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make a telephone call

call up somebody


Whenever you make a phone call smil when you pick up the phone, because someone feel it!


That night when I called home, Jeanine was very upset that the penguin had disappeared.


Give someone a call; give someone a ring


Hello, Ms. Richardson? Lee here - I am calling to conform that if you have received page three.

喂,Richardson女士吗?我是Bob Lee。我打电话来确认你有没有收到第三页。

"Hello, Mr. Hammer. Jack Ross here. I am calling to confirm our appointment on Monday at ten o'clock in your office. "

喂,Hammer先生。我是Jack Ross。我打电话来确认下周一11点在贵公司会面的约定。

Ring up; call up


Have him call Hilton Hotel 244--5234756, please.


Replace the receiver,ie after telephoning


The old man smiled with anticipation and asked, "Could you tell me where she is? I want to call her tomorrow. "


Well, thank you for calling.




a/an crowd/group/army/team/of people;一群牛、象、马、天鹅 a herd of cattle/elephants/horses/swans一群鸟、鹅、母鸡、羊、燕子a flock of birds/geese/hens/goats/swallows一群猎狗、狼 a pack of hounds/wolves


一丝怀疑 a shadow of doubt一线未来之光 a glimpse of future一缕月光 a streak of moonlight一层霜/雪/糖霜 a layer of frost/snow/cream

3. piece块;片;段;项;件;篇;首;幅;张

a piece of bread/paper/wood/furniture/land/advice/news/meat/cloth/music...



a burst of tears/cheers/gunfire/thunder

一阵泪雨/瓢泼大雨/夸夸其谈a flood of tears/rain/boasts

5. A pair of 在英语需要成双成对的表达:

a pair of glasses (一副眼镜)a pair of scissors (一把剪刀)a pair of spectacles (一副眼镜)a pair of trousers (一条裤子)a pair of pants (一条裤子)a pair of pliers(一把剪钳)


a drop of water 一滴水

a flood of moonlight 一片月光

a flood of light 一大片强光

a flood of people人潮如涌

a flood of words口若悬河

a flood of tears泪如泉涌

a wisp of smoke 一缕烟/一股烟

a wisp of a smile 一丝微笑

a pane of glass 一块玻璃

a layer of rock 一层岩石

a cloud of smoke 一团烟雾

a beam of light 一束光线

a blade of grass 一片草叶

a block of wood 一块木头

a cube of sugar 一块方糖

a roll of newspaper 一卷报纸

a cone of ice cream 一个蛋卷冰淇淋

a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力

a stack of hay 一堆乾草

a loaf of bread 一个面包

a grain of rice 一粒米

a cake of soap 一块肥皂

a dash of salt 一撮盐

a coil of wire 一卷电线

a roll of tobacco一卷烟草

a roll of bread 一块面包

a ball of wool 一个毛线球

a glimmer of hope 一线希望

a thread of hope一线希望

a thread of smoke一缕青烟

a piece of such cord一根细丝

a thread of water细细的一条流水

a mouthful of sweet country air一口新鲜的乡村空气

a handful of corn 一把玉米

a handful of people 少数几个人

a group of people [trees, houses]一群人[一片树林, 一片房子]

an army of elephants 一群大象

a pack / throng of wolves 一群狼

a batch of dogs 一群狗

a brood of chicks 一群小鸡

a hive of bees 一群蜜蜂

a host of monkeys 一群猴子

school of fish 一群鱼

swarm of locusts 一群蝗虫

team / field of horses一群马

gang of elks 一群驼鹿

burst of laughter 一阵笑声

gust of wind 一股风

of railroad 铁路网

train of thoughts 一连串的想法

cup of tea 一杯好茶

coat of ice 一层薄冰

pool of water 一潭死水

stretch of field 一片美丽的原野

of glasses 一副眼镜

of scissors 一把剪刀

of pliers一把钳子

of spectacles 一副眼镜

of trousers 一条裤子

of shoes一双鞋

of pant 一条裤子

of dancers一对舞伴

of stairs一段楼梯

of pliers 一把剪钳

of paper 一张纸

of information 一条消息

of clothes 一件衣物

of water 一杯水

of cigarettes 一盒香烟

of vegetables 一篮子蔬菜

入门口语:how come 的用法

How come? “为什么? (怎么会这样?)”

How come 的用法大部分就等于 why ,但是它的用法没有像 why 那么广, 它通常是用在你觉得奇怪, 而问为什么的时候。比如说,有人早上一大早要去 supermarket,你就会问他,"How come?"

另外, 当别人问你一个问题, 而你不想回答时可以说 "How come?" 相当于"Why do you ask that?" 也就是说 "It's none of your business! " 虽然 how come 跟 why 的用法上差不多, 但二者的问法不同. 例如, "Why is our oven broken?" 换成 how come 的话, 要说成, "How come our oven is broken?" 注意一下, 这二句的 be 动词位置是不一样的.



欢聚一堂,频频举杯,开怀畅饮,“干杯!”、“为……干杯!”之声不绝于耳。那么,以爱开party著称的英美人是如何表示各种不同场合“干杯”的呢? 我们一起来学习咯!

一、用(Here's)to 表示:

1.Here's to your health / success. 为你的健康 / 成功干杯!

2.Here's to our friendship! 为我们的友谊干杯!

3.Here's to Tom for his new job! 为汤姆的新工作干杯!

二、用health, luck等表示:Good health! Good luck! All the best!例如:

1.Your health, John—May you have a successful time in Manchester!为了你的健康,约翰,也祝你在曼彻斯特前程似锦!

2.Helen raised her glass,“Good luck to you!” she said. 海伦举起酒杯,说道:“祝你好运!”

三、主人或主持人邀客人喝酒时,通常用Cheers! Do the honors!例如:

1.He raised his glass,“May you success! Cheers!” 他举起酒杯说:“祝你成功,干杯!”

2.Pat, you do the honors and propose the toast. 帕特,你敬酒吧。

四、在比较随便的场合,通常用Here's how!还有Happy landing!(美俚,原为空军用语)等。例如:

Oh,come, come,David.Here's how!噢,来呀,来呀,大卫,干杯!


Prosit!(来源于拉丁语,意为May it do good! To your health/ good luck! etc. )

六、在陈述句中,英美语通常用toast,round, drink to,drink a toast for / to, propose a toast for 等词表示。例如:

1.Friends,I'll give you a toast——to our president! 朋友们,我给大家敬酒,为我们总统干杯!

2.I now propose a toast to the friendship between our two people——to our friendship. 现在,我提议为我们两国人民的友谊干杯!


Barbara likes funny stories. She likes to hear funny stories. She likes to tell funny stories. She told her mom a funny story. When she finished, she waited for her mom to laugh. “Mom, why aren’t you laughing? That was a funny story,” Barbara said. “Oh, I’m sorry,” her mom said. “Sometimes you think something is funny, but someone else thinks it isn’t funny.” So, Barbara’s mom did not laugh at Barbara’s story.Barbara told the same story to her younger sister. Her younger sister laughed at the story.



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