
1. Nowadays, peopLe seem more interested in their own lives than in other people's.
2. Social media has made us more isolated than ever; we know more people but care less for them.
3. We are more focused on efficiency and productivity than on building meaningful relationships.
4. The rise of individualism has made us more self-centered and less empathetic.
5. We are more concerned with our own hAPpiness than with the well-being of others.
6. The fast-paced modern world doesn't leave much room for relationships.
7. Trust and loyalty are no longer valued as much as they used to be.
8. People are more likely to use others for their own gAIn than to help them.
9. We are more cynical and suspicious of others than we used to be.
10. The emphasis on personal success has made us less supportive of others.
11. People are more afraid of being taken advantage of than of helping others.
12. The erosion of traditional values has made us more distant from one another.
13. Social media has created a false sense of connection that has harmed real relationships.
14. The perception of kindness and generosity as weakness has made us less likely to help others.
15. The pressure to maintain an image has made us less genuine in our relationships.
16. We are more likely to judge others based on their appearance or status than their character.
17. The loss of community has made us more isolated and self-reliant.
18. The constant pursuit of pleasure has made us less capable of enduring hardship for the sake of others.
19. We are more competitive with one another than cooperative.
20. The culture of consumerism has made us more focused on material possessions than on people.
21. The breakdown of family structures has made us less connected to our loved ones and community.
22. People are more suspicious of strangers and less open to new relationships.
23. The pressure to conform to social norms has made us less willing to stand up for our values.
24. We are more concerned with our own needs and desires than with the needs of others.
25. The emphasis on individual rights has made us less concerned with the common good.
26. People are more detached from the consequences of their actions on others.
27. The lack of spiritual or moral guidance has made us more self-absorbed.
28. We are more likely to withdraw from others than to seek help or support.
29. The decline of religious institutions has weakened the sense of community and interconnectedness.
30. People are more likely to break social contracts than to uphold them.
31. The increasing level of distrust in society has made it harder to form and maintain relationships.
32. We are more likely to dismiss others' suffering as irrelevant to our own lives.
33. The breakdown of civility in public discourse has eroded respect for others.
34. People are less likely to feel a sense of responsibility to others beyond their immediate family and friends.
35. The lack of role models or societal expectations for kindness and compassion has made it less valued.
36. We are less likely to see the dignity and worth of others beyond their usefulness to us.
37. The flattening of hierarchies has made it harder to establish meaningful relationships based on respect and trust.
38. People are less likely to value face-to-face interactions and more reliant on digital communication.
39. The focus on instant gratification has made us less patient and understanding of others' needs.
40. We are more likely to view others as obstacles to our own success than as potential allies.
41. The pressure to be seen as successful has made us less willing to acknowledge or ask for help.
42. People are increasingly isolated in their own echo chambers and less exposed to diverse viewpoints and experiences.
43. The prevalence of online harassment and abuse has driven people further apart.
44. We are more likely to engage with others based on surface-level commonalities rather than deep similarities or differences.
45. The increasing polarization of society has made it harder for people to bridge divides.
46. People are less likely to take time to genuinely listen to others and understand their perspectives.
47. The prevalence of fake news and propaganda has made it harder to establish trust.
48. We are more likely to act out of fear and self-preservation than out of love and altruism.
49. The erosion of public spaces and shared experiences has made it harder to form community bonds.
【关于人情淡薄的句子】50. People are more likely to retreat into their own comfort zones rather than engage with the wider world.
