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panic有什么意思呢? panic它的用法是怎样的呢?今天小编给大家带来了 panic的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


n. 恐慌,惊慌,(金融方面)大恐慌,成功,〈俚〉非常滑稽的人

vt. 使恐慌

vi. 十分惊慌

adj. 恐慌的,惊慌失措的

变形:过去式: panicked; 现在分词:panicking; 过去分词:panicked;




panic既是类名词,也是抽象名词,句中的冠词a可省略。There was a panic among the people.句中的冠词“a”可以省略。


The thunder panicked the horse.雷声使马受惊了。

The idea might panic the investors.这个想法可能会使投资者惶恐不安。

I panic at the thought of my weakness and fear it being exposed.想到自己的弱点,我惊恐不堪,更害怕这弱点被曝光。


1、You feel an animal panic to run and hide.


2、A wall collapsed and 39 people, were killed in the panic-stricken stampede.


3、An earthquake hit the capital, causing panic among the population.


panic词组 | 习惯用语

no panic [美国俚语]不大高明;平凡

panic disorder 惊恐性障碍,恐慌症

in panic 惊慌的

panic attack 惊恐发作(一种病症)

financial panic 金融恐慌;经济恐慌

panic button 应急开关;紧急保险按钮

panic buying 抢购,恐慌性抢购


1.The banks were panicked into selling dollars.银行惊恐地抛售美元。

2.The fire caused a panic among the horses.火灾引起了马群的惊慌。

3.This threw the reactionary police into utter panic.这使反动警察极为惊恐。

4.The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.枪炮声使群众惊慌失措。

5.Panic took hold of him and he couldn’t move.他惊慌失措,动弹不得。

6.There was a panic when the building caught fire.大楼起火时, 人们一片惊慌。

7.He felt a spasm of panic sweeping over him.他感到一阵恐慌传遍全身。

8.He thought himself into a panic over the impending examination.他对于临近的考试感到恐慌

9.Stay calm; there's no need to hit the panic button.安静;没有必要去按报警钮

10.He panicked and ran as fast as he could to safety.他很惊慌,赶快跑到安全地方。

11.Panic reigned as the fire spread.大火蔓延时到处一片恐慌

12.The man was seized with panic.这个人惊惶失措。

13.Rumors of the President's illness resulted in panic on the world stock markets.关于总统病情的流言引起了世界股票市场的恐慌。

14.The gunfire panicked the baby.炮声使婴儿受到了惊吓。

15.He panics easily and is useless in an emergency.See Synonyms at futile他很容易着慌,在紧急情况下是个帮不上忙的人参见 futile

16.The radio drama was so realistic that it panicked listeners who tuned in after it had begun.这部广播剧如此逼近现实,它开播后使听众恐慌

17.If something geos Very Wrong Way (tm), don't panic. Any way you still have unencrypted partition to boot from.如果出了什麽错误,不要紧张。你始终可以从非加密的分区启动。

18.The fund heavy warehouse stock falls largely symbolizes that the institutional investor also falls into panic, this stops to the market falls quite disadvantageously.基金重仓股的大幅下跌标志着机构投资者也陷入恐慌之中,这对市场的止跌相当不利。

19.The economy is stronger now than it was in 1988, when the first concerted decontrol of price set off panic buying and runs on banks.中国的经济实力比1988年强多了,当时第一次全面放开价格造成了抢购风和银行提款潮。

20.If I told people that a gangbanger was going to get shot, or a busload of soldiers was going to get blown up, nobody would panic.如果我跟大家说,有个混帮派的要被宰了,或是有一车的阿兵哥会被炸死,没有人会惊慌。


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