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考官如是说:Remember that part 1 answers need to be short, direct and simple.


1. Do you work or are you a student?


雅思口语考官范文:I’m a qualified doctor, but at the moment I’m studying English so that I can work in this country.

2. Do you enjoy your job?


雅思口语考官范文:Yes, I really enjoy my job. Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to be a doctor; I’ve always wanted to be able to help people.

3. What's the best thing about your job?


雅思口语考官范文:The best thing about my job is that I can make a difference in people’s lives. It’s a great feeling to see someone recover after an illness because my colleagues and I were able to help.

4. Do you prefer working alone or with others? Why?


雅思口语考官范文:In a hospital you have to work as part of a team. I’ve got used to working with others, and I think you can achieve a lot more as a team than you would alone.


考官如是说:Remember that part 1 answers need to be short, direct and simple.


1. Where are you from?


雅思口语考官范文:I'm from Manchester, which is a city in the north west of England.

2. Do you like your home town? (Why?)


雅思口语考官范文:Yes, I like living in Manchester because it's where most of my friends live, and because there are plenty of things to do there. The only thing I don't like is the weather.

3. Would you prefer to live somewhere else? (Why?)


雅思口语考官范文:For the moment I'm happy living here, but at some point I'd like to live in a country with a warmer climate, and I'd like to live near a beach!

4. Do you think your home town is a good place for young people? (Why?)


雅思口语考官范文:Yes, Manchester has lots of things for young people, such as sports facilities, music and cinemas.


考官如是说:Remember that part 1 answers ne


1. Do you like walking?


雅思口语考官范文:I'm not one for going on really long walks in the countryside, but I don't mind walking when I'm in a town or city, for example when I'm sightseeing in a new place.

2. Do you think walking is important?


雅思口语考官范文:Yes, I think it's important to be active, and walking is the most basic physical activity that we can do.

3. Do you think walking in the countryside is better than walking in the city?


雅思口语考官范文:Personally, no. As I said before, I like walking in the city, especially if it's somewhere with a lot of history like London or Paris.

4. What could be done to improve the experience of walking in cities?


雅思口语考官范文:I suppose the main issues are space and safety. Pavements need to be wide enough to accommodate lots of pedestrians, and we need safe places to cross the street.

ed to be short, direct and simple.


考官如是说:Remember that part 1 answers need to be short, direct and simple.


1. Do you like cooking? Why / why not?


雅思口语考官范文:Sometimes. I like preparing a special meal for family or friends who visit, but everyday cooking is a bit boring; it's something that has to be done, but it's not really fun.

2. Who did the cooking in your family when you were a child?


雅思口语考官范文:My mother almost always did the cooking when I was young. I don't think she trusted my father to make a nice meal.

3. Do you think that it's important to know how to cook well?


雅思口语考官范文:I'm not sure whether it's important to cook well, but I do think that everyone should know the basics. It definitely isn't healthy to rely on pre-prepared meals or fast food.

4. Do you think that children should be taught cookery at school?


雅思口语考官范文:Yes, that's probably a good idea. If all children knew how to cook a few basic, healthy meals, that would surely be a good thing.

