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英语散文欣赏:The Happy Door

Happiness is like a pebble1(卵石) dropped into a pool to set in motion an ever-widening circle of ripples2. As Stevenson has said, being happy is a duty.

There is no exact definition of the word happiness. Happy people are happy for all sorts of reasons. The key is not wealth or physical well-being3, since we find beggars, invalids4 and so-called failures, who are extremely happy.

Being happy is a sort of unexpected dividend(红利,股息). But staying happy is an accomplishment5, a triumph of soul and character. It is not selfish to strive for it. It is, indeed, a duty to ourselves and others.

Being unhappy is like an infectious disease. It causes people to shrink away from the sufferer. He soon finds himself alone, miserable6 and embittered7. There is, however, a cure so simple as to seem, at first glance, ridiculous; if you don't feel happy, pretend to be!

It works. Before long you will find that instead of repelling8(击退,抵制) people, you attract them. You discover how deeply rewarding it is to be the center of wider and wider circles of good will.

Then the make-believe becomes a reality. You possess the secret of peace of mind, and can forget yourself in being of service to others.

Being happy, once it is realized as a duty and established as a habit, opens doors into unimaginable gardens thronged9 with grateful friends.

英语散文:时不我待 珍惜现在

We convince1 ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby. Then we are frustrated2 that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when we are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire.

The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. Your life will always be filled with challenges3. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy. There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So, treasure every moment that you have.

Stop Waiting Stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced4, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until you die, until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.




英语散文:Success in Life

Success means different things for different people. Some may equate1(等同) it with fame, some with wealth and still some with accomplishments2. For me, it means fulfilling one's dreams. Whatever your dreams are, you have a goal there and then focus all your attention on it. Dreams bring you hope and happiness. In the process of struggling for it, you cry, sweat, complain or even curse, but the joy of harvesting makes you forget all the pains and troubles you have gone through. So an old proverb(谚语,格言) says that the sweetest fruit is one that has undergone the bitterest ordeal3. There are several keys to success. First, your goal must be practical and practicable(行得通的). If you set your goal too high, chances are that you will never attain4 it. Next, you have to make a plan of doing it. You can take some steps to realize it. Since the process is quite tough, you need to be diligent5, patient and persevering6. Even if you meet with some difficulties or frustrations7, just take them in your stride. You can always tell yourself that there is nothing insurmountable. With this will and determination, success is sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!

英语散文欣赏:Golden Fruit

Of the fruits of the year I give my vote to the orange. In the first place it is a perennial1 -- if not in actual fact, at least in the greengrocer's shop. On the days when dessert is a name given to a handful of chocolates and a little preserved ginger2, when macedoine de fruits is the title bestowed3 on two prunes4 and a piece of rhubarb, then the orange, however sour, comes nobly to the rescue; and on those other days of plenty when cherries and strawberries and raspberries, and gooseberries riot together upon the table, the orange, sweeter than ever, is still there to hold its own. Bread and butter, beef and mutton, eggs and bacon, are not more necessary to an order existence than the orange. It is well that the commonest fruit should be also the best. Of the virtures of the orange I have not room fully5 to speak. It has properties of health giving, as that it cures influenza6 and establishes the complexion7. It is clean, for whoever handles it on its way to your table, but handles its outer covering, its top coat, which is left in the hall. It is round, and forms an excellent substitute with the young for a cricket ball. The pip can be flicked8 at your enemies, and quite a small piece of peel makes a slide for an old gentleman. But all this would count nothing had not the orange such delightful9 qualities of the taste. I dare not let myself go upon this subject. I am a slave to its sweetness. I grudge10 every marriage in that it means a fresh supply of orange blossom, the promise of so much golden fruit cut short. However, the world must go on. Yet with the orange we do live year in and year out. That speaks well for the orange. The fact is that there is an honesty aboutthe orange which appeals to all of us. If it is going to be bad -- for the best of us are bad sometimes -- it begins to be bad from the outside, not from the inside. How many a pear which presents a blooming face to the world is rotten at the core. How many an innocent-looking apple is harbouring a worm in the bud. But the orange had no secret faults. Its outside is a mirror of its inside, and if you are quick you can tell the shopman so before he slips it into the bag.

