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mature有成熟,长成,(票据等)到期的意思。这一词汇是初中英语比较重点的词汇,今天小编给大家带来了mature的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


adj. (人、树木、鸟或动物)成熟的,仔细考虑过的,到期(应该支付)的,成年人的

vi. 成熟,长成,(票据等)到期

vt. 使…成熟,使…长成,慎重拟定(计划等)

变形:副词:maturely; 比较级:maturer; 最高级:maturest; 过去式: matured; 现在分词:maturing; 过去分词:matured;






Girls mature earlier than boys.女孩比男孩成熟得早些。

He was not able to mature his plans.他未能将他的计划酝酿成熟。

The wine is left to mature in oak barrels.葡萄酒在橡木桶中陈酿。


1、These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.


2、Some adolescents might be more sexually mature and provocative than others.


3、The caterpillars tunnel into the fruit to grow and mature.


mature词组 | 习惯用语

mature market 成熟的市场

mature stage 成熟期;产品生命成熟期

mature market economy 成熟的市场经济

mature embryo 成熟胚

mature adult 成熟的成年人


1.The child's judgment matures as she grows older.这孩子的判断力随着她年龄的增长而变得成熟

2.This is a dress shop for mature women.这是一家成年妇女服装店。

3.Boys mature more slowly than girls,both physically and psychologically.在生理和心理上,男孩比女孩成熟得晚些。

4.Miss Walker was a mature lady when she married.沃克小姐结婚时已经不年轻了。

5.Cranes take from four to seven years to mature before they pair up.鹤要四至七岁才成熟交配。

6.Desert plants, however, tend to be slow growing—guayule takes two years to mature.然而,沙漠植物往往生长缓慢——银胶菊要两年才能成熟。

7.In albuminous seeds, it remains as a permanent storage organ of the mature seed.在有胚乳的种子中,它保留作为成熟种子中的永久贮藏器官。

8."Every April, when these trees become mature, they will spread the blowball," she said.韩研究员说,每年4月毛白杨果实成熟时便会开裂并释出杨絮。

9.I am very, very passionate and desire only a mature women with similars compatible factors.个性简述 I am a light heated gentleman with a great sense of humor.

10.It's a mature plan.这是个深思熟虑的计划。

11.Van Gogh's mature work.凡•高的成熟作品。

12.It took about six weeks for the eyas to mature into a fully grown peregrine falcon.雏鹰成长为一只完全成熟的游隼大概需要六周的时间。

13.She grows more mature, beautiful, and wiser, but never changes her loyalism, hospitality and frank heart.她变得更加成熟、美丽和智慧,但忠实、热情和坦诚的心却始终不移。

14.With hard work, she developed into a great writer.See Synonyms at mature经过艰苦地工作,她成为一位伟大的作家参见 mature

15.Three different groups simultaneously announced that they had converted unipotent, mature skin cells back into an undifferentiated state.三个不同的组织同时声称,他们已经将单能性、成熟的皮肤细胞反转为无差别状态。

16.The acrosome in the head was spheral in shape, and there was only one mitochondria in the mature sperm.核染色质凝集成团块状,中部不发达,线粒体融合成1个环绕中部。

17.The average number of the eggs in each mature gravid proglottid was 26 891 ,varied from 550 to 172 500.猪带绦虫每节成熟孕节内虫卵数量不等,最少为550个,最多为172500个,平均为26891个。

18.First Desire Serenade Indelicate green morning, I will be a heart.A heart.In mature night, I will be a yellowhammer.A yellowhammer.在青澈的清晨 我是一颗心 一颗心 在成熟的夜晚 我是一个古老的音符 一个古老的音符 哦!

19.Not taking action while opportunity being mature is called drumble that would cause delay in work. So higher-up must hate you.时机已经成熟而不去干,叫做迟缓,迟缓就办不成事情,主上必然怨恨。

20.Physiological mature of bud is the base of grafting,and semi-lignify is considered as the index of walnut grafting at growing stage.植物芽的生理成熟是对植物嫁接的基础,核桃生长期嫁接均采用半木质化为指标。


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