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king有国王,老K,王,…之王的意思。那你们想知道king的用法吗?今天小编给大家带来了king的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


n. 国王,(纸牌中的)老K,(国际象棋的)王,…之王

vt. 立…为王

adj. 巨型的







The lion is called the king of beasts.狮子号称百兽之王。

The king is the most important person in a kingdom.国王是一个王国中最重要的人物。

You can also get a glimpse of the King of All Teas.还可以一睹茶中之王的风采。


The black horse is one of Mr. King's stable.那匹黑马是金先生的赛马之一。

Mr King has many clerks in his employ.金先生雇用了许多办事员。

God save King George and loyalty!上帝保佑乔治国王和他忠实的臣民。


1、The King made major concessions to end the confrontation with his people.


2、The king's indulgence towards his sons angered the business community.


3、It is my destiny one day to be king.


king词组 | 习惯用语

martin luther king n. 马丁·路德·金(美国黑人运动领袖)

monkey king 美猴王,孙悟空

king arthur 亚瑟王(电影名,是英格兰传说中的国王)

king lear 李尔王

king of kings 万王之王(耶稣基督);上帝

burger king 汉堡王

live like a king 过奢侈(或阔绰)的生活

stephen king n. 史蒂芬·金(美国恐怖小说家)

sea king 中古时代北欧的海盗头子

king size 特大尺寸的

king crab 皇帝蟹;鳕场蟹;勘察加拟石蟹;鲎

king for a day 短暂为王

uncrowned king (某领域中)公认的最出色者

king of the forest 橡树

king penguin 国王企鹅;帝企鹅(等于Aptenodytes patagonicus)

king post [建筑]桁架中柱;吊杆柱;主梁

king of the castle (团体或机构中)最重要的人物;身居高位的人;◎(儿童游戏中的)山寨大王;◎[口语]大王,头领;

king salmon 大鳞大麻哈鱼;鲑鱼王

king prawn 宽沟对虾;大虾;国王明虾


1.Not all kings behave in a kingly way.并非所有国王都有王者风范。

2.The king and queen were robed in red.国王和王后身穿着红色的长袍。

3.YapEroThe funking king is the son of the funked king!金日成是金正日的儿子!

4.Even the King and Queen experienced hardship during the war.连国王和王后在战时都经受了苦难。

5.The expectant crowds waited for the king and his queen to pass.期待的人群等候国王和皇后经过。

6.The fairy king and queen were contending over possession of the cat.仙王和仙后争着要这只猫。

7.Queen Elizabeth reigns over the UK.伊丽莎白女王是联合王国的君主。

8.Long, long ago there lived a king.很久很久以前,那里住着一位国王。

9.Soldiers must swear allegiance to the King.战士们必须对国王宣誓效忠。

10.The king received the ambassador in state.国王以隆重仪式接见大使。

11.They arrested him at the King’s behest.他们奉国王之命逮捕了他。

12.She was betitled “Queen” of the college.她被称为“校花”。

13.The king tried to circumvent his enemies.国王企图用计谋战胜敌人。

14.The Queen disrobed after the coronation ceremony.那位女王于加冕礼后脱去了王袍。

15.They covenanted in loyalty to the king.他们缔结盟约以效忠国王。

16.The king was deposed by his people.那位国王被人民罢免[废除]。

17.They are the descendants of Queen Victoria.他们是维多利亚女王的后裔。

18.He is in disfavor with the king.他不赞成皇帝的做法。

19.The Queen's yacht was escorted by destroyers.女王的游艇由驱逐舰护航。

20.A hive can't exist without a queen.蜂房不可无蜂王。


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