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Carmaking: Track Mentality

PSA Group’s boss has revived its fortunes. He isn’t done

Carlos Tavares likes to move quickly. The boss of PSA, maker of Peugeots and Citroëns, has a passion for motor racing and speed pervades his day-to-day activities, too. The intense Portuguese arrives abruptly for meetings and departs so swiftly that it takes a few seconds to realise that he has gone. His reputation as the most talented boss now running a car company is also built on speed – his rapid and remarkable turnaround of two struggling firms, first PSA itself and then Opel, acquired from General Motors (GM) in 2017. Steering his mass-market firm towards the future of carmaking will not be easy.

The permanent frown clouding Mr Tavares’s brow is a testament to the tough jobs he has pulled off. First, after taking the wheel of PSA in 2014 after years of heavy losses, he rescued it from bankruptcy. To near-universal surprise, he restored the firm to the black in a year. Revenues and profits have since grown handsomely; profit margins now rival those of German premium carmakers.

As Maxime Picat, PSA’s director of operation in Europe, drily observes, seeking profits first and volumes afterwards has “not always been the case” in an industry that has prioritised sales and market share. PSA sought to sell fewer cars at a bigger mark-up. It axed niche models that made little money and slashed costs by limiting the bewildering array of combinations of engines, body styles and the like.

When PSA was criticised for lacking the heft to make big investments in electric vehicles and self-driving cars, Mr Tavares paid GM ?.3bn ($1.4bn) for its struggling European arm. This added around 1m vehicles a year to the 2.8m the rest of the group built in 2018, making it Europe’s second-biggest carmaker behind Volkswagen. He applied his tactics again, this time to a company which had suffered two decades of losses totalling around $20bn under American ownership. In 2018 Opel reported an operating profit of over ?60m.

The resurrection of two struggling car giants has propelled PSA’s share price by 14% over the past year. Steering the combined firm through the next series of bends will take a different set of skills, however. Car sales in Europe, where PSA generates 80% of revenues, are less brisk than in the past. Markets such as India and Russia, which Mr Tavares is eyeing, are trickier to negotiate. PSA has struggled in China, where carmakers have done well in recent years. Making humdrum Opels (sold as Vauxhalls in Britain) desirable will require heavy spending. Placid unions, which recognised PSA’s difficulties, may become less so as its health improves.

A plan to return to America has also met with scepticism. PSA’s brands are largely forgotten there – the last one, Peugeot, departed 28 years ago. Rather than spending heavily on marketing, building a factory and losing money “like hell”, Mr Picat says, PSA will start with car-sharing services to reintroduce the marques gradually as part of a ten-year project that will “make money at every step”. This seems to be one place where Mr Tavares is content to go slowly.

Further down the road, he worries about the added costs of electrification to meet EU emissions targets. The American car-sharing venture will offer some experience in mobility services, but PSA lags behind many rivals in autonomous vehicles. All this will require heavy spending.

Greater scale would help. Mr Tavares is on the lookout for deals. A tie-up with GM or Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (whose chairman, John Elkann, sits on the board of The Economist’s parent company) has been rumoured. So has a takeover of struggling Jaguar Land Rover from its Indian owners. Some industry-watchers think consolidation is imminent – and virtually all believe it is necessary to share the costs of developing electric vehicles, self-driving cars and mobility services. Since the death last year of Sergio Marchionne, Fiat Chrysler’s legendary boss, and the legal travails in Japan of Carlos Ghosn, ejected from his leadership roles in the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance, many observers see Mr Tavares as the only car boss with the skill to cut big and difficult deals.












US States Use Drones to Predict Rockslides, Watch Wildlife

In the western American state of Utah, drone aircraft are flying near avalanches to watch snow crashing down from mountains.

Drones are also being used in the southeastern United States. For example, in North Carolina, they are searching for endangered birds and the places they use to raise their young.

Public transportation agencies are using drones in nearly every state. That information comes from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, or AASHTO.

In a report released this month, the nonprofit group found a large increase in the use of drones over the past few years. The aircraft are also called unmanned aerial vehicles.

The association’s survey found that governments as well as private citizens have accepted the technology. They include individuals who love flying model aircraft.

In 2016, the group found that no state transportation agency was using drones every day. Now, 36 states employ certified drone pilots.

Jim Tymon is the executive director of the association. “You’ve seen the cost of drones come down significantly, and the capabilities that come along with some drones increase significantly as well,” he said.

Jared Esselman is the director of aeronautics at the Utah Department of Transportation. He says that drones are valuable for all kinds of work.

“We can predict not only snow slides, but mudslides and water runoff as the snow melts,” Esselman said. “Drones are a perfect tool for any job that is dangerous or dirty.”

In North Carolina, drones are finding the nests of endangered species like the red-cockaded woodpecker, reports Basil Yap. He is the unmanned aerial systems program manager at the state’s transportation department.

People once used helicopters or all-terrain vehicles to inspect for evidence of woodpeckers before building new projects. But the drones can do the job quicker with fewer problems, Yap said.

A number of states are beginning to explore how to create laws to control a flood of private drone traffic that is likely to come in the future. In Ohio, the state government is working on an air-traffic control system, called SkyVision, which would enable drones to recognize and avoid other aircraft in flight.















Disneyland Opens “Star Wars” Area of Park


Chewbacca climbed into the pilot seat of the Millennium Falcon as fireworks exploded above Disneyland in Anaheim, California, Wednesday.


Chewbacca is an imaginary creature born in the first of the Star Wars series of movies. He was in Disneyland for a ceremony to open the new Star Wars area at the theme park.


“Chewie, let’s fire up the Falcon,” said Mark Hamill, the actor who played Luke Skywalker. He also attended the event to open the more than five-and-one-half hectare area called Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. It opened to the public Friday.

“楚伊,让我们启动千年隼吧。”扮演卢克·天行者的演员马克·哈米尔说。 他也参加了此次活动,来为这个叫做“星球大战:银河边缘”的主题区揭幕。主题区占地超过5.5公顷,于周五向公众开放。

The furry Chewbacca had trouble starting the huge spaceship, which led actor Harrison Ford to surprise the crowd and offer an assist. Ford played the Star Wars character Han Solo. He hit the side of the ship and said “Peter, this one’s for you,” in honor of Peter Mayhew, the actor who played Chewbacca in five films and died in April.


Ford stood on stage with Hamill, Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger, Star Wars creator George Lucas, and Billy Dee Williams, who performed the part of Lando Calrissian in Star Wars.


Lucas created the Star Wars movie series in 1977 and sold it to Disney in 2012. He gave high praise to Galaxy’s Edge, which is set in Black Spire Outpost, a settlement on a planet called Batuu that appeared in “Star Wars” books but never in film.


“You did a great job,” Lucas said to Iger. “It could have gone very bad but it didn’t.”


Lucas described the Star Wars area as “something you couldn’t even have dreamed about 20 years ago."


“It will change your life,” he added.


The place offers visitors the chance to step into the Millennium Falcon’s cockpit and control a simulated flight.


Guests also can drink blue milk, eat space meat cooked by a pod-racing engine and have a drink at an outer-space restaurant.


Expectations run high from generations of fans. Many of the movie series lovers have waited 40 years since the first film to visit a real-world version of the galaxy far, far away.


“The goal was to be ambitious, really ambitious,” Iger told a reporter earlier on Wednesday. “To be bold, but not only bold in terms of scale, but in terms of detail, artistry, technology, and to make sure first and foremost that we are pleasing the most ardent Star Wars fan.”


Disney also aims to appeal to a broad group of Star Wars lovers as well as people without any attachment to the futuristic series.


