
1. If onLy I had told you how much you meant to me, maybe things would have been different.
2. I regret not pursuing you when I had the chance.
3. It's a shame I let my PRide get in the way and didn't APologize to you when I should have.
4. I wish I had spent more time with you before you moved away.
5. I miss the opportunity to make memories with you.
6. If only I had chosen a different path, maybe our relationship would have worked out.
7. I regret not being there for you when you needed me the most.
8. It's a shame we drifted apart and never got a chance to reconnect.
9. I wish I had listened to you when you were warning me about a certain situation.
10. I miss the connection we had and wish we could have maintained it.
【表达错过的遗憾的句子】11. If only I had been more patient, maybe things wouldn't have ended the way they did.
12. I regret not taking more risks and exploring new things with you.
13. It's a shame we never got to travel together and experience new places.
14. I wish I had expressed my true feelings for you instead of keeping them bottLED up.
15. I miss the bond we shared and the laughs we had.
16. If only I had made more effort, maybe our friendship wouldn't have fizzled out.
17. I regret not keeping in touch with you after we graduated.
18. It's a shame we never got to work on that project together.
19. I wish I had supported you more during your tough times.
20. I miss the good times we had and the moments we shared.
21. If only I had been more understanding, maybe things wouldn't have gone south.
22. I regret not acknowledging your accomplishments and successes.
23. It's a shame we never got to collaborate and create something amazing.
24. I wish I had taken the time to get to know you better.
25. I miss the conversations we had and the debates we engaged in.
26. If only I had been more forgiving, maybe we could have moved on.
27. I regret not being able to say goodbye properly.
28. It's a shame we never got to attend that event together.
29. I wish I had been more supportive of your dreams and aspirations.
30. I miss the memories we made and the experiences we shared.
31. If only I had been more honest, maybe we could have worked on our problems.
32. I regret not saying sorry and making amends when I hurt you.
33. It's a shame we never got a chance to jam together.
34. I wish I had appreciated the time we had together more.
35. I miss the friendship we had and the occasions we celebrated.
36. If only I had been more communicative, maybe we could have avoided the misunderstandings.
37. I regret not being able to attend your wedding.
38. It's a shame we never got to celebrate a milestone together.
39. I wish I had reached out to you when I felt the distance growing.
40. I miss the camaraderie we had and the adventures we embarked on.
41. If only I had been more patient, maybe we could have reconciled.
42. I regret not being able to attend your baby shower.
43. It's a shame we never got to watch that movie we talked about.
44. I wish I had acknowledged your efforts and hard work.
45. I miss the support we gave each other and the pep talks we had.
46. If only I had been more understanding, maybe we could have survived the rough patches.
47. I regret not being able to attend your graduation ceremony.
48. It's a shame we never got to enjoy that meal we planned.
49. I wish I had complimented you more on your talents and skills.
50. I miss the friendship we had and the memories we created.
