
【心碎的句子英语翻译】1. My Heart shattered into a million pieces.
2. I felt like soMEone had ripped my heart out of my chest.
3. The pain of a broken heart Is indescribable.
4. It's like a knife twiSting in my chest, every time I think of you.
5. The world feels like a bleak and lonely place without you.
6. I cried until my tears ran dry, but it didn't ease the pain.
7. My heart is shattered beyond repair.
8. It's hard to breathe when your heart is broken.
9. All I see is darkness and despair now that you're gone.
10. The pain is always there, lurking just beneath the surface.
11. It's like a hole in my heart that can't be filled.
12. I keep asking myself what I did wrong, but there are no answers.
13. The memories of us together haunt me every day.
14. I wish I could turn back time and fix everything.
15. Love can be the most beautiful thing in the world, but it can also break you.
16. I thought you were the one, but I was wrong.
17. My heart feels like it's been through a war, and it's lost.
18. The tears won't stop falling, no matter how hard I try.
19. It's hard to move on when your heart is still stuck in the past.
20. Knowing you don't love me anymore is the hardest thing to accept.
21. The silence is deafening without you by my side.
22. The pain of losing you is a constant ache in my chest.
23. Sometimes it feels like my heart is dead, like I can never love again.
24. It's like I'm always searching for something that's just out of reach.
25. I feel like a part of me is missing without you.
26. The world keeps turning, but my heart is still broken.
27. I wish I could forget you, but the memories are too strong.
28. It's hard to find the strength to carry on when your heart is heavy.
29. The pain of heartbreak is universal, but that doesn't make it any easier.
30. Love is a beautiful but dangerous game.
31. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever heal from this pain.
32. The wound is still fresh, and it hurts with every beat of my heart.
33. I thought I could handle anything, but this pain is too much.
34. I don't know how to move on from a broken heart.
35. My heart feels like it's in a never-ending free fall.
36. It's like I'm living in a nightmare from which I can't escape.
37. The pain consumes me, and I can't escape from it.
38. I thought I could love you forever, but forever ended too soon.
39. My heart aches for what we could have been.
40. It's hard to believe that something so beautiful could end so painfully.
41. I feel like a ghost, wandering through life without a purpose.
42. The pain of losing you is a constant reminder of what I lost.
43. I thought we were meant to be, but fate had other plans.
44. I'm left with nothing but memories of what we had.
45. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in my own tears.
46. It's like the world keeps spinning, but I'm stuck in the same place.
47. The pain of heartbreak is unique to each person, but it's always devastating.
48. I wish I could turn back time and make things right.
49. It's hard to find a reason to keep going when your heart is broken.
50. The pain of a broken heart is intense, but it won't last forever.
