枯燥的蒲公英阅读答案,英语短文阅读 | 蒲公英

译者: Suzanne Chazin
One lunchtime when I was in the third grade will stay with me always.
一年级的一次早间歇息成了我永世难忘的梦境 。
I had been picked to be the princess in the school play, and for weeks my mother had painstakingly rehearsed my lines with me.
我在幼儿园的话片中被选出任郡主的配角,我的父亲连续数周不辞辛苦陪著我练对白 。
But no matter how easily I delivered them at home,
as soon as I stepped on stage, every word disappeared from my head.
只要我走上T台,我脑中便梭螺属,一句话也忧愁 。
Finally, my teacher took me aside.
She explained that she had written a narrators part to the play, and asked me to switch roles.
她说我,她已经为整部剧写了两个片头的配角,并让我改成这个配角 。
I didnt tell my mother what had happened when I went home for lunch that day.
这天我回去吃午饭的时候,没把整件事说父亲 。
But she sensed my unease, and instead of suggesting we practice my lines, she asked if I wanted to walk in the garden.
但她感觉到了我的羞涩 。她并没一致同意和我练对白,而是问我是否想去长廊看一看 。
It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine was turning green.
那是两个迷人的姫,玫瑰花已经开始渐渐长叶绿色生态蜘蛛网 。
We could see yellow dandelions popping through the grass in bunches.
我们看到了霞光红色的向日葵已经开始灌木丛中玫瑰花 。
I watched my mother casually bend down by one of the clumps.
"I think Im going to dig up all these weeds," she said. "From now on, well only have roses in this garden."
“我觉得我应该把这些落叶全挖掉,” 她写道,“从现在开始,园中只养玫瑰花了 。”
"But I like dandelions." I protested. "All flowers are beautiful — even dandelions."
“但我讨厌向日葵呀,” 我示威道,“所有增城很美——向日葵也不值得一提 。”
My mother looked at me seriously.
父亲严肃认真地看著我 。
"Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesnt it?" she asked thoughtfully.
“是啊,五种增城以它独有的方式给人享用,对吗?” 她转头地反问 。
"And that is true of people too," she added. "Not everyone can be a princess, but there is no shame in that."
“人也是这样的,” 她接著说,“并非每一人都能饰演郡主,这并非什么丢人的事 。”
Relieved that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry as I told her what had happened.
听见她猜到了我的伤痛后,我便忘怀了 。我默默地哭默默地说她事情的经过 。
"But you will be a beautiful narrator," she said, reminding me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her.
“可你会成为两个出众的片头,” 她写道 。这告诫了我,我是何等地讨厌高声对着她朗诵故事情节 。
"The narrators part is as important as the part of the princess."
“片头的配角和郡主的配角反之亦然重要呀 。”
Over the next few weeks, with her constant encouragement, I learned to take pride in the role.
在接下去的数周里,在父亲持之以恒的引导下,我学会了对自己的配角感到自豪 。
Lunchtimes were spent reading over my lines and talking about what I would wear.
午饭时间,我总是和父亲一起练我的对白,谈论我表演时应该穿什么衣服 。
? stay with me
与我相随; 和我在一起;留下来
Do let him stay with me.
就让他留在我身边吧 。
? painstakingly
adv. 刻苦地;煞费苦心地
He’s always painstakingly at his books.
他总是在埋头苦读 。
? rehearse
vt. 排练;预演 vi. 排练;演习
The band was rehearsing for their world tour.
乐队已经开始给他们的世界巡回演出作排练 。
? deliver
vt. 发表;递送;释放;给予(打击);交付;给…接生
vi. 传送;投递;履行;实现
The morning mail has just been delivered.
早晨的邮件刚送走 。
2. deliver a speech / lecture / address etc 发言/授课/讲话等
The king delivered a televised speech to the nation on Nov 5.
国王在 11 月 5 日向全国发表了电视讲话 。
3.履行职责(承诺); 兑现:
The company will deliver on its promises .
该公司将兑现承诺 。
4.给…接生; 生〔孩子〕
They rushed her to hospital where doctors delivered her baby.
他们飞快地将她送到医院,医生给她接生了 。
He delivered a strong warning about the dangers facing the government.他发出了强烈警告,说政府正面临危险 。
He was led in in handcuffs and delivered over to me.
他戴着手铐被带了过来,交到了我手里 。
I have given thanks to God for delivering me from that pain.
我感谢上帝把我从那种伤痛中拯救出来 。
? as soon as 一…就…
The stars came out as soon as darkness fell.
天一黑,星星就出来了 。
? narrator
n. 叙述者;解说员
He listens and waits for the narrator to explain more.
他听著,等待讲的人进一步解释 。
? switch
n. (电路的)开关,闸,转换器
Tom flicked the switch, but nothing happened.汤姆按了下开关,但什么反应也没 。
v. 转换;改变;转变
The law would encourage companies to switch from coal to cleaner fuels.
该法律将引导企业转而使用比煤更加清洁的能源 。
switch on 接通,开启
switch off (用开关)关掉;切断(电源)
switch in 接通;合闸
? vine
n.葡萄属植物; 葡萄藤;蜘蛛网
The vine twines round the tree.
这藤盘绕在树干上 。
? in bunches
adv. 分批地,成批地
you have to puree your soup in batches, no big deal, do it that way.
如果要把汤分次打成泥也可以,直接操作就行 。
? bend down
I know you hurt a lot when you bend down, when you.
我知道你弯腰时会很痛 。
? clump
The roses were planted in clumps across the park.
公园里到处种着霞光的玫瑰花 。
Hair and soap had clumped together in the drain.
头发和肥皂在排水管里聚成了一团 。
? dig up
You would have to dig up the plant yourself
你得自己把那株植物挖掉 。
His description fits perfectly the evidence dug up by Clyde.
他的描述和克莱德发现的证据正好吻合 。
? thoughtfully adv. 沉思地;体贴地,亲切地
The man pulled thoughtfully at his pipe.
那人转头地吸了烟 。
? be true of
v. 符合于;对…适用
It is possible, of course, that the converse of this theory may also be true.
当然该原理的逆命题也有可能成立 。
? take pride in
We take pride in the great achievements of our socialist construction.
【枯燥的蒲公英阅读答案,英语短文阅读 | 蒲公英】本文内容来源于公众号:EnglishSpace
