动词like用法最全解析 喜欢的英文

She's nice. I like her.
她人很好,我喜欢她 。
Do you like their new house?
Which tie do you like best?
I don't like the way he's looking at me.
我讨厌他看着我的样子 。
He likes baseball.
他喜欢棒球 。
Like it or not, our families shape our lives and make us what we are
不管我们愿不愿意,家庭环境会影响我们人生的发展方向,使我们变成现在的样子 。
You can stay here if you like
如果你愿意,可以呆在这里 。
2.like doing\like to do喜欢做某事;愿意做某事;(表示习惯)愿意,希望
理论上like doing表示正在进行的动作或经常性动作;like to do
表示特定的未来事件 。但是,实际两种用法界限并非如此泾渭分明,尤其在美语中 。随时随地看见遇见like to do表示经常性的动作的实例句子 。
She's never liked swimming.
她从不喜欢游泳 。
I didn't like him taking all the credit.
我讨厌他把所有的功劳归于自己 。
I didn't like his taking all the credit.
我讨厌他把一切功劳归于自己 。
I like to see them enjoying themselves.
我就愿意看着他们玩得高兴 。
At weekends I like to sleep late.
周末我爱睡懒觉 。
I didn't like to disturb you.((用于否定句)愿做 )
我本不愿打搅你 。
【动词like用法最全解析 喜欢的英文】He doesn't like asking his parents for help. ((用于否定句)愿做 )
他不愿向父母求助 。
I like to get to airports in good time.
我习惯早早地赶到机场 。
'People like doing things for nothing.' — 'I know they do.'
“人们喜欢没事找事 。”——“我知道确实是那样 。”
'I wasn't a very good scholar at school.' — 'What did you like doing best then?'
“我在学校时成绩不大好 。”——“那么你当时最喜欢做什么呢?”
I don't like to entertain guests anymore
我再也不想招待客人了 。
You can have whoever you like to visit you
你想要谁来拜访你都可以 。
I don't like being in a rut — I like to keep moving on
我不喜欢一成不变的生活——我喜欢不断进取 。
I like to swim, especially in the sea.
我喜欢游泳,尤其喜欢在大海中游泳 。
Do you like to go swimming?
Do you like to have many projects on the go at any one time?
3.like sb(sth.) to do 希望(想要)……做什么
They don’t like the house to be left empty.=
They don’t like the house left empty.他们不喜欢让房子空闲着 。
注:like sth. to be done大致相当于like sth. done(或adj.)这一结构
4.like sth. done或接adj.
I like my coffee strong.
咖啡我爱喝浓的 。
“Is the radio bothering you?”“It certainly is. I’d like it turned it off.”
收音机吵到你了吗?当然,我希望把它关掉 。
I would like my room cleaned.我希望我的房子清理干净 。
5. (与would或should连用表示客气)想,想要,希望 :
Would you like a drink?

I'd like to think it over.
我想考虑一下这个问题 。
Would you like to come with us?
We would like to apologize for the delay.
我们愿对延迟表示歉意 。
How can they afford it? That's what I'd like to know.
他们怎么买得起这东西?这倒是我所想知道的 。
We'd like you to come and visit us.
我们想请你来我们这儿作客 。
I'd like for us to work together.
我希望我们在一起工作 。
I'd like a bath.
我想洗个澡 。

I'd like to apologize.
我想道歉 。
I'd like an explanation.
我希望有人能解释一下 。
Here's your change. Would you like a bag?...
这是找您的钱 。您需要一个袋子吗?
If you don't mind, I think I'd like to go home.
如果你不介意的话,我想我要回家了 。
We would like to thank them for their patience and understanding.
我们要感谢他们的耐心和理解 。
I should like to ask you to come with us for a quiet supper
我想请你和我们共进一次安静的晚餐 。
I'd like to go with you; however, my hands are full.
我很想和你一块儿去,可是我忙不过来 。
That is very kind of you both. I should like to come
你们两位真是太客气了 。我会来的 。
I would really like to have your objective opinion on this.
我很想听听你对此事的客观见解 。
Would you like to tell me what happened?
I'd like to fight him for the title.
我想和他进行一场拳击比赛,争夺这一头衔 。
I would like to propose a vote of thanks to our host.
我提议对我们的主人表示感谢 。
I'd just like to mention that, personally, I don't think it's wise
我只是想说,就我个人而言,我认为这并不明智 。
I should like to be reconciled to her.
我愿意与她重归于好 。
I'll behave toward them as I would like to be treated
我会以希望别人对待我的方式来对待他们 。
We'd like to know what you feel about abortion
我们想知道你对堕胎是怎么看的 。
I'd really like to see you again and get to know you better.
我很愿意再次见到你并且更多地了解你 。
How would you like to have dinner one night?
I should like to have a good tea.
我想吃一顿好茶点 。
I should very much like to see it.
我非常想看看它 。
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