
Why do we learn English If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now, more and more people begin to learn English .And almost everyone around us can speak a little English.But why do we learn English? In my opinion,Englishhas become a world language .And when we do business with foreigners of reform and opening up,we should speak English.The world meeting always use English;many important books are in English .Also,we can know each other better if we understand English,we can make contrebuyions to the world,too. I hope that every students can pay attention to study of English,and make use English often. In this way,we can improve our English . 学英语就是吃饱了撑的~这个问题我从初中一直思考到大学毕业 , 也没弄明白 , 现在劳资都特么工作了 , 而且是个小县城 , 还让我们普及英语 , 有毛作用!县城里的人连普通话都没普及 , 讲鸟语完全就是找抽 , 土狗放洋屁~
