
1. 点解你吾系做人呢?(Why aren't you being human?)
2. 你个蠢傻豆腐渣 。(You're a stupid tofu residue.)
3. 你系乜都吾識,唔系狗屎就系鸡肋 。(You don't know anything, you're either dog poop or chicken ribs.)
4. 活生生嘅臭虫,走开啦!(Live stinky bug, get out!)
5. 你个穷佬,吾系畀狗咬就系车虱啦!(You're poor, you're either a dog biter or a flea on a car!)
6. 系吾系最蠢嘅人?(Are you the stupidest person?)
7. 你某个废柴啦,仲蕉唔惧!(You're a waste, And still not afraid!)
8. 你啵啵烂(You're talkative but useless)
9. 系边个傻缺呀你啊?(Who the hell are you, stupid?)
10. 你个过街老鼠,噏住条街嚟!(You're a rat crossing the road, stay on that street!)
11. 系咪系人哦?(Are you even human?)
12. 你系乜鬼东西呀?(What the hell are you?)
13. 你呀,パ的一声!(Just go away!)
14. 你系乜呀?好丑喎!(What are you? You're so ugly!)
15. 你真系一毛嚟嘅 。(You're worth nothing.)
16. 系你自个撞头咯!(It's your own fault!)
17. 得空腆住你啦!(Let me punch you when I'm free!)
18. 系咩估啊你呢?(Who do you think you are?)
19. 唔好学人做乜?(Why don't you learn from others?)
20. 你个圆唔肥,睇你咪跳楼啦!(You're not fat, just jump off a building!)
21. 哇勒嘅!你系咪乜鬼东东?(Wow! What the hell are you?)
22. 系唔系系裙架啊?(Are you a clothes hanger?)
23. 系你年轻时系面嘢噃,啫系依家成日系室内模特好睇啦!(You WEre a beauty in your youth, now you're just an indoor model looking good for nothing!)
24. 你个笨蛋,吾系哩呀!(You're an idiot!)
25. 肥佬,你系咩意思啵?(What do you mean by that, fat guy?)
26. 你啊,睇下你自己啦!(Just look at yourself!)
27. 呢个大煞逼!(This motherf***er!)
28. 我打你肥嘟嘟个脸啊!(I'm gonna punch your chubby face!)
29. 你睇返自己先做咩先喇?(Just look at yourself, what are you even doing?)
30. 系咩个咁尻啊你?(Why are you so annoying?)
31. 哗啦啦你!(Shut up!)
32. 你系个臭鸭蛋!(You're a rotten egg!)
33. 你系个爬虫!(You're a creep!)
34. 系咩咁多假假靡啊!(Why are you so fake?)
35. 无啥用哦你啊!(You're good for nothing!)
36. 咁啰估低你啊!(You're undervalued!)
37. 你啊,屁股丹丹咁,一排排走甘!(You walk with your butt sticking out like the letter D!)
38. 系你自己搞烂你自己啊!(You ruined yourself!)
39. 你个傻豆腐,早点代嚟!(You're a stupid tofu, just die!)
40. 你系乜鬼东西搞到个班衫都系血渍啵?(What the hell did you do to get blood stains on your shirt?)
41. 你咁識逐钱天就得啦!(You're all about money!)
42. 你系咩剩低个烂板凳啊?(What are you, just a lousy stool?)
43. 你个冇哂自觉嘅懒穴!(You're a lazy bum with no self-awareness!)
44. 你个产婆(You're a midwife)
45. 你啊,老粘娃屎咩?(Why are you always glued to little kids?)
46. 空腹腆住你啦!(Let me punch you while empty stomach!)
47. 唔好系度傻傻講大話!(Don't talk nonsense!)
48. 系你吾识睇啦!(You don't know how to read!)
49. 系你啦系你啦!(It's you! It's you!)
【粤语骂人的话】50. 吾系同你讲啦!(I'm not talking to you!)
