despite可以接一个句子 despite

【despite可以接一个句子 despite】1.传统的介词功能:
I like him despite his faults.
虽然他有种种缺点,但我仍然喜欢他 。
They achieved some victories despite these odds.
尽管受到这些挫折,他们还是取得了一些胜利 。
They remain friends despite all their differences.
尽管看法不同,他们还是好朋友 。

He was obviously distressed despite being unconscious.
虽然他自己未发觉,但他显然很忧心 。
I failed the exam despite studying hard.
尽管努力学习,我还是考试不及格 。
The plane took off despite the fog.
尽管有雾,飞机仍照常起飞 。
He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.
尽管病的很重,他还是来参加了会议 。
Despite wanting to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters.
尽管很想再次见见他,她还是拒绝答复他的信 。
Despite strong opposition, the ruling party carried the day.
尽管遭到强烈反对,执政党还是获胜了 。
Despite being a big star, she's very approachable.
她虽然是个大明星,却非常平易近人 。
Despite months of discussion the negotiations remained deadlocked.
尽管已讨论数月,谈判仍僵持不下 。
Despite the lateness of the hour, the children were not in bed.
尽管已是深夜,孩子们仍未就寝 。
Despite her handicap, Jane is able to hold down a full-time job.
简尽管有生理缺陷,却能够保住一份全职工作 。
Unemployment seems to be rising, despite repeated assurances to the contrary.
尽管反复担保减少失业,失业率看来却在上升 。
Despite his six years in politics, he was still regarded by many as the new kid on the block.
他已经从政六年,但很多人仍把他视为初出茅庐 。
Despite his cries, no one came to his assistance.
尽管他喊叫,却没有人来帮助他 。
Despite her earnest efforts, she could not find a job.
尽管她已尽心竭力,但是仍然找不到工作 。
Despite a thorough investigation, no trace of Dr Southwell has been found.
尽管进行了彻底的调查,还是没有发现索思韦尔博士的任何踪迹 。
Despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.
尽管他申请了数百个工作,但仍然在失业中 。
The building work will go ahead, despite protests from local residents.
尽管当地居民反对,建筑工程将照样进行 。
The proposal will go ahead despite strong objections from the public.
尽管公众强烈反对,这项提案仍将付诸实施 。
Despite the recession the company is confident of further expansion.
尽管经济衰退,公司对进一步扩展仍充满信心 。
Their catering business remained strong despite the recession.
尽管出现经济衰退,他们的酒席承办业仍然景气 。
Despite signs of an improvement in the economy, there is no room for complacency.
尽管在经济方面有改善的迹象,但仍不容自满 。
Despite his protestation to the contrary, he was extremely tired.
他已筋疲力尽,尽管他极力否认这一点 。
Despite the obvious setbacks, it is not all doom and gloom for the England team.
尽管明显受挫,但对英格兰队来说绝非胜利无望 。
Despite the threat of war, people went about their business as usual.
虽然战争在即,人们照常忙着自己的事 。
She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring.
尽管她认为物理枯燥无味,她却学得很好 。
Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward.
尽管她系了安全带,还是被猛然前抛 。
Despite the power cuts, the hospital continued to function normally.
尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作 。
Despite what others say, I think he is a good boy.
不管别人说什么,我还是认为他是个好男孩 。

3.despite oneself 情不自禁,忍不住,虽然不愿但是仍然做了某事:
He had to laugh despite himself.
他不想笑,但还是忍不住笑了出来 。
Despite myself, Harry's remarks had caused me to stop and reflect.
哈里的话让我不由自主地停下来细想 。
最后,这个词也可以用词组in despite of替换,但常用in spite of 。
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