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第一部分:对话  [//表示停顿] 

David: What‘s on today, Xiao Wang?//

Xiao Wang: 今天我们去长城,并在那里午餐,下午回来的路上还要去看看十三陵。// 你一定听说过长城,来到北京,长城是一定要去的。// 十三陵是明朝13个皇帝和皇后的坟墓,是15世纪建造的,虽然没有长城有名,但也很值得一看。//

David: I‘ve read about the renowned Chinese wall. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, I believe. It is said to be the only man-made project on earth which is visible from a satellite. //

Xiao Wang: 我们中国人叫它“万里长城”,实际上全长6000多公里,最初建于近2500年前的战国时期。// 当时中国还不是一个统一的国家,而是分为7国。北方的几个国家修建城墙用来防御来自北方的侵犯。// 公元前221年秦始皇统一中国后将各段长城连接起来并加以延长。据历史记载大约有100万人参加过这一长达十多年的工程。

David: Was the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty the one in whose tomb were discovered the terra-cotta warriors? //

Xiao Wang: 是的。除了修建长城以外,他也作过不少事情。虽然他的王朝是短命的,但他对中国历史的影响却是巨大的。

David: Imagine it was more than 2,000 years ago when there was no machinery and everything had to be done by bare hands. // Yet they managed to build a wall like this and the terra-cotta warriors, which, as many people say, have become the eighth wonder of the world. //

Xiao Wang: 今天我们去的那段长城叫八达岭,这是保卫北京的一个战略要地,离北京约75公里。现在有了高速公路,不到两个小时就到了。// 关于长城你若有什么问题的话,不论是在路上还是到了那里随时都可以问我。//

David: Thank you for your briefing. I‘m sure our visit to the Great Wall will give me a better understanding of Chinese history and the wisdom of the Chinese people.//


Now I‘d like to move on to three possible policies, which could be developed to stem this kind of uncontrolled urbanization in developing countries.//

The first one would be to promote a more equal land distribution. In this way, farmers would be more motivated to stay on the land. They would be able to work more land, and thus be able to feed their families more adequately. //

The second policy would be to improve the supply of social services in the rural areas, particularly in the field of health and education.// country people often move to the city because they feel that these services are better in the city areas, and if they could compare the services and feel that there was perhaps not much difference between the two, it would be another reason for not moving.//

A third possible policy would be to give financial assistance to agriculture, especially to the small landowners.// Now obviously the problem of uncontrolled urbanization and the consequences, which are not favorable, is a difficult problem to which there is no easy solution, but these three types of policies could help to reduce the problem, which is felt in particular in developing countries.//





孔夫子说过,“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。”这次布朗先生从大洋彼岸不远千里光临我们公司,我非常高兴。// 在过去几年里我们两家公司已经建立了卓有成效的合作关系。我相信通过布朗先生的这次,我们的合作还会加强。//







上午卷:  英译中: 

(1) New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole, with a land of 268,105 square kilometers and a population of over three million. (第63页-黄) 



2) When the washing cycle is over, the machine fries the plates and glasses with its own heart, and indeed they can be left inside until they are needed for the next meal. (P.367)




To manage apartment living in school successfully, the students must learn to do their own washing and cleaning, and even buy and cool their own food.

(2) 据估计,全球毒品的贸易额以达到每年4000亿美元之巨。吸毒者约占全世界人口的3%。 (p36蓝)

It is estimated that the global trade volume in illicit drugs averages US$400 billion each year. Illicit drug consumption involves about 3 percent of the world‘s population.

(3) 微型电脑就象一架附加了电视屏幕的打字机,能进行用途广泛的操作,从为孩子提供电子游戏到记录全而新的圣诞费用。 (第346页)

The microcomputer resembles a typewriter with an attached TV screen and can perform a wide range of tasks from providing children with electronic games to keeping up-to-date Christmas lists.



(1)The process of democratization has made much headway in China, the world‘s most populous country with 900 million farmers.(第41页-蓝)


(2)Because it combines sight, sound, movement and color, television gives advertisers many ways of catching customers‘ attention.

电视综合了视觉、声音、动态和色彩,因此它为广告宣传者提供了许多吸引顾客注意力的方式。 中译英:


Old people become more worried about their health as they grow older, and about their safety if they live in big cities.

(2)说起中餐, 人们都知道中餐烹饪以其“色、香、味、型”俱全而著称于世。(第24页-蓝)

Talking about Chinese food, it is popular recognized that Chinese cuisine is would-famous for its perfect combination of “color, aroma, taste and appearance”.


The fundamental task of our work in science and education is to elevate the ideological and ethical standards, the scientific and cultural level of the entire nation and its creative capabilities.





David: What’s on today, Xiao Wang?

Xiao Wang: 今天我们去长城,并在那里午餐,下午回来的路上还要去看看十三陵。 你一定听说过长城,来到北京,长城是一定要去的。 十三陵是明朝13个皇帝和皇后的坟墓,是15世纪建造的,虽然没有长城有名,但也很值得一看。

David: I’ve read about the renowned Chinese wall. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, I believe. It is said to be the only man-made project on earth which is visible from a satellite.

Xiao Wang: 我们中国人叫它“万里长城”,实际上全长6000多公里,最初建于近2500年前的战国时期。 当时中国还不是一个统一的国家,而是分为7国。北方的几个国家修建城墙用来防御来自北方的侵犯。 公元前221年秦始皇统一中国后将各段长城连接起来并加以延长。据历史记载大约有100万人参加过这一长达十多年的工程。

David: Was the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty the one in whose tomb were discovered the terra-cotta warriors?

Xiao Wang: 是的。除了修建长城以外,他也作过不少事情。虽然他的王朝是短命的,但他对中国历史的影响却是巨大的。

David: Imagine it was more than 2,000 years ago when there was no machinery and everything had to be done by bare hands. Yet they managed to build a wall like this and the terra-cotta warriors, which, as many people say, have become the eighth wonder of the world.

Xiao Wang: 今天我们去的那段长城叫八达岭,这是保卫北京的一个战略要地,离北京约75公里。现在有了高速公路,不到两个小时就到了。 关于长城你若有什么问题的话,不论是在路上还是到了那里随时都可以问我。

David: Thank you for your briefing. I’m sure our visit to the Great Wall will give me a better understanding of Chinese history and the wisdom of the Chinese people.


Now I’d like to move on to three possible policies, which could be developed to stem this kind of uncontrolled urbanization in developing countries.

The first one would be to promote a more equal land distribution. In this way, farmers would be more motivated to stay on the land. They would be able to work more land, and

thus be able to feed their families more adequately.

The second policy would be to improve the supply of social services in the rural areas, particularly in the field of health and education. country people often move to the city because they feel that these services are better in the city areas, and if they could compare the services and feel that there was perhaps not much difference between the two, it would be another reason for not moving.

A third possible policy would be to give financial assistance to agriculture, especially to the small landowners. Now obviously the problem of uncontrolled urbanization and the consequences, which are not favorable, is a difficult problem to which there is no easy solution, but these three types of policies could help to reduce the problem, which is felt in particular in developing countries.





孔夫子说过,“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。”这次布朗先生从大洋彼岸不远千里光临我们公司,我非常高兴。 在过去几年里我们两家公司已经建立了卓有成效的合作关系。我相信通过布朗先生的这次,我们的合作还会加强。







A new era is upon us. Call it what you will: the service economy, the information age, the knowledge society. It all translates to ① a fundamental change in the way we work. The percentage of people who earn their living by making things has fallen dramatically. Today the majority of jobs are in the service industry, and the number is on the rise.  More women are in the work force than ever before. There are more part- time jobs. More people are self-employed. Above all, the economic transformation is giving rise to② a radical~ new way of thinking about the nature of work itself. Long-held notions about jobs and careers, the skills needed to succeed, even the relation between individuals and employers——all these are being challenged.  难点提示:  ①转变为,转化为  ②引起,导致  ③根本的,彻底的  参考译文:  一个新时代降临在我们身上。随你怎么称呼它:叫它服务型经济、信息时代,或者知识社会都行。它都反映在我们工作方式的根本改变上。靠生产物品谋生的人的比例大幅度下降。今天,大多数的人们都从事服务性行业的工作,而且人数呈上升趋势。  劳动力中妇女的人数比以往任何时候都多。有更多兼职的工作。更多的人成为个体劳动者。最重要的是,经济的转变带来了对于工作本身的一种全新认识。工作和事业,成功所必需具备的技能,甚至就连个人与雇主的关系——长期以来对所有这些问题所持的看法都受到了挑战。


Part A: Translate the following passages from English into Chinese(two passages, each 25 points)

Passage 1 :

Can man be credited with choosing the right path when he knows only one?Can he be congratulated for his wise decision when only one judgment is possible? If he knows nothing of vice, is he to be praised for adhering to virtue?

Wisdom consists of the deliberate exercise of judgment; knowledge comes in the discrimination between those known alternatives. Weighing these alternatives is the way of maturity. Only then does man have the strength to follow his choice without wavering, since that choice is based firmly on knowledge rather than on an uncertain, dangerously shallow foundation of ignorance.

Passage 2 :

For many years the United States and other nations used gold and silver money. Paper money was used to stand for the holding of both silver and gold. The value of silver was limited to that of gold. Fifteen ounces of silver had the same value of one ounce of gold. These values didn’t change until after 1860 when mines in the west of the United States began to produce large amounts of silver. This extra amount of silver caused its price to fall. No longer would fifteen ounces of silver buy one ounce of gold. In 1871, Germany declared that it would no longer support its paper money with silver. Instead, it would use only gold. Other countries of Europe quickly did the same.

Part B: Translate the following passages from Chinese into English ( two passages, each 25 points )

Passage 1 :


Passage 2 : 中华考试网




★ 英语翻译

