
养花人的英文1.急求英文短文一篇关于业余爱好,短文中要涵盖养花,骑车 My hobbiesWhat do you do after school or work?I believe the people who have some hobbies can use time more wisely and enjoy more fulfilled life than the ones who have no hobby at all.I like raising flowers and cycling in my spare time.I do them everyday since they help me maintain a mental and physical balance.Being around by fragrant flowers,I feel like in peace and being able to get rid of the irritation and annoyance for a moment; Riding my bike on the path every morning before school,with my muscles being stretched,I feel getting more and more energetic and ready for a new busy day.Believe it or not,I benefit a lot from these hobbies and I recommend you to develop some if you haven't had any yet.You will see how much they can affect your life in a positive way.我的兴趣爱好你放学或下班以后会做什么?我相信 , 比起那些没有任何爱好的人来说 , 有爱好的人能更明智地利用时间 , 也令生活更加充实.在我的业余时间里 , 我喜欢养花和骑车.我每天都进行这两项活动 , 因为它们能帮助我达到身心健康的平衡点.身处花儿的芬芳之中 , 我觉得心静如水 , 仿佛暂时忘却了世间的烦恼和愤怒;每天早晨上学之前 , 在乡野小路上骑车 , 我觉得肌肉得到了舒展 , 全身精力充沛 , 为繁忙的新一天做好了准备.不论你是否相信 , 我从这些兴趣爱好中获益良多.如果你还没有任何兴趣爱好 , 我建议你也发展一些.你会亲身体会到 , 它们能给你的生活带来怎样积极的影响. 。
2.求一篇英语作文 内容是关于爱好养花骑车的 【养花人的英文】In his spare time hobby is that people do things they like doing. Now people are too busy, too nervous. If a person outside of work, not a hobby, life at monotonous, not sustenance. The reason why people love because it gives people a pleasure and fun.
My hobbies are flower-growing and love bike two decades ago co-existed.
Flowers give people of color wishes, warm fragrance, enjoy raising their own flowers, but also pleasure, a day come home, see their support of the flower, fatigue vanishes.
Cycling is the perseverance and strength of the dual training, whenever I feel bad, I used to ride around a walk, choose a destination, and finally to the moment, the victory of heart will beat all of the ups and downs along the way
Life to have these two hobbies, exhilaration?
3.急求英文短文一篇 关于业余爱好,短文中要涵盖养花,骑车 My hobbies
What do you do after school or work? I believe the people who have some hobbies can use time more wisely and enjoy more fulfilled life than the ones who have no hobby at all.
I like raising flowers and cycling in my spare time. I do them everyday since they help me maintain a mental and physical balance.Being around by fragrant flowers, I feel like in peace and being able to get rid of the irritation and annoyance for a moment; Riding my bike on the path every morning before school, with my muscles being stretched, I feel getting more and more energetic and ready for a new busy day.
Believe it or not, I benefit a lot from these hobbies and I recommend you to develop some if you haven't had any yet. You will see how much they can affect your life in a positive way.
你放学或下班以后会做什么?我相信 , 比起那些没有任何爱好的人来说 , 有爱好的人能更明智地利用时间 , 也令生活更加充实 。
在我的业余时间里 , 我喜欢养花和骑车 。我每天都进行这两项活动 , 因为它们能帮助我达到身心健康的平衡点 。身处花儿的芬芳之中 , 我觉得心静如水 , 仿佛暂时忘却了世间的烦恼和愤怒;每天早晨上学之前 , 在乡野小路上骑车 , 我觉得肌肉得到了舒展 , 全身精力充沛 , 为繁忙的新一天做好了准备 。
不论你是否相信 , 我从这些兴趣爱好中获益良多 。如果你还没有任何兴趣爱好 , 我建议你也发展一些 。你会亲身体会到 , 它们能给你的生活带来怎样积极的影响 。
