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1万,英文的表达是10 thousand。因此数字的表达,特别是中英文之间的翻译转换,一定要靠记笔记,并借助符号,用符号来代替单位,区分中英文单位间的差异。



例:It covers a total of five hundred forty-nine million nine hundred forty-six thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight square meters.


第一种:5 h 49 m 9 h 46 th 7 h 68 sqm

第二种:549 m 946 th 768 sqm



英文表达数字时可以从右往左,三位一逗号,例如前面记录的数字就是:549, 946,768

英文:三位一逗号,逗号从右往左,每个逗号的位置分别对应的是:thousand, million, billion。






第一篇 WTO改革


A country needs to keep up with the new developments, and so are the international organizations. WTO is no exception. The Doha Round has been dragging on for years. Over the past decade, the hundreds of millions of dollars in agricultural subsidies in the developed members have remained largely unchanged. But at the same time, new forms of business, such as e-commerce, have flourished across the world. WTO is not providing international norms to address any of these issues. What is even more alarming is that the organization seems to be losing effectiveness to rein in the rampage of unilateralism and protectionism.


For all these reasons, WTO needs a reform. But the reform should be in the right direction and taking the right approach.


First, the reform needs to be firmly set in the course of fighting against unilateralism and protectionism. It has to push for worldwide trade liberalization and investment facilitation. It has to stick to the principle of non-discrimination and adopt a democratic approach. Reform is not to reinvent the wheel. The existing rules must be fully respected and faithfully implemented. Reform is not an excuse for not implementing the rules, and any such attempt should be met with resistance from the members.


With respect to making new rules for new forms of business activities, we should allow members, maybe starting with groups of like-minded ones, to explore these issues, but we also need to duly consider the views and needs of the developing members and fully consult with them. Only through an inclusive process, can we maybe eventually reach multilateral outcomes.


Second, we need to prioritize and take a step-by-step approach, and stay away from moonshot targets. If, through consultations and negotiations among the members, we could expeditiously restore the proper functioning of the dispute settlement mechanism, achieve an agreement on fishery subsidies in 2019 as we planned, make progress on the new topics such as e-commerce, investment facilitation and MSMEs, make improvements in terms of transparency. If we can achieve these targets at the MC12 in 2020, I think we can already call it a success. China is willing to play a proactive and constructive role, and to make contributions within its capacities.


People sometimes say that the WTO is a patient in a critical state with multiple failing organs. If that is the case, urgently resorting the functioning of the organs and making the right diagnostics of the illness is more important that rushing to give prescriptions. Today’s discussion might be a group consultation of doctors to identify what is the cause of the illness and work on a plan for proper treatment. We might have many such group consultations in different formats so that we can have the right understanding of the issues and provide the right solutions.


We all know where the crisis of WTO comes from, but whatever a particular country or a particular individual thinks about the WTO, it can only serve as the context rather than the reason for the reform of the WTO. Of course, we have to prepare for the worst, but I don’t want to spend too much time on hypothetical scenarios. I just want to say that we will, within our capacities and responsibilities, work hard to push for the right reform of the WTO.

题目来源: 中国常驻世界贸易组织代表团张向晨大使在法国经济财政部、外交部组织的研讨会午餐时的发言

第二篇 “一带一路”倡议

“一带一路”倡议提出以来,许多国家都将其视为和中国合作的机会和平台。但是也有批评认为,中国的“一带一路”所提供的的贷款,加大了例如斯里兰卡等国的债务,使他们无力偿还。 但是一带一路倡议实施仅仅五年,中国是国际投融资市场的后来者。中国公司走出去,在国外投资也有限。

Many countries see the BRI as an opportunity and a platform for closer cooperation with China. One criticism that people have raised is the idea of debt. The idea that many of the loans or the investments involved loans from China to the countries like Sri Lanka may make them take on too much debt and they won't be able to fund them. China is a latecomer in international investment and financing markets. It's just been five years since the BRI was put forward. And it hasn't been that many years since Chinese companies started to explore the global market.

根据斯里兰卡中央银行的统计数据,2017年中国的贷款仅占斯里兰卡外债的10%左右,其中 60%是低于国际市场利率的优惠贷款。因此,很明显,斯里兰卡外债负担,并不是中国的责任。实际上债务有很多因素构成,包括一个国家的历史旧账、国际经济环境的变化,包括储备货币上涨、其他国家利率上调、大宗商品价格的下降等。

According to the 2017 annual report issued by its central bank, Sri Lanka's total foreign debt is over US$50 billion. China only accounts for about 10%. Plus, over 60% of Chinese loans are concessional loans, with an interest rate much lower than the international level. The cause for debt is complicated and involves many factors, including economic fundamentals, historical debt baggage, or changing international and economic environment like rising protectionism, interest rates hike in some advanced economies, appreciation of major reserve currencies as well as plummeting commodity prices.

斯里兰卡的港口建设,实际上是斯里兰卡邀请中方进行的。斯里兰卡一直希望打造全球性的物流和仓储中心,但是因为内乱和战争, 始终没有如愿。如今斯里兰卡局势稳定,因此希望中国参与建设。一开始中国企业不了解当地局势,也有很多犹豫,最后经过大量研究、探讨,双方终于达成共识,组建合资企业,股权共有。 但是我要强调的是,港口的主权和所有权都属于斯里兰卡,建设完成后,如果斯里兰卡觉得有必要,可以购回股权。

About the Hambantota port, the project was built and run at the request of the Sri Lankan side. For years, Sri Lanka had hoped to make good use of its geographical location and build the country into a logistic and warehouse hub in the Indian ocean. In the past, because of civil war and conflict, they were unable to do so. Now the situation is stable, to build an international port is back on their agenda. And they looked for help from China. The idea of the operation right also came from the Sri Lankan side. The Chinese company was hesitant at first because they were not familiar with such situation. After careful studies and rounds of consultation and negotiation, the Chinese company overcame difficulties and reached agreement with the Sri Lankan side to set up two joint ventures, and had acquired corresponding stakes. I want to stress that the sovereignty over and ownership of the Hambantota port belong to Sri Lanka throughout the process. When it is done, if it so needs, Sri Lanka can repurchase part of or all stakes from the Chinese company until it takes it all back.


Some compare the Belt and Road Initiative to the Marshall plan. It may appear that the two initiatives have something in common, as they are both about investment in infrastructure in peacetime. But other than that, they cannot be more different. First, time-line wise, the Belt and Road Initiative ( BRI ) is older and also younger than the Marshall Plan. Older because it draws inspiration from the spirit of the ancient Silk Road with over 2000 years of history, hence the modern version of the Silk Road. It is younger than the Marshall plan, because it was conceived in the 21st century, an era of globalization, and born out of opening-up and cooperation. Secondly, the Marshall Plan was introduced during the Cold War dominated by rivalry between the United States and the former Soviet Union. Therefore it had clear geopolitical and ideological goals. The BRI, on the other hand, focuses on economic cooperation and connectivity.



第一篇 中产阶级的兴起

目前中产阶级人口为 38 亿,占全球人口一半左右,和贫困人口相当。中产阶级是人口中增长最快的,预计到 2020 年底将达 40 亿。增长最多的是在亚洲,包括中国、印度、东南亚等。富人虽然人均消费高,但是人数少。穷人人数多,但是收入不足以消费。因此中产阶级的崛起带来了商机,以前只在发达国家出现,现在全球都是如此。对于中产阶级的定义有很多,比如定义穷人为每人每天消费1.8 美元,而中产阶级为每人每天 110 美元。我们对中产阶级的定义是能够买得起经久耐用的大件物品,比如摩托车、冰箱等;他们还能进行娱乐消费,例如看电影、度假等。他们不会因病致贫,或者因失业致贫,能够抵御经济困难的风险。这种定义也得到了很多研究人员的认可。

第二篇 全球贸易和供应链

全球贸易实际上是企业进行竞争和合作的过程。但是美国总统特朗普、美国政治家和官员并不这么认为。他们相信总统所做的承诺,即让美国再次伟大起来。当然国家间的关系也有着竞争,比如影响力的竞争,最坏的情况下甚至会进行军事冲突。但是认为贸易等同于国家间的竞争,实际 上是将参与全球贸易的公司和国家划等号,原因是贸易数据实际上是由进出口组成的。于是有人相信这种谬论,即 A 国出口10 美元到 B 国,就意味着 A 国国内生产了 10 美元的产品。这实际上跟现实失之千里。如今所有国家和公司都要参与到全球性的供应链之中,除非某个国家完全闭关锁国,不参与国家贸易。但是世界上没有这样一个国家,即使是朝鲜也不例外。比如苹果公司的苹果手机,是由起源于中国台湾的鸿海,也就是富士康,在中国大陆设厂生产的。每年中国向美国运送价值 20 亿美元的苹果手机。特朗普认为这是美国对中国贸易逆差的原因之一。但是实际上,虽然在手机中国生产,但是手机部件的供应商遍布全球,家喻户晓的比如韩国的三星和 LG,日本的东芝和索尼,美国自己的高通等等。还有一些不那么出名,但是同样重要的供应商则来自荷兰、新加坡等。更复杂的是,富士康在新加坡、马拉西亚、泰国等地设厂,也向大陆的富士康供应部件。因此根据拉里研究机构的报告显示,中国实际上只获取了其中一小部分产品附加值。


★ 翻译资格考试中级口译复习讲义

★ 2020年翻译资格考试中级口译精选词汇

★ 口译经典名著学翻译:《傲慢与偏见》系列二

