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1. 逻辑混乱。







其实这可能和我们高中初中的英语教育有关系,大家都很喜欢一条一条摆原因。Firstly, secondly...然后后面至于这个ly后面是什么就不管了,一顿胡扯。也不管这段落与段落之间的衔接是否自然,反正都有什么ly给打头阵。









一般来说是:名人名事(知名度大)> 众人众事(样本大)>自己经历(体会深)>他人经历。假设往往不够有说服力,因为很难涉及到每一个变量。但是假设在有的时候可以行得通,就是在很难说清楚步骤和因果关系的时候,用一个假设场景来推导会让文章变得浅显易懂。




ok,乍一看这个没有问题。但是实际上问题大了,用goole查到很多资料,是因为电脑还是internet?这很容易就偏题了,变成internet 对学生来说是有益的。例子一定要从论点出发,再回到论点。不要将你的论点发散,后果很可能就是越写越跑题。所以每次写好一篇文章,都看看,论据里的key words是不是和论点里的key words 一样,论点里的key words又是不是和题目里的key words一样。你的key words 可以比大题里的key words更加narrow,但是千万不要更加广泛。

逻辑错误是GRE作文段落中逻辑比较容易错的。一般是对接续词的运用。如However, thus, therefore,他们决定了上下文之间的关系,但是很多读起来就很奇怪,两者完全不是转折的关系,用了however,就会让人觉得有些无厘头。或者就是上下文之间完全没有逻辑联系,就是两个单句凑在了一起。还是这句话,一篇文章和流水似的,不能断。中间断了那就不叫好文章了。即使前一句与有一句没有接续词,它们在逻辑上也是要能承接的。想要去的GRE写作满分,则一定要在逻辑上完美无缺。

GRE issue写作优秀实例:多媒体教育


Although innovations such as video, computers, and the Internet seem to offer schools improved methods for instructing students, these technologies all too often distract from real learning.



Nowadays there is a growing concern about the role that innovations have played in the field of learning. While most people think that innovations benefit learning process in various ways, different opinions arise that these technology advancements actually distract students from real learning. On balance, according to my personal observation,whether innovations can be beneficial or detrimental to real learning depends on the students and the teachers, not on these innovations themselves.

To begin with, technological innovations do help teaching and learning in various ways.With the aid of these technologies, the process of teaching and learning can be shorter and easier than before. For instance, if a student want certain published papers of an academic discipline, he/she may look through considerable catalogs to find the ones he/she needs. However, with the help of Internet innovation, at present most of these papers are published online. Consequently, to find certain paper the procedure is much easier and shorter, the students just type the key words and other information of the paper, and then the system will search the database, and the papers are there waiting for them. As this new approach can save a lot of time for the students, he/she could have more time reading the papers and absorbing the knowledge rather than checking and looking for the papers that could be a waste of his/her time. This example aptly illustrates how technology advancement benefited the students and their learning process.

Secondly, while innovations can help learning in various ways, it is more important that the central role of the pursuit for knowledge and wisdoms are maintained. What real matters is not the approach but the purpose of learning. In India, where modern technologies are less applied to the learning process than in the US and other developed countries, still a lot of distinguished students achieved their academic goal with their hard work and desires to knowledge. In the US, where the software engineering students are given the most advanced facilities and apparatus for their learning and research, however, it is wildly accepted that they are far less outstanding compared to the Indian students of software, who may share computers in groups. From this comparison we can see that the real and core push of learning is the desire for knowledge, not the help of innovations.

In addition, if not guided properly, the technology advancement might inhibit learning.In other words, innovation can distract the students from real learning than helping them. It is obvious that a computer can help students of science to calculate mathematical equations but can also be used for recreation such as net surfing or computer games. It is highly possible that these students can spend more time and energy on recreations rather than learning when using a computer. Thus, learning is inhibited. Under this circumstance, guidance and restrictions are needed to ensure the right use of innovations for learning, or the consequence may be on the contrary to the students and teachers' desire.

To conclude, technological innovations are beneficial to learning in many ways, but when using these technologies, one should not forget the real purpose of learning and remember not to be distracted for other usages of these innovations that are irrelevant or detrimental to learning. On balance, innovation here serves as a double-edges sword, and its right use is dependent on the students and the teachers.

GRE issue写作优秀实例:忠诚


Most people are taught that loyalty is a virtue. But loyalty-whether to one's friends, to one's school or place of employment, or to any institution-is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force.



I disagree with the author for he has confused the faithfulness with the misguided or overextended loyalty. In fact, loyalty does be a cherished virtue that should be given enough emphasis.

Loyalty, a kind of lasting persistence and its precondition is that the subject of fidelity is worthy of such strong emotion. In each society, loyalty is a indispensable and vital part of the system of morality. No matter in schools, at home or at work, first midst and last, people accept a similar education that as an individual, he or she should first have a sense of ligeance, that is work for the whole. Of course, the subjects of loyalty are various including scientific theory, friends, family, schools, places of employment and the nation. A vivid example can lend support to the statement is the heroical astronomer - Bronow, who advanced Copernicus' theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun, enraged the Roma church that held the Ptolemaic system of astronomy and was burnt to death just because he refused to give up his scientific theory. It is the lasting loyalty toward truth that lead Bronow to sacrifice himself. And people all respect such duteous spirit. However, without loyalty, the morality of a society will deteriorate into apathy desert and everyone just lives for him /herself, that is to say, no one is willing to pay loyalty to the whole, then finally the human civilization will fall apart.

However, on the other hand, the fidelity should not be confused with misguided or overextended loyalty and the latter is all too often a destructive rather than a positive force. People all hold that mutual loyalty between friends is the basis of lasting friendship. But people should also realize that true loyalty and authentic responsibility for a friend are not only always believing him or her unconditionally but also persuading, helping and even impeaching him or her when him or her has committed serious mistakes or even crimes. Of course, when facing up to such painful dilemma, each one will hesitate because he or she is afraid of being censured to betray his or her friend and some one may choose to keep slient in order to insist of the so-called loyalty.

In fact, such behavior may prevent his or her friend from taking right actions. The same to a school, a family, a company even the nation, when the subject that people once string along with no longer deserves loyalty, people should resolutely choose to be loyal to the truth, the justice and the humanity. That calls for people are always alert to what they think right and what they think wrong, via doing so, people can change their mind for right choice on time.

To sum up, people should insist on true loyalty, and always avoid being the victim of the misguided or overextended loyalty. In the world, there is nothing that can be always absolutely right or wrong and changing happens all the time. So people should always hold deep insight to discern what deserves their loyalty and what does not.



