小职员英语怎么说 外国人英语怎么说

staff的含义是“全体人员(全体职员/工作人员等)”,而非一名职员/员工 。
1) staff复数的两种形式:staff, staffs,staffs大多指两批及以上的职员,使用不多见(如一个报社有一个staff,两个报社有两个staffs);
2) staff作主语时,谓语动词的单复数均可(美式英语通常不用复数动词);
3) (…的)工作人员中的一员/一名员工/员工之一,不可说a staff;可以说:
an employee (of/in…),
a staff member(of…);one of the staff members (of…),
a m百思特网ember of staff (of…), one of the members of the staff (of…),
on the staff (of…) 。
a staff of ten (= a group of ten people)职工十人
I have ten staff working for me. 我手下有十名职员 。
The staff in this shop are very helpful. 这家店里的员工非常乐意帮忙 。
在美国英语中,staff(第1及第2义)只能做单数:a staff of ten职工十人(但不能用ten staff)
The staff in this store is very helpful. 这家店里的员工非常乐意帮忙 。
the senator and his staff 参议员及他的工作人员(单数)
senators and their staffs参议员及他们的工作人员(复数)
a staff of twenty people 20名的职员
We have 30 on our staff. = We have a staff of 30. 我们有30名职员 。
the teaching staff(某一学校的)全体教师,教授阵容
Our school’s teaching staff is/are excellent. 我们学校的教师阵容很优秀 。
be on the staff为职员/人员之一
staff表示“全体成员;(全体)职员” 。
She was invited to join the staff of the BBC. 她被邀请成为英国广播公司的职员 。
The police questioned me and all the staff. 警察询问了我和所有的职员 。
在staff后,可以用动词的复数或单数形式,用复数形式更为常见 。
The staff are very helpful. 职工们很愿意帮忙 。
The FI staff is concerned with intelligence collection operations.
FI的职员关心情报收集工作 。
一个组织中的个人不能说出a staff,而应称之为a member of staff 。
There are two students to every member of staff. 每个职工有两个学生 。
At times members of HQ staff adopted a secretive attitude.
总部的职员市场采取隐瞒的态度 。
The entire staff has done a great job this year. 今年,全体员工表现甚佳 。
The staff is at a meeting. 员工百思特网们在开会 。
She is a new member of the staff. 她是一名新员工 。
He has been on the staff (= a member of the staff) for 25 years.
他是已经工作了25年的老员工了 。
The company employs 20 full-time staff. 这家公司雇用了20名全职员工 。
The staff are at a meeting. 员工们正在开会 。
staff意为商店、公司等的全体员工,始终是集合名词 。
若指单独的一名员工,则说a member of staff 。
The company employs around 150 staff. 公司约有150名员工 。
Is there a member of staff who can speak Spanish?
He is on (= a member of) the editorial staff of the magazine.
他是该杂志社的一名编辑人员 。
The staff were very good. 职员都很出色 。
The outpatient program has a staff of six people. 门诊部有6名工作人员 。
members of staff职员
10 staff were allocated to the task 10名员工被分配来完成这项任务
The staff are not happy about the new arrangement. 员工们不喜欢新的安排 。
We need to recruit more staff. 我们需要招募更多员工 。
All the teaching staff were women. 所有教员都是女性 。
在美国英语中,staff通常不这样使用,也不可跟复数动词 。
绝不要说a staff 。要说a staff member, a member of staff(英式),或an employee) 。
【小职员英语怎么说 外国人英语怎么说】2017年11月17日
