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5月雅思口语最新话题精读配范文:your favorite song

You should say:

- what the song is about

- when you listened to this song for the first time

- how often you listen to this song

and explain why you like this song so much


介绍一首你最喜欢的歌曲,是雅思口语考试历年来换来换去都换不走的一颗钉子户,在part 1和part 2里面披着不同的外衣反复出现。关联度较高的话题有“music”,“musical instrument”,“singer”等等,相关词汇和表达可以互通。

首先,通过英文定义确认大致选材范围。“song”一词在牛津和朗文字典中的定义均为“a short piece of music with words that you sing”,因此最妥当的范围是要排除一些纯音乐,例如钢琴曲或一些没有歌词(lyrics)的现代编曲作品等(对于这一点,烤鸭们最好额外长个心眼哟,因为那些被考官从定义上纠正“National Day is actually not a festival, it’s just a HOLIDAY”的同学们很容易反应不过来其中区别的)




1)关于第二和第三两个小问,需要注意的是时态上的切换——尤其是第二小问“when youlistened to this song for the first time”从动词的时态上就提醒了各位同学,要用过去时描述这一段内容。答题时除了提及大致的时间(例如I listened to the song for the first time 6 years ago)还可以对那时进行一个简单的场景扩充(例如when I was a high school student, one of my roommates used hismobile to play that song loudly in our dormitory at 6 am - right after we wokeup)

2)如果是一首中文歌,歌名应该是说中文还是英文?个人建议有三,各位烤鸭各取所需:一,如果本身它就有一个比较官方的英文名,就直接英文名上阵;二,如没有,可就地翻译一个:任意抓取歌名中的一个词进行翻译,例如周杰伦的《告白气球》如果不知道告白怎么说,就直接用“气球”的英文“the song is called the Balloon”即可;三,如果不愿意翻译,直接中文名上阵也行,然后在后面加上一句简单的解释,说明一下大致意思就好了。


1.【名词】歌曲 song / track / hit

歌曲风格 pop, hip-pop, jazz,rock, country, folk, funk, etc.

歌曲构成 lyrics, melody,composition, music video (MV), etc.

播放媒介 cassette, radio, MP3,CD player, website, etc.

2.【动词】听 listen to 听到 hear 播放 play 重复播放replay 下载 download 分享/转发 share 使某人回想起某事 remind sb of sth


吸引人的 attractive抓耳的/易记的 catchy 难忘的unforgettable 生动的 vivid 令人印象深刻的impressive


the name of the song is...

a typical popsong...

it talks about a story that...

it was about 2 years ago when I listened to it for the first time...

heard it on the radio...

found it catchy...

then downloaded into my MP3...

listen to it very often...

the lyrics is impressive...

also reminds me of the old days...

part 2: favorite songs解析来自成都留学党之家00:0001:45


I‘d like to talk about a beautiful song called the Balloon from Jay Chou, one of the famous pop singers in China.

As a very typical pop song, the Balloon talks about a romantic story happens between a young couple who live in a city in France.

I remember that I listened to the song right after it was released in the summer of 2016. As a huge fan of the singer Jay Chou, I bought that newest album and downloaded it into my mobile without any hesitation. After listening to every single track in the album, I found the Balloon was absolutely the most impressive one with a fairly catchy melody and decent lyrics.

During that period of time, I often played the song at home or in the office, sometimes I even replayed it for the whole afternoon just because it seemed that everyone around me thought the lovely rhythm of the song would bring him or her a good mood. By the way, it could also remind me of the old, sweet days I had back in Australia.

However, recently I seldom listen to this song simply because Jay Chou has published some new hits in this January and they are of high quality as well.

As for the reason why I like the Balloon so much, I believe it’s mainly because it’s one of the best hits of Jay Chou in recent years and it proves that he’s still an excellent singer. You know, before the advent of the song, numerous people started to criticize him for not being as creative as he was. But I do believe he will actually come back with better works in the near future.

5月雅思口语话题精读配范文: a film you did not enjoy

You should say

what the film was

when you watched it

who you watched it with

And explain why you did not enjoy this film


这道题的难点在于,一,“film”很具体,不像experience, activity, something那样宽泛,选材的灵活度低。二,是考察考生们比较不常练习的,负面情绪和观点表达。





release n. 释放,发布,(电影)上映 characterisation n. 人物塑造,特性描述

representation, portrayal n. 表演,描述,人物刻画 acting n. 表演

chemistry n. 化学,两个人之间的‘化学反应’plot n.情节

narrative n. 叙事,故事,讲述,adj.叙事的,叙事体的 storyline n. 故事,故事情节

scriptwriter n. 编剧 live action n. 实景拍摄,真人表演 special effects n. 特效

CGI - computer-generated imagery n. 电脑成像 pace n. 节奏,步伐,速度

composition n. 组成,构图 editing n. 剪辑 strange adj. 陌生的,奇怪的

awkward adj. 尴尬的,不合适的 intentional adj. 故意的,特意的 fragmental adj. 破碎的,零碎的

instrument n. 乐器,工具 bored adj. 无聊的,无趣的 disappointed adj. 失望的

frustrated adj. 懊恼的,沮丧的 irritated adj. 恼怒的,生气的


don’t/doesn’t feel right 感觉不对劲

after all 毕竟,终究

to be specific 具体地说

gone too far. 太过分了;走太远无法回头了

they could’ve done better. 他们能做的更好(言下之意对现状不满意)

I’m not buying it. 我不买账,不吃这套

to be honest. 实话说吧


Well, the first film came to my mind is that new version of Beauty and the Beast, you know, the one from last year, featuring Emma Watson as Belle.

I watched it in the cinema right after it was released in China, my friend Grace was with me. We went to the film because we are both big fans of Emma Watson, we adore her role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter. Besides, I simply love the story of Beauty and Beast, I’vewatched the old Disney animated version for many times.

I was glad that there’s a new live-action film of the story, but the thing is, I don’t enjoy it that much. First of all, the early animated version gave me such a deep impression, I mean,you just don’t feel right about anything come after the original one. Secondly, to be specific, I don’t think Emma suit Belle after all. Emma’s personal characteristics are too strong, well-educated, independent, active for women’s rights and all. I feel the scriptwriters tried so hard to let Emma fit in the story, that consequently, everything seems a bit intentional and awkward. Like inventing a laundry instrument? I think they’ve gone too far. The small add-ups in the plot also made the pace slower. I mean this film really doesn’t have to be two hours long.

To be honest, there are good things of course, like the special effects and the singings, but still, Disney could’ve done much better than this.


5月雅思口语Part2话题精读配范文:a sport you want to try

You should say:

What it is

When you first watched the sport

What you like about the sport

And explain why you would like to try this sport






Spring to my mind 突然想到 Catch one’s attention 吸引某人注意

Cup of tea 喜欢的东西 Add... to the exercises 给运动带来....

Aerobic exercise 有氧运动 Strengthen all muscles of the body 锻炼全身肌肉

Burn calories 燃烧脂肪 Lower the risk of developing illness 降低生病风险

Keep in a good shape 保持良好体型 Relieve depression 缓解压抑情绪 Be immersed in 沉浸在...

Last but not least 最后 Frankly speaking 坦白说 Due to 因为

Keep up with 跟上... Build oneself up 让某人更强壮 Escape from reality 逃避现实

Suffer from health problems 有健康问题



Two years ago

Sports centre


Passionate Latin Music: cup of tea


Strengthen the body---keep in good shape

Burn calories----lose weight

Relieve depression----be immersed in

Easy to learn


Build myself up

Suffer from health problems

Play sports


Talking about a sport that I want to try, Zumba springs to my mind. I remember, one day two years ago, when I walked around the sports centre, a piece of passionate Latin music caught my attention. I followed the music and came to the dance studio. Actually, that was the first time when I got to know Zumba and I immediately fell in love with it.

I enjoy it as the music is really my cup of tea. The up-tempo music would add more happiness to the exercises. In this case, I would forget about all worries in my life and live in the moment.

Without doubt, I would love to try this sport. Firstly, as a kind of aerobic exercise, it can strengthen all muscles of the body and burn calories. After long-term exercises, it could lower the risk of developing illness, such as heartdiseases, cancer. meanwhile, I would also lose my excess weight and keep in a good shape. Secondly, Zumba is a good way to relieve depression. I mean, once the music begins, I would be immersed in a happy atmosphere. Last but not least, I find it quite easy to learn even though I’ve never danced before. Frankly speaking, due to the simple movements, most people can keep up with the music.

Overall, I would love to learn Zumba in the future in order to build myself up and release pressure. I think we cannot escape from the reality that most of us may suffer from certain health problems and we need toplay sports rather than just watch them.


★ 雅思托福gre词汇量多少

