trying to save money. As a result of the fact that we're trying to save money.
如果你正在攒钱的话 。因为我们要攒钱 。
In that case, well it's a good idea to eat at home, right? So we use then.
在那种情况下,在家里吃饭是个好主意,是吧?所以我们使用的是then 。
So how did you go? Do you feel a little bit more comfortable using then and than now? Can you tell the difference?
I wish that I'd found a video like this to help me when I was at school. I can't believe that it's taken me so many years to actually write a lesson about this.
我希望在上学的时候能够看到一个类似的视频能够帮助我 。我无法相信花了我这么多时间来真正做出这样的一节课程 。
I hope that you find it helpful. And make sure you share it with a friend if you think that they might find it useful too.
希望大家觉得很有用 。如果大家觉得你的朋友们也会觉得很有用的话,那就一定要和他们分享哦 。
If you enjoy my lessons here at the mmmEnglish Channel then please let me know by subscribing to the channel just down there.
I make new lessons every week, lessons just like this one and this one here.
如果你们喜欢我在美味英语的课程的话,请订阅我的课程,让我感受到你们的喜欢吧 。
我每周都会出新的课程,就像这个和这个一样 。
I picked that one especially for you so I'll see you in there.
【Then和than的区别 then是什么意思】我特意为大家挑选的这门课程,一会儿见啦 。
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