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雅思写作考试中,有一个环节就是对雅思考生语法知识的考察。因为语法不仅仅用来在阅读理解分析句子和在单项选择简单考察,更重要的就是在作文的字里行间体现出来你到底了解多少语法。词语没有使用正确的形式便很容易造成成分残缺,比如该用名词的地方却用了相应的动词,改用副词的地方却用了相应的形容词等。比如说不说“Thus we may follow some directions.”却要说“Thus we may follow some direct.”,不说“That guy runs so rapidly.”却要说“That guy runs so rapid.”等,或者是出现“She can to deal with that.”这种can后面没有承接动词的情况。再有一个情况,便是并列形容词或者并列副词的比较级或者最高级变化。如果beautiful and wonderful变成比较级,那么最好使用more beautiful and more wonderful这样的结构,and前后同时变为比较级,不要把beautiful and wise变成more beautiful and wise而应该是写成more beautiful and wiser。同时要注意对称,换用同义词近义词,或者把长的结构放在and后面,比如wiser and more beautiful或者prettier and wiser或者more beautiful and more brilliant等。


主谓一致要时时刻刻铭记在心。就此点而言,可数名词复数和一般现在时动词第三人称单数属于同一类错误,比如“Animals becomes smarter.”这个不管怎么看都错的句子。隐蔽一点的主谓一致错误出现在定语从句中,如不应该是“He is a man who do business.”而应该是“He is a man who does business.”。




冠词这个对很多考生来说不难,但很容易忘记。冠词包括,定冠词the不定冠词a/an和零冠词三种。统称一类事物就用“零冠词+可数名词复数”如“cats”或者“零冠词+不可数名词”如“water”;特指一类事物就用“the+名词”,这里就无所谓可数名词单复数了,因为你特指的可能是一个也可能是几个,如“the celebrities”“the show”和“the fog”。初次提到一件事物的时候用a/an,但是不要用混淆了a和an,杜绝把疏忽当作理由。


从句在雅思写作中出现的频率很高。定语从句中如果引导词前面有逗号的一般归属非限定性定语从句,没有逗号的则一般归属于限定性定语从句。定语从句修饰人一般用who引导,修饰事物一般用which引导,前者用whom后者用that的几率一样小,所以一般就吃准who/which。引导从句特别是定语从句的时候要看清楚句子结构,否则很容易导致句式杂糅。时间状语从句引导词:as/when/while/since/whilst;原因状语从句引导词:because/for;让步状语从句引导词:although/albeit/though/even if/wherever/whenever/whatever/no matter。记住引导词后面的从句应该是一个整句,有完整的句子结构,不要只在这里用一个名词性结构就了事。


除了状语从句引导词可以用来展开句子之外,还有很多方法可以用来展开一个新句子。表比较:as/like/unlike;表目的:in order to;表原因:because of/owing to/thanks to/due to;表让步:in spite of/despite/regardless of;表假设:if/unless;表结果:so。除此之外,还可以用动名词(如“Thinking about this, she …”,以及动名词主语和主句主语可以不一致的特殊情况下惯用法如“Generally speaking, …”)、不定式(如“To bake a cake, one …”)、it形式主语(如“It is I who …”)、with伴随状态(如“With a special team to deal with this problem, he …”)、独立结构(如“Wallet stolen, he …”)开头。建议相邻两个句子不要使用同样格式开头,而且一篇文章本身就没有很多句子,可以尝试所有开头都不相同。倒装的修辞手法不要太泛滥,免得看不清楚;省略的修辞手法最好不要用,以免减少词数;虚拟语气看情况使用,事实上一般用不到。



表因果:so/so that/so … that;表顺连:and/then;表转折:however/notwithstanding/nonetheless/nevertheless。要注意的是,however等表转折的词使用的时候,前后一般都有个逗号,除非有一边本来是句号,这一点上和插入语一样。另外要注意的是,从一个句子到另一个句子一定要有某个词表示衔接过渡,句子内部各个分句也是一样,千万不要出现“I came, he went away.”这样的句子。最后还有一些非典型性衔接方式:指示代词(如this/that/these/those/such)+某些与上文相关的名词(如person/revelation/research/action/phenomena等,但是注意和指示代词的单复数要一致)用于承接;用举例的结构承接,如for example/for instance/the following could be exemplary/as a case in point;用副词表达作者的感情同时承接,如actually/usually/evidently/apparently/manifestly/patently/obviously/unfortunately/fortunately/in fact。


重复使用同一个词汇不会非常的讨好,所以要注意词汇的多样性。之所以把词汇多样性放在句子多样性之后,是因为到第八步为止,已经足够写出通顺的句子和段落了,所以从第九步开始是更高的要求。比如在Argument里面的逻辑纠错,可以在开头段指明“there are several drawbacks …”,下面几段分别论述的时候可以说“the first disadvantage is …”“the second flaw is …”和“the third fallacy is …”等。作文中如果能尽量少用be/have/take/get/do/go这些常见的意义广泛的实义动词,而换用更具体的动词如convince/fertilize/arrive/confuse/possess/influence/accomplish,会有想不到的效果,避免了文章的平庸。不只是动词,其他词性的词也可以作类似改变。另外可以改变句式和词性以获得强调效果,如“It is of great important.”和“It is very important.”就是很好的例子。形容词和副词的话可以使用两个相关词并列,比如neat and tidy,效果会更好。


段首中心句,可以根据除去开头结尾之后的论述段的数量选择下面的结构,当然论述段一般不宜超过四个。可以选用in the first place/in the second place/in the third place/in the last place,firstly/secondly/thirdly/lastly,on one hand/on the other hand,to begin with/furthermore/moreover/what is more/besides/last but not least等。furthermore/moreover/what is more/besides这几个词也可以用在段内的句间衔接,建议这几个词换着出现会比较好。






这里需要大家注意的是规范性书写的一些要点,这和口语以及非正体问题书写不同。这一步虽然操作起来不难,但是在十三步中间算是最高要求的,而且只要操作得当,你的作文词数会多出一些。有以下几点:引导从句的that不要省略,便于你自己和他人看清句子结构;减少撇号出现次数,I’m就是I am,she’ll就是she will,he isn’t就是he is not,属格如Tony’s car变成其他结构非常累赘所以就算了,但是非属格的所有缩略全部都要取消;数字用字母表达,比如4就是four,76就是seventy-six,基数词和序数词皆如此,2007-8-10表达为August 10th, 2007,28%写成twenty-eight percent;物理单位缩略最好处理成完整单词,W代表watt,m是meter,kg就是kilogram;公司集团协会等首字母缩写要适时地处理为全称,如BBS就应该写成Bulletin Board System (BBS),当然如果通篇的BBS都这么替换的话会很累赘,可以适当的用the program之类的词语指代,但还是最好不要用BBS指代;假设的时候不要用you作为主语,用one或者we等。













Knowledge is power, Francis bacon wrote long ago. Education has a key to play in one’s growth and a nation’s development.

Education is the driving force of productivity. Keeping this in mind, numerous countries and governments are paying closer attention to the cultivation of talents. People differ greatly in their views as to how to wisely allocate educational budget, some people assert that instead of supporting other subjects, national investment in science is desirable. As I see it, government should place equal stress on both science and arts.

Granted, plenty of evidence and arguments could be easily found to prove that it is advisable for a nation to subsidize science. For a start, the competition among different countries, to some extent, amounts to the competition of gifted people. Science and technology is the stimulating factor of the development of productivity. Large amounts of talents could inject new life into a nation’s prosperity. Besides, in comparison with art students, those who are better equipped with science knowledge such as computer, business and accounting could create more commercial value.

Nevertheless, it is rather superficial to simply say that national budget should be only restricted to science investment. The mightiness of a nation involves many aspects and the cultivation of good citizens or talents is to realize one’s comprehensive development. The construction of a country needs enterprisers, mathematicians and scientist, yet, on no account can we ignore the immense value of artists, writers, musicians. In addition to science subjects, literature, history, philosophy, music, art and PE should also become the aim of education. Literature strengthens one’s cultural deposit, history deepens one’s insight into life, philosophy fosters one’s analytical thinking, music moulds one’s temperament, art cultivates one’s artistic eye and PE enhances one’s health index. In these senses, art still deserves enough attachment and support. Art talents are indispensable to the betterment of a country.

然而,它是相当肤浅的,简单的说,对国家预算应该只限制科技的投资。本研究涉及到许多方面的mightiness国家培养良好的公民和人才意识到或是一个综合性的发展。国家建设需要的企业家和科学家,从不关心数学家们,然而,在我们可以忽视客户的在线immense价值的艺术家,作家,音乐家。除了科学研究历史,哲学,文学,音乐,艺术和体育,也应该成为教育的目标。一个strengthens文学的历史文化沉积,deepens One’s洞察生活,哲学思维的培养一个分析模型的temperament,音乐,艺术和艺术cultivates One’s One’s体育增强眼的健康指数。在这些观念的艺术,还deserves附着和足够的支持。艺术人才的betterment)是必不可少的国家。

Overall, I re-affirm my conviction that education should not have too much utilitarian, conversely, it needs to render more concerns over one’s spiritual growth and character-training. Ideal educational policy should place equal significance on science investment and other subjects.


真题范文:A recent newspaper article reports that a 14-year-old boy who seriously destroyed his school got a punishment to clean streets instead of sent to the prison, do you think this is right, or the young criminals should be sent to the jail?——2016年1月14日青少年犯罪类雅思写作真题


分析:作为16年首个换题月的第二场考试,这个题目着实是达到了它应有的难度。首先,问法比较新颖,先是就题干中的观点进行提问,然后又提问考生对另外一个观点的看法。所以这道题,其实就是对两个观点的讨论,可以转换成: Some people think that a 14-year-old boy who seriously destroyed his school should get a punishment to clean streets, while others think that young criminals should be sent to the jail. Discuss both views and give your own opinions. 那么这样一来,这个题目对我们而言就非常熟悉了。

对于“打扫街道卫生”这个立场,我们应该是支持的态度,因为题目中所提到的罪犯年仅14岁,在大多数国家的法律当中,未成年人犯罪都是需要从轻处罚的。因此,我么可以用 “1.小孩子心智不成熟;2.小孩子的可塑性比较强,应当以教育惩罚为主”这两个观点来支持。对于“送进监狱”这个立场,我们则是不支持的态度,那么我们的写法就是先让步:监狱可以使孩子明白犯罪的严重性,之后针对让步进行反驳:但是孩子可能会受到监狱中其他罪犯的不良影响,不利于心理发育。


Children nowadays are exposed in a diversified environment where they have absolute access to internet, being able to befriend with people from a variety of backgrounds. This may result in children’s antisocial behavior and there is a beat debate on whether teenagers who commit serious crimes should be punished by doing some volunteering jobs or being imprisoned.

Contributing to their community can be an effective way to tell them that they are victimizing other people. One argument in its favor is that they are immature. It would be a difficult thing to predict the consequences of their behavior and law knowledge not be sufficiently acquired at that young age. Another important factor in this respect is that they are formable in character compared to adult criminal, thus it is better to educate them. Doing something valuable to their society can embed a sense of responsibility in them and give them an opportunity to reflect on their deviance, which will truly rectify their criminality.

However, of course those who advocate custody sentence may have some plausibility to some extent. Allowing them to recognize their mistakes is the priority of taking adolescent law breakers into prison. One received harsh penalty, preventing persistent crime seems to be possible. But the believers of this have ignored the issue over what if they are negatively influenced by other prisoners? How should they face the society with an ex-record especially when finding jobs.


In conclusion, I therefore believe that having faith in the young who go astray cannot be a more effective way to solve raging young criminal activities and taking responsibility for their living surroundings is the best way to do this.


真题范文:In some countries, the government has tried to reduce traffic. For instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hour. Do you think this development is positive or negative?




The traffic congestion issue has long been a public concern especially in some large cities worldwide. Whether governments should be involved in solving this problem has triggered a heated controversy. It is true that government intervention can bring some benefits to some extent, it is opposed by some people though.


Undoubtedly, governments posses greater authority than any other parties in the society, which means their intervention is comparatively effective. For example, the implement of congestion tax can directly lead to the deadline of traffic during those rush hours because of the increasing driving cost. Another advantage of government intervention is that governments can impact the public to a wider extent. Unlike some actions taken by the social communities, large companies or individuals, the projects carried out by governments have restrictions on every citizen living in the city or country. Once the traffic congestion is reduced, there will be many positive effects followed by, for instance, the commuting time can be largely reduced for those who need to travel to and from work.

On the other hand, the extra tax raised by the government will impose a negative effect on some people. One potential group influenced by this policy are those who have to drive to and from work. If this measure comes into effect, the financial burden on them is definitely higher. As a result, the well-being of these people may experience a deadline, which is against the aim of government policies.

In conclusion, benefits and drawbacks co-exits in terms of this tax policy. It can effectively solve the traffic problems to a large extent, while some damages can be caused to those who are taxed especially in the financial way.

