meet 相关的短语动词 meet

meet up (with sb) (按照安排)见面,会面

They met up again later for a drink.
后来他们又在一起喝过酒 。

We planned to meet up with them later in florence.
我们打算以后在佛罗伦萨和他们见面 。

Did you meet up with her manager?

meet with sb 和某人会晤(商讨问题等)

The President met with senior White House aides.
总统会见了白宫的高级助手 。

I've been invited to meet with the American Ambassador.
我受邀会见美国大使 。

meet with sth


Her proposal met with resistance from the Left.
她的建议遭到了左翼的抵制 。

Don't be discouraged when you meet with difficulties.
碰到困难不要气馁 。

to meet with success/failure



She was worried that he might have met with an accident.
她怕他出了车祸 。

You should be more careful, otherwise you might meet with some accident.
你应该更加小心,要不然你会出事的 。

meet sth with sth (对某事)作出…反应;以…作为回应

His suggestion was met with howls of protest.
他的建议引起了一阵阵的抗议声 。

They met the proposal with stiff opposition.
【meet 相关的短语动词 meet】他们强烈反对这项建议 。
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