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1. 表格:分类排列纪录事项的文件。

2. 饼形图:表示整体与部分间的关系,通常用百分比表示图中的每个部分。

3. 线型图:表示数量的连续变化数量一般以时间的变化来衡量。

4. 条带图:用条带的高低或长短来表示在不同时间里的不同数量或同一数量。

5. 累积条带图:将累积条带的高度按比例分成不同的数量,用以比较不同的项目。



1. 再看一遍题目,确保题意理解正确;

2. 把题干里最关键的名词取出来;

3. 到每张图里面去逐一分析和这些名词相关的数据;

4. 综合分析上面取出来的数据,这样就能把图表题给搞定了。





比如圆周率的数值3.14,就很重要,在很多圆的计算题中,圆的周长,面积的数值基本上都是314的倍数,比如 628,比如157,等等。还有特殊的直角三角形的边角关系,3、4、5;1、1、1.414;5、12、13;1、1.1732、2等等,最好熟记之,以利于减少计算时间。




Passage 1

Four women-G, H, I, and J-and four men-R, S, T, and U-are the eight people to be seated at a rectangular table. Three of the people are to sit on one side of the table, three are to sit on the other side of the table, one is to sit at the head of the table, and one is to sit at the foot of the table. The following restrictions on seating arrangements must be observed:

Persons of the same sex cannot sit next to each other on the same side of the table.

The person seated at the foot of the table cannot be the same sex as the person seated at the head of the table.

T cannot be seated on the same side of the table as I.

U cannot be seated on the same side of the table as J.

1. If U is seated at the head of the table and I is seated in the middle seat on one side of the table, which of the following must be true?

(A) J is seated at the foot of the table.

(B) R is seated at the foot of the table.

(C) G is seated on the same side of the table as I.

(D) S is seated on the opposite side of the table from I.

(E) T is seated on the opposite side of the table from I.

2. If J is to be seated at the head of the table, each of the following could be seated at the foot of the table EXCEPT

(A) H

(B) R

(C) S

(D) T

(E) U

3. If S is seated at the foot of the table, U is seated in an end seat on one side of the table, and I is seated in an end seat on the other side of the table, where must T be seated?

(A) At the head of the table

(B) In the middle seat on the same side of the table as U

(D) In an end seat on the same side of the table as U

(D) In the middle seat on the same side of the table as I

(E) In an end seat on the same side of the table as I

4. If T is seated at the head of the table, R is seated in the middle seat on one side of the table, and I is seated in the middle seat on the other side of the table, which of the following can be true?www.Examw.com

(A) G is seated at the foot of the table.

(B) H is seated on the same side of the table as I.

(C) J is seated on the same side of the table as I.

(D) S is seated on the same side of the table as R.

(E) U is seated on the same side of the table as R.

5. If T is seated at the foot of the table, U is seated in the middle seat on one side of the table, and I is seated in the middle seat on the other side of the table, which of the following must be seated at the head of table?

(A) G

(B) H

(C) J

(D) R

(E) S





就个人的经验来说,对于GRE数学部分出错的题目,有90%以上是因为粗心造成的,剩下的10%才是因为其他原因诸如看不懂题意或者题意理解错误导致的。总会在数学题目里面设有很多陷阱,做的时候要很小心,尤其是对于前15个题目,因为都有一个无法比较的选项,所以尤其要小心。还有一个经典的陷阱是题目给出的图形是否是按照比例,即是否有” draw to scale”的字样,这样的陷阱也考过了很多次。做题的时候不要光求快,如果有时间的话适当检查一下就会好很多。我个人比较推荐数学在15-20分钟之内做完,然后检查1-2遍,当然前提是你没有跨区的打算。












Same as applies to verbal section, save for the fact that each section is 35 minutes. Of course, you’ll be happy here to have those precious extra 5 minutes. Here’s some tips on saving time with GRE math.


