
Accounting and Finance TOP50 Rank University 1 University of Warwick 2 University of Strathclyde 3 Lancaster University 4 University of Bath 5 Aston University 6 University of Glasgow 7= University of Surrey 7= Queen's University, Belfast 7= Loughborough University 10 University of Leeds 11 London School of Economics and Political Science 12 University of Exeter 13 Cardiff University 14 Robert Gordon University 15 Newcastle University 16 University of Reading 17 University of Nottingham 18 Durham University 19 University of Manchester 20 University of Bristol 21 Queen Mary, University of London 22 University of Edinburgh 23 Heriot-Watt University 24 University of Birmingham 25 City University 26 University of Southampton 27 University of Sheffield 28 University of Kent 29 University of East Anglia 30 University of Salford 31 University of Dundee 32 University of Portsmouth 33 Swansea University 34 University of Liverpool 35 University of Aberdeen 36 Coventry University 37 De Montfort University 38 University of Stirling 39= Keele University 39= Bangor University 41 Birmingham City University 42 University of Essex 43= University of Huddersfield 43= Kingston University 45 Manchester Metropolitan University 46 Aberystwyth University 47 University of Hull 48= University of Ulster 48= Glasgow Caledonian University 50 University of Lincoln Business Studies TOP50 Rank University 1 University of Cambridge 2 University of Oxford 3 University of Bath 4 University of Warwick 5 Loughborough University 6 University of St Andrews 7= King's College London 7= Cardiff University 7= Lancaster University 10 London School of Economics and Political Science 11 University of Strathclyde 12 University of Exeter 13 University of Leeds 14 University of Nottingham 15 University of Surrey 16 Durham University 17 University of Birmingham 18 Aston University 19 Newcastle University 20 University of Kent 21= Heriot-Watt University 21= University of East Anglia 23 University of Manchester 24= Soas 24= City University 26 University of Sussex 27= University College London 27= University of Aberdeen 29 University of Bristol 30 University of York 31 University of Edinburgh 32= University of Reading 32= Royal Holloway, University of London 34 Keele University 35 University of Glasgow 36 University of Liverpool 37 University of Sheffield 38 University of Southampton 39 University of Stirling 40 University of Leicester 41 University of Bradford 42= University of Salford 42= Robert Gordon University 42= Bangor University 45 Queen's University, Belfast 46 University of Portsmouth 47 Coventry University 48 Nottingham Trent University 49= Oxford Brookes University 49= Brunel University 51= University of Essex 51= De Montfort University Economics TOP50 Rank University 1 University of Warwick 2= University of Oxford 2= University of Cambridge 4 London School of Economics and Political Science 5 University College London 6 University of Exeter 7 University of Nottingham 8= University of Surrey 8= University of Bath 10 University of Strathclyde 11= Durham University 11= University of Bristol 13 University of East Anglia 14 Lancaster University 15 University of Kent 16 University of Leeds 17 Queen Mary, University of London 18 University of Essex 19= University of Edinburgh 19= Heriot-Watt University 21 University of Sheffield 22 University of Aberdeen 23 University of York 24= Cardiff University 24= University of Leicester 26 University of Birmingham 27= University of St Andrews 27= Aston University 29 Newcastle University 30 University of Southampton 31 Royal Holloway, University of London 32 Loughborough University 33 University of Reading 34 City University 35 University of Glasgow 36= University of Sussex 36= University of Manchester 38 Coventry University 39 Swansea University 40 University of Salford 41= University of Bradford 41= University of Buckingham 43 Queen's University, Belfast 44 University of Liverpool 45 Keele University 46 Nottingham Trent University 47= University of Stirling 47= Liverpool John Moores University 49 University of Portsmouth 50= University of Hull 50= Brunel University

Accounting and Finance TOP50 Rank University 1 University of Warwick 2 University of Strathclyde 3 Lancaster University 4 University of Bath 5 Aston University 6 University of Glasgow 7= University of Surrey 7= Queen's University, Belfast 7= Loughborough University 10 University of Leeds 11 London School of Economics and Political Science 12 University of Exeter 13 Cardiff University 14 Robert Gordon University 15 Newcastle University 16 University of Reading 17 University of Nottingham 18 Durham University 19 University of Manchester 20 University of Bristol 21 Queen Mary, University of London 22 University of Edinburgh 23 Heriot-Watt University 24 University of Birmingham 25 City University 26 University of Southampton 27 University of Sheffield 28 University of Kent 29 University of East Anglia 30 University of Salford 31 University of Dundee 32 University of Portsmouth 33 Swansea University 34 University of Liverpool 35 University of Aberdeen 36 Coventry University 37 De Montfort University 38 University of Stirling 39= Keele University 39= Bangor University 41 Birmingham City University 42 University of Essex 43= University of Huddersfield 43= Kingston University 45 Manchester Metropolitan University 46 Aberystwyth University 47 University of Hull 48= University of Ulster 48= Glasgow Caledonian University 50 University of Lincoln Business Studies TOP50 Rank University 1 University of Cambridge 2 University of Oxford 3 University of Bath 4 University of Warwick 5 Loughborough University 6 University of St Andrews 7= King's College London 7= Cardiff University 7= Lancaster University 10 London School of Economics and Political Science 11 University of Strathclyde 12 University of Exeter 13 University of Leeds 14 University of Nottingham 15 University of Surrey 16 Durham University 17 University of Birmingham 18 Aston University 19 Newcastle University 20 University of Kent 21= Heriot-Watt University 21= University of East Anglia 23 University of Manchester 24= Soas 24= City University 26 University of Sussex 27= University College London 27= University of Aberdeen 29 University of Bristol 30 University of York 31 University of Edinburgh 32= University of Reading 32= Royal Holloway, University of London 34 Keele University 35 University of Glasgow 36 University of Liverpool 37 University of Sheffield 38 University of Southampton 39 University of Stirling 40 University of Leicester 41 University of Bradford 42= University of Salford 42= Robert Gordon University 42= Bangor University 45 Queen's University, Belfast 46 University of Portsmouth 47 Coventry University 48 Nottingham Trent University 49= Oxford Brookes University 49= Brunel University 51= University of Essex 51= De Montfort University Economics TOP50 Rank University 1 University of Warwick 2= University of Oxford 2= University of Cambridge 4 London School of Economics and Political Science 5 University College London 6 University of Exeter 7 University of Nottingham 8= University of Surrey 8= University of Bath 10 University of Strathclyde 11= Durham University 11= University of Bristol 13 University of East Anglia 14 Lancaster University 15 University of Kent 16 University of Leeds 17 Queen Mary, University of London 18 University of Essex 19= University of Edinburgh 19= Heriot-Watt University 21 University of Sheffield 22 University of Aberdeen 23 University of York 24= Cardiff University 24= University of Leicester 26 University of Birmingham 27= University of St Andrews 27= Aston University 29 Newcastle University 30 University of Southampton 31 Royal Holloway, University of London 32 Loughborough University 33 University of Reading 34 City University 35 University of Glasgow 36= University of Sussex 36= University of Manchester 38 Coventry University 39 Swansea University 40 University of Salford 41= University of Bradford 41= University of Buckingham 43 Queen's University, Belfast 44 University of Liverpool 45 Keele University 46 Nottingham Trent University 47= University of Stirling 47= Liverpool John Moores University 49 University of Portsmouth 50= University of Hull 50= Brunel University

和去年相比,前10名中变化较大的当属 拉夫堡大学 Loughborough,排名从第10前进到第5 。而 利兹大学 Leeds 也从第8名上升为第3 。而 思克莱德大学 Strathclyde 和 巴斯大学 Bath 则依然为列前2,虽然可能在国内这两所大学的知名度不算太高,但是相关商科专业的学术和排名确实还是很不错的 。

排名前5的大学和去年没有太大变化,不过 拉夫堡大学 Loughborough 位置明显下滑,从第5名到了第7名 。巴斯大学 Bath 则和 圣安德鲁斯大学 St Andrews 互换了前2名的位置 。

市场专业的排名中,巴斯大学 Bath 从2014年的没有排名数据到位列2015第3,然后再到今年的第1,也算是实至名归 。当然,新进入排名的 杜伦大学 Durham 也成功进入前10,位列第7名 。

经济学专业的排名中,剑桥大学 Cambridge 连续3年稳居第1 。牛津大学 Oxford 今年上升一位,排名第2 。华威大学 Warwick 继续保持在前3的位置中 。当然,伦敦政治经济学院 LSE 也是 经济类 学科里的一棵常青树,始终保持在Top 5的水平 。而 圣安德鲁斯大学 St Andrews 则从去年的第13名上升为第6名,终于2年之后重回前10榜单 。

University guide 2017 league table for accounting finance 2017 学校 1 利兹大学 Leeds 2 华威大学 Warwick 3 赫瑞瓦特大学 Heriot-Watt 4 伦敦城市大学 City 5 巴斯大学 Bath 6 拉夫堡大学 Loughborough 7 思克莱德大学 Strathclyde 8 兰卡斯特大学 Lancaster 9 雷丁大学 Reading 9 诺丁汉大学 Nottingham 11 伦敦大学学院 UCL 12 萨里大学 Surrey 13 曼彻斯特大学 Manchester 14 切斯特大学 Chester 15 贝尔法斯特女王大学 Queen's, Belfast 15 格拉斯哥大学 Glasgow 17 格鲁斯特大学 Gloucestershire 18 伦敦政治经济学院 LSE 19 索尔福德大学Salford 20 杜伦大学 Durham University guide 2017 league table for business, management marketing 2017 学校 1 牛津大学 Oxford 2 萨里大学 Surrey 3 巴斯大学 Bath 4 华威大学 Warwick 5 法尔茅斯大学 Falmouth 6 利兹大学 Leeds 7 圣安德鲁斯大学 St Andrews 8 兰卡斯特大学 Lancaster 9 伦敦城市大学 City 10 诺丁汉大学 Nottingham 11 考文垂大学 Coventry 12 拉夫堡大学 Loughborough 13 埃克塞特大学 Exeter 14 杜伦大学 Durham 15 伦敦大学亚非学院 SOAS 16 曼彻斯特大学 Manchester 17 赫瑞瓦特大学 Heriot-Watt 18 肯特大学 Kent 19 卡迪夫大学 Cardiff 20 思克莱德大学 Strathclyde University guide 2017 league table for economics 2017 学校 1 牛津大学 Oxford 2 剑桥大学 Cambridge 3 利兹大学 Leeds 4 华威大学 Warwick 5 考文垂大学 Coventry 6 伦敦大学国王学院 KCL 7 赫瑞瓦特大学 Heriot-Watt 8 肯特大学 Kent 9 邓迪大学 Dundee 10 杜伦大学 Durham 11 伦敦政治经济学院 LSE 12 伦敦大学学院 UCL 13 兰卡斯特大学 Lancaster 14 斯特林大学 Stirling 14 诺丁汉大学 Nottingham 16 东英格利亚大学 UEA 17 萨里大学 Surrey 18 拉夫堡大学 Loughborough 19 约克大学 York 20 朴次茅斯大学 Portsmouth

985工程院校的学生,语言要求7.5,单科不低于7.0,均分要求90分,多数专业要求工作经验,必须提交740分左右的GMAT成绩 。
第二梯队院校:LSE、 UCL、IC
只招收211院校的学生,其中LSE录取通常是最难的,要求国内排名前30的学校学生达到85分,排名31-100名学校的学生达到90分 。
倾向211院校学生,均分在85分左右,通常提供一个700+的GMAT对申请有较大帮助,因为这一批次的学校商科专业众多,所以存在名校的专业申请难度差异,对于非常热门的金融会计类专业申请难度很大,而相对冷门的一些 。
倾向211学校,但是相对于第三梯队的学校,均分要求会宽松一些,热门专业的申请难度会相对小一些,因此是很多成绩优异的学生申请热门专业 。
对于院校背景和均分会适当放松,但是其中一些热门专业申请难度依然不小,比如格拉斯哥的MAcc会计,利兹的金融会计、风险投资类专业也不容掉以轻心 。
【小编总结】介绍了这么多,相信大家还是有了一个基础的了解 。选择到英国去读商科是很好的,作为欧洲金融中心,伦敦占了欧洲市场70%的交易额 。英国各高校利用各种条件,与各个公司乃至整个企业界保持良好的联系,有十分优质的资源 。
