抵御分心的方法 克服分心的方法英语作文

Do you ever find yourself. . .
Do you ever find yourself trying to concentrate, and yet you cant seem to focus?
Why are we so distracted these days?
And is technology the root cause of the problem, or is there something deeper going on?
My name is Nir Eyal, and Ive spent the last five years researching and writing about the deeper psychology of distraction.
我是 Nir Eyal,我花了三年的天数科学研究和专注力严重不足相关的社会学 。
When I found myself struggling with distraction, I decided to do what many people advise and got rid of the distracting technology.
当我发觉也有专注力严重不足的难题时,我接纳了别人的意见建议,优先选择避开信息技术 。
I got myself a flip-phone without any apps.
我采用未加装任何人插件的黑晶智能手机 。
All it did was phone calls and text messages.
根本无法发短信来电 。
Then I got a word processor from the 1990s without any sort of internet connection.
除此之外,我也转用 1990 二十世纪的文本CPU,它并没有互联网联络人的机能 。
Unfortunately, I found I still got distracted.
但,我辨认出我却是很难感到恐惧 。
Id start reading a book from my bookshelf.
我不时就会从书架找两本书上看 。
Id tidy up my desk.
或者重新整理书柜 。
Id take out the trash even, just to avoid the thing that I didnt want to do.
我即使还会去倒垃圾,是为的是躲避我不该做的事 。
I had only focused on the external triggers, the pings and dings that were leading me towards distraction.
我一直都把专注力严重不足的难题归咎于外在因素,认为是那些叮咚的通知声害我难以专心 。
What I hadnt focused on, and what turns out to be a much more common source of distraction, are the internal triggers, the uncomfortable emotional states that we seek to escape.
但我没注意到的是,感到恐惧的根本其原因其实是更加普通的内在因素,他们会想要逃离任何人不舒服的感受 。
When were lonely, we check Facebook.
当你觉得寂寞时,你就会去刷脸书 。
When were uncertain, we Google.
当你不太确定某个难题时,你会去谷歌 。
When were bored, we check the news, stocks prices, sports scores, anything, to not feel these uncomfortable sensations that were not ready to experience.
当你觉得无聊时,你会看看新闻、股价、运动,或者随便什么,只要能使他们暂时忘记不愉快的事情 。
Here are a few techniques I discovered in my research that could help us stay on track.
以下是我在科学研究里辨认出能够有效集中注意力的技巧 。
1. Plan your day (but not with a to-do list)
1. 计划一天的天数(不要用待办清单)
First, what you want to do is to make sure you plan your day.
技巧一,确立自己一天的行程 。
Two-thirds of people dont keep any sort of calendar, any kind of schedule in their day.
三分之二的人都不曾采用日历来规划天数 。
Well, the fact of the matter is if you dont plan your day,somebody is going to plan it for you.
但,难题在于如果你自己不事先规划好,那么就会变成是别人来帮你规划 。
Many of us believe in this myth of the to-do list.
除此之外,许多人对待办事项清单抱有不切实际的幻想 。
I used to think that just by writing things down, theyd get done.
我以前也觉得只要把事情写下来,那么这些事情就会完成 。
But of course Id go from day to day to day recycling the bottom half of my to-to list, because I wasnt making time to do those tasks.
结果演变成永远在待办事项清单上"回收"剩下一半的事项,因为我根本没有安排天数去执行那些任务 。
So the best place to start is not with the output of what you want to get done every day, but with the input of how much time you have to devote to every task.
总而言之,首要组织工作并不是你每日预计的产出天数,重点在于你每天要在每项事务上花多长天数 。
2. Use social media and email at set times
2. 在固定的天数采用社交媒体及收发邮件
So distraction has many consequences.
感到恐惧会导致许多难题 。
One of them is that we find that when someone is interrupted during a task, it can take up to 20 minutes for them to refocus on what they were doing.
例如,当你受到干扰而感到恐惧时,你会需要足足二十分钟才能重新专心在原本做的事情上 。
Many times we dont even realize how much worse our output is when we. . .
So check email in one solid block.
所以,你应该确立一个收发电子邮件的天数 。
If you enjoy using social media, thats great.
如果你很喜欢采用社交媒体,那也没关系 。
But make time for it in your day, so its not something youre only using every time you feel bored or lonely.
重点是你必须安排一个固定的天数,你才不会在感到无聊寂寞时,一直采用它们 。
3. Surf the urge
3. 控制冲动
Researchers have found that surfing the urge is an effective way to master our internal triggers.
科学研究人员辨认出好好地控制冲动能够有效帮助你掌管那些使你感到恐惧的内在因素 。
In a smoking cessation study, researchers found that when they taught smokers how to notice the sensation and be mindful of what they were experiencing, they became much more likely to stop smoking.
在一项戒烟科学研究里,科学研究者辨认出当他们教吸烟者如何细心感受内在情绪,他们戒烟的成功率越高 。
By surfing the urge and noticing what it is that were experiencing and allowing that sensation to crest and then subside, kind of like how a surfer might surf a wave, we allow that emotion, that uncomfortable internal trigger to crest and then pass.
通过控制冲动与了解当下的感受,能使你的感受上下波动,就像冲浪一样,进而让使你感到恐惧的内在因素消失 。
4. Beware of "liminal" moments
4. 留意“阈限天数”
The next thing that we want to do is be careful of liminal moments.
除此之外,你也要特别留意"阈限天数" 。
Liminal moments are these periods of time when we are transitioning from one task to the other.
所谓的“阈限天数”指的是当你从某任务转换至另一项任务的天数 。
So for example, if you start checking your email on the way back from a meeting, and youre finally at your desk, and you keep checking your email instead of getting to the task at hand.
举例来说,当你开完会,你边走回位置边用智能手机看邮箱,就算你回到自己位置上,你却是会继续看智能手机而不是马上开始组织工作 。
Well, now that liminal moment has turned into a distraction.
而这个阈限天数就成导致了感到恐惧 。
So be careful of those times when youre transitioning from one task to the next.
因此,当你从某任务转换至另一个任务时,要特别当心 。
5. Remember youre not powerless
5. 记得自己并非无能为力
A study of alcoholics found that the number one determinant of whether someone would stay sober after a rehabilitation programme was not their level of physical dependency.
一项关于酗酒者的科学研究辨认出,经过康复治疗后,决定他们与否成功戒酒的并不是身体依赖 。
It wasnt what was happening in their body.
重点并不在身体反应 。
In fact, it was what was happening in their minds.
而是在于他们的内心 。
The people who were most likely to stay sober were those who believed they had the power to stop.
那些更有可能成功戒酒的人,往往都深信自己有能力可以达成 。
So when we think that technology is hijacking our brains or its addicting everyone, we are making it more likely that we wont be able to put technology distractions in their place.
当他们都认为信息技术绑架他们的生活,而且它使人成瘾时,他们就更没办法处理感到恐惧的难题 。
So dont believe this lie that theres nothing we can do.
所以,请不要相信他们无能为力 。
Clearly theres so much we can do to help make sure that we get the best out of these products without letting them get the best of us.
【抵御分心的方法 克服分心的方法英语作文】有很多方式都可以帮助他们提升做事效率,不让其它事物来使他们感到恐惧 。
