
I just want to get this mess straightened out. I hate this weather.
我想整理一下这乱糟糟的一团 。我讨厌这天气 。
It’s sucked. I have had it up to here with this guy.
糟透了 。我受够这个家伙了 。
I’ve got a real problem with one of my co-workers. This is awful.
我有个同事真让我受不了 。这太糟糕了 。
I can’t stand this. I’m going to complain about this.
我忍受不了这个 。我想对此进行抱怨 。
I’m fed up with your behavior. I’ve had it up to here with you.
你的行为让我受够了 。我受够你了 。
This is intolerable. I will not accept this situation.
这无法容忍 。我对此不能容忍 。
I will not stand for this. I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.
我对此无法容忍 。我将向他抱怨一番 。
I want to make a complaint.
我想抱怨一番 。
世界上有很多事情,都会逼得人不耐烦 。比如你在看一场精彩的电影,邻座的一位妇女无体止地嗑瓜子,前面吞云吐雾地抽着香烟 。如果你去和心上人约会,时间快到了,司机却在半道上和乘客拌嘴而停了下来,你能不急躁吗?
在这种情况下,表露出自己抱怨的心情,也是无可指责的,有时还是有必要的,比方一位不大守信用的人借了你的书,迟迟没有归还,催过几次还不见动静 。这时,你就可以对他这么说:Isn’t it about time you purmed my book?(是不是到了你该还书的时候了?)对方听了这话,一定会红着脸把书还给你 。
由此可见,适当地表露出不耐烦抱怨情绪,有时也是一种自我保护的需要 。出国者对此不可不学,因为国外并不是事事使人称心如意,人人懂事明理的 。
I was wondering whether you had finished typing yet.
我想知道,你打字是否打完了 。
I don’t want to rush you,but it’s time to leave.
我并不是想催你,不过是该下班了 。
When are you going to stop playing that horribletune?
Stop singing that terrible song,will you?
I just want to get this mess straightened out.^我想整理一下这乱糟糟的一团 。
I hate this weather.^我讨厌这天气 。
It’s sucked.^糟透了 。
I have had it up to here with this guy.^我受够这个家伙了 。
I’ve got a real problem with one of my co-workers.^我有个同事真让我受不了 。
This is awful.^这太糟糕了 。
I can’t stand this.^我忍受不了这个 。
I’m going to complain about this.^我想对此进行抱怨 。
I’m fed up with your behavior.^你的行为让我受够了 。
I’ve had it up to here with you.^我受够你了 。
This is intolerable.^这无法容忍 。
I will not accept this situation.^我对此不能容忍 。
I will not stand for this.^我对此无法容忍 。
I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.^我将向他抱怨一番 。
【抱怨的英文有哪些?盘点900句英语口语句子汇总】I want to make a complaint.^我想抱怨一番 。
