uncommitted什么意思 uncommitted

uncommitted是什么意思uncommitted是什么意思_百度翻译 [[英]]nkmtd[[美]]nkmtd adj.不受(某政策、做法、团体等)约束的;未做承诺的;未遂的;未被监禁的 [例句]The active log must include every part of all uncommitted transactions.。
uncommitteduncommitted adj.不受约束的;未承诺的;自由的;不承担责任的;未被监禁的 Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts. 我们的职业道德要求我们要保持中立,报道事实真相 。
I am stil 。
需要俊秀的《Uncommitted》中英文版完整歌词 【uncommitted什么意思 uncommitted】如果有Lyric的那更好~~She said I couldn’t be committed 她说我给不了她承诺 She said I’m too much of a player 她说我太花心 Come on,Uncommitted 拜托,给不了承诺 It was all a dream 过去只是一个美梦而已 Reality was far from。
un前缀的单词有哪些un前缀的单词有unhappy、unfriendly、untidy等 。
1.对于前缀un-来说,还把它称为消除性的un-,(privative un-)用在动词词根(尤其是由名词转化成的动词)前,消除原来动词的功能,表示相反的意思 。
例如:unlock(开锁) --- 。
Uncommitted 歌词完整的~She said I couldn’t be committed She said I’m too much of a player Come on Uncommitted Uncommitted Uncommitted Ey, ey It was all a dream Reality was far from the safe picture she painted for。
