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1. Pause,读完每个段落停下来;

2. Evaluate,总结大意,思考此段落的作用;

3. Anticipate,预期下一段会讲什么;

4. Reassess,读完下一段再对第二步的evaluate进行评估。


GRE阅读提高技巧4:Passage Map


你在每一次读完一篇GRE文章,都需要在脑子里形成一个Passage Map,这是非常重要的。


GRE阅读文章中常用的转折词有7个:but, however, yet, though, nevertheless, nonetheless, still。其中前四个为强转折词,后三个为让步式转折。读到这里,有的同学可能会疑惑:though不是让步连接词吗?没错,though一般情况下做连词,连接让步状语从句(句内转折)。但是如果是在两个逗号之间的though,则是副词,相当于however。如这句话About the same time, though, scientists realized comets might contain decaying radioactive isotopes that could have warmed cometary interiors to temperatures that caused the interiors to evolve. 此句表明科学家们完全不同意前一句的看法。让步式转折只要出现,必然是考点,同时也是容易丢分的点。


Astronomers who study planet formation once believed that comets—because they remain mostly in the distant Oort cloud, where temperatures are close to absolute zero—must be pristine relics of the material that formed the outer planets. The conceptual shift away from seeing comets as pristine relics began in the 1970s, when laboratory simulations revealed there was sufficient ultraviolet radiation reaching comets to darken their surfaces and there were sufficient cosmic rays to alter chemical bonds or even molecular structure near the surface. Nevertheless, astronomers still believed that when a comet approached the Sun—where they could study it—the Sun’s intense heat would remove the corrupted surface layer, exposing the interior. About the same time, though, scientists realized comets might contain decaying radioactive isotopes that could have warmed cometary interiors to temperatures that caused the interiors to evolve.

For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

1. It can be inferred that the author would agree with which of the following statements about the “laboratory simulations”?

A. The simulations showed that despite the low temperatures in the Oort cloud, there was sufficient energy there to alter comet

B. Astronomers were initially reluctant to accept what simulation showed about the composition of comets

C. The simulations themselves did not eliminate the possibility that comets contain pristine relics of material from the early solar system.

这是一道不定项选择题。答案是AC,很多同学都选上了B选项,他们觉得 laboratory simulations这句话后马上出现了Nevertheless, astronomers still believed…….., 因为nevertheless一词, 所以有的同学会觉得astronomers不会接受前一句的laboratory simulations的结果的。但是要知道,nevertheless和 nonetheless一样表示的都是让步式转折,也就是说天文学家接受前一句的实验结果,但是他们持不同的观点。所谓让步式转折就是接受前面的事实陈述部分,但是不接受观点。



01 题目数量

一个Verbal的section中总量有20题,其中填空占到10道,其余的10道题目是Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)。

02 题目形式

Text Completion中可以根据空格数量分成:单空题,双空题即三空题。其中单空题有五个选项,选择一个正确答案;双空题和三空题均是每空三个选项,选择一个正确答案。举例如下:


Early studies often concluded that the public was ______ the propagandistic influence of mass communications, but one recent study indicates that, on the contrary, mass communications seldom produce marked changes in social attitudes or actions.

(A) unaware of

(B) scornful of

(C) susceptible to

(D) unimpressed by

(E) coping with

(参见Official GRE VERBAL REASONING Practice Questions第58页第3题)


The figure-skating pair’s convincing victory last week was particularly (i)______ to their rivals who were in peak form and complained privately about the judging. That the pair won when their rivals were (ii)______ too is also impressive.

Blank(i) Blank(ii)

(A) unsurprising (D) terrific

(B) irksome (E) nervous

(C) gratifying (F) inconsistent

(参见Official GRE VERBAL REASONING Practice Questions第58页第4题)


The company’s efforts to improve safety were apparently (i)______, at least according to the company’s own data, which showed that the (ii)______ incidents with the potential to cause a serious accident declined significantly. Nevertheless, independent analysts argue that those statistics are (iii)______. These analysts maintain that the company has consistently underestimated both the probability and the likely effects of accidents in the sensitive and poorly understood environment in which the company is operating.

Blank(ii) Blank(ii) Blank(iii)

(A) innovative (D) frequency of (G) deceptive

(B) successful (E) impediments to (H) testable

(C) frustrated (F) attention to (I) consistent

(参见Official GRE VERBAL REASONING Practice Questions第59页第7题)

Sentence Equivalence题目有一个空格,选项有留个,要求从其中选择出两个使句子语义最终一致,或者说选出两个广义同义的选项。举例如下:

Parkin’s characterization of the movement as Neo-Scholastic is too ______ to be accepted without further investigation.

(A) cursory

(B) detailed

(C) perfunctory

(D) biased

(E) self-evident

(F) complete

(参见Official GRE VERBAL REASONING Practice Questions第86页第5题)


