
有关疫情的英语作文带翻译 疫情英语作文100字篇1
This year's Spring Festival is not as busy as it used to be, and the streets are a lot colder. Novel coronavirus pneumonia was reported in Wuhan in January this year, and the news made the whole nation panic. The virus spread rapidly and spread all over China.
At that time, the angels in white chose to fight against the virus. Regardless of their own safety, they did not give in to the epidemic situation and actively participated in the rescue work of the race with the God of death. They bring us confidence and courage. They are "the most beautiful traitors".
Thank these selfless "traitors". With the development of the epidemic, many people have donated materials and donations to support Wuhan. Countless people are worried about Wuhan and cheer for it.
From door to door, novel coronavirus is being passed from door to door. I saw my uncles and aunts were all wet and tired. I quickly brought them dry towels and hot water. They waved and said, "no, thank you, children. We brought them by ourselves. "Then, after patiently explaining the preventive measures to us, they went to the next house.
During the Spring Festival of the family reunion, when they were in need, they did not retreat, did not hesitate, and quietly devoted themselves to work. Once upon a time, I said to myself: in life, there are such a group of people who are always with each of our residents. They are community workers. We strictly follow the leaflet, which is the greatest support for them.
The bell of the new year has been ringing. The spring is not far away. I believe that with the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, we will surely win this "battle".
This year will be spent in a cold and quiet way. Visiting relatives and going out to play will all become a bubble. At the end of the day, bats are the masters of all evils. The novel coronavirus epidemic be taken by surprise. Wuhan compatriots were deeply afflicted by illness.
One pass was ten, ten were passed. The spring festival became a cold and dangerous holiday. I'm bored at home, counting the time. The cause of the epidemic is driving me crazy. Parents at home either eat, or clean up, back and forth, very boring. Every day at home, pay attention to the epidemic situation, everyone has a wish in mind: control the epidemic situation, and be safe.
The scope of the epidemic continues to expand, and angels in white are working on the first line. We need to unite as one, not to make trouble for the motherland, and do a good job in protection. I hope Wuhan can get rid of the bitter sea and restore its original stable life!
疫情英语作文万能句子 1、Wuhan just had a disease, the motherland and we still love it!
2、With so many people sticking it out, why wouldn't we try.
有这么多人都在坚守,我们有什么理由不去努力 。
3、No party this year, double love next year.
今年不聚会,来年双倍情 。
4、All over China is waiting for you to recover. We will meet you in spring to watch the cherry blossoms!
5、Having a meal together will not break the family relationship; eating together will add chaos to society.
少聚一顿饭,亲情不会断;聚一起吃饭,给社会添乱 。
6、Tribute to the most beautiful retrograde! This is the role of medical workers! Come on!
7、Isolate viruses but not love, because love is the best bridge.
隔离病毒但不隔离爱,因为爱是最好的桥梁 。
8、The epidemic is ruthless, and I believe that spring will always come!
9、The epidemic is an order, and we are determined to guard you!
10、Since then, as long as you are safe, even if you do n’t see it every year.
【关于疫情的英语作文100字推荐】此后,只要生生平安,即使岁岁不见 。
