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China’s Foreign Policy in a Fast Changing World: Mission and Responsibility


Speech by Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng at the Lunch Meeting of the Eighth World Peace Forum


8 July 2019




Professor Chen Xu, Chairperson of the Tsinghua University Council,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


很高兴再次出席世界和平论坛,与各位新老朋友相聚一堂。本届世界和平论坛的主题是“稳定国际秩序:共担、共治、共享”。我依然清晰记得,去年,也是在这里,我们纵论天下大势和中国外交,大家对形势最突出的感受是“三不”:不确定、不稳定、不可预测。遗憾的是,一年过去了,国际局势依然乱变交织、阴云密布,各种不稳定不确定因素还在蔓延,世界仍面临着何去何从的艰难选择。考生如果怕自己错过考试成绩查询的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。

It gives me great pleasure to come back to the World Peace Forum and share my thoughts with so many friends, old and new. The theme this year for the Forum, namely, “Stabilizing the World order: Common Responsibilities, Joint Management, and Shared Benefits” reminded me of our discussions here last year on the international situation and China’s foreign policy. The general feeling then was that international developments could be characterized by three words starting with “u”: uncertain, unstable and unpredictable. Unfortunately, as we meet again one year later, the situation has remained in a flux. Dark clouds have not cleared away, and destabilizing factors and uncertainties continue to widen. Some hard choices are yet to be made about where our world will be headed.


The choices humankind makes about the future are usually based on its understanding of the past. A hundred years ago, in the immediate aftermath of the First World War, the Versailles System with the League of Nations as its pillar was established to create “durable peace”. Yet we all know “what happens to ideals when they confront the reality”. Just 20 years later, the Second World War broke out. An important reason why the Versailles System failed to prevent the war was that countries concerned put their own interests above those of others, or even took a beggar-thy-neighbor approach to shift the crisis onto others, which made it next to impossible for the League of Nations and multilateral coordination to function properly. These lessons were learned the hard way.


Today, our world is once again confronted with crises and challenges brought by disorder and change. How should we respond? The failure of the Versailles System is not far behind us. We cannot let history repeat itself or witness a replay of the old script of unilateralism and protectionism, particularly when we now live in a globalized world where countries are increasingly interdependent and the entire humanity belongs in one community with a shared future. If countries allow the networks and the collaborative industrial chain that have been formed over the years to be turned into weapons against each other, or if more tariff wars, trade wars, or even financial and technology wars were to break out, our world would regress to the bad old ways with extremely dangerous consequences. We should never be blinded by myopia and make irreversible mistakes leading to catastrophes.


Fortunately, in the face of unprecedented challenges, there is a growing consensus among the international community for upholding multilateralism. The just concluded G20 Osaka Summit, for example, sent a resounding message of supporting multilateralism. How, then, should we effectively put multilateralism to action? I think first and foremost, there needs to be a sound institutional basis, without which order would be elusive. We need to uphold the international system with the United Nations at the core and governed by international law, and uphold the rules-based multilateral trading system with the WTO at its center. Although it is far from perfect and requires reform and improvement, yet the existing international order should not be overturned. If each country takes things into its own hands, the world would be plunged into utter chaos. Secondly, we need a spirit of cooperation. Global issues require global responses. No country can go it alone, however mighty it may be. We must work together like rowers in the same boat in order to brave the waves and reach the shores of success. Thirdly, we need to follow a win-win approach. The international community needs to shoulder shared responsibilities and seek mutual benefits as members of a big family would do. Zero-sum games and the winner-take-all approach would lead nowhere. Trying to maximize one’s own interests and put them above those of others would only lead to conflict and war.


There exists extensive commonality between the principles of multilateralism and President Xi Jinping’s call for building a community with a shared future for mankind. The values of multilateralism further accord well with the concept of global governance based on extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits and are instrumental to shaping a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation. History has and will continue to prove that multilateralism points the right way forward and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind is an inexorable trend of our times.


Ladies and Gentlemen,



China is a country that always matches its commitments with actions. It has always been a promoter of world peace, a contributor to global development and an upholder of the international order. Over the past year, despite the difficulties and challenges China encountered, our commitment to enhancing mutually beneficial cooperation with all other countries has remained unchanged, so have our efforts to fulfill our responsibilities to world peace and common development. If anything, we have only done more and delivered greater results on both fronts.


We have firmly upheld multilateralism and free trade. Facing the growing backlash against globalization and the serious challenge of rising protectionism and unilateralism, President Xi Jinping sent out a clear and consistent message at the G20 Summit, the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, the first China International Import Expo and other occasions of China’s firm commitment to safeguard multilateralism and free trade and steer the reform of the global governance system in a proactive manner. President Xi called for actively promoting economic globalization based on mutually beneficial cooperation and the building of an open world economy. The Chinese side has further worked with all other parties to implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change to pursue development and prosperity for all countries.

我们致力于高质量共建“一带一路”。坚持共商共建共享原则,践行开放、绿色、廉洁理念,努力实现高标准、惠民生、可持续目标。最近世界银行发布“一带一路’经济学”报告,认为“一带一路”交通项目全部完成后,沿线国家交通时间将减少12%,贸易增长2.8 – 9.7%,实际收入增长1.2-3.4%,760万人将摆脱极端贫困。这表明,“一带一路”有效促进了有关国家和地区经济增长、民生改善、基础设施联通,甚至改变了很多普通人的命运。在马拉维北部的齐姆科贝尔村,近一个世纪以来,村民们一直是头顶水桶到一公里外的水源打水。是中国工人来到该村修建起崭新的水井。在地下水涌出井口的那一刻,村民们激动地说“我们再也不用光着脚走山路了。”中国援建的马拉维600眼水井项目为当地6个地区15万人提供了清洁的饮用水。

We have advanced high-quality “Belt and Road” cooperation. Adhering to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, we have engaged in open, green and clean “Belt and Road” cooperation to deliver high-standard and sustainable outcomes beneficial to people’s livelihood. According to the recent World Bank report on “Belt and Road” economics, once the transport corridors are fully completed, travel time along the corridors will shrink by 12 percent, trade will be up by 2.8 to 9.7 percent, people’s real income will increase by 1.2 to 3.4 percent and 7.6 million people will be lifted out of extreme poverty in participating countries. This shows that “Belt and Road” cooperation is an effective contributor to the economic growth, higher living standards and infrastructure connectivity of countries and regions involved. It is changing the lives of many local people. For example, in a village called Chimkombero in northern Malawi, for nearly a century, people there had to walk with buckets on their heads for about a kilometer to a hand-dug shallow well to get drinking water. Then came Chinese workers who drilled a new borehole for them. The moment fresh water came gushing out of the borehole, the villagers were so excited that they said, “We no longer had to walk such a long distance on bare foot to get water.” The 600 boreholes China has helped to drill in Malawi are now providing clean drinking water to 150,000 people in six local districts.


We have ushered in a new era for China-Russia relations. This year being the 70th anniversary of China-Russia diplomatic ties, President Xi Jinping visited Russia in early June and met President Putin for nearly the 30th time in six years. President Xi’s visit set a new characterization of China-Russia relations, achieved new progress and set new targets for bilateral cooperation. China and Russia vowed to develop a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era, advance cooperation on major strategic projects, expand and deepen cooperation on technological innovation, and work to increase two-way trade to US$200 billion. The China-Russia relationship is at its best in history, with political mutual trust and strategic coordination reaching a new high.


We have worked with Europe to address global challenges. President Xi Jinping chose Europe as the destination of his first overseas trip this year. He met with leaders from France, Germany and the EU, where they reached extensive consensus on global governance, multilateralism and free trade. They agreed to strengthen coordination and cooperation at the UN, fully leverage the constructive role of the G20 and other multilateral mechanisms to do more in seeking political settlement of international disputes, addressing climate change and promoting sustainable development. This sent out a strong signal at the leadership level of China and Europe working to enhance mutual trust, deepen cooperation and meet global challenges.


We have stepped up efforts to build a community with a shared future with neighboring countries. China has improved relations with both Japan and India. President Xi Jinping met with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the sidelines of the G20 Osaka Summit and reached a ten-point common understanding on further growing bilateral relations. Prime Minister Abe invited President Xi to pay a state visit to Japan in spring next year. President Xi and Prime Minister Modi will have an informal summit this year to chart the future course of China-India relations. The China-ASEAN strategic partnership is entering a mature phase. Negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership are being brought forward and those on a China-Japan-ROK free trade agreement are picking up pace. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is expanding its influence and becoming a good example of regional cooperation featuring unity, mutual trust, shared security, mutual benefit and inclusiveness.


We have elevated South-South cooperation to a new height. In September last year, over 50 leaders from China and Africa gathered at the FOCAC Beijing Summit to discuss China-Africa cooperation and jointly celebrated “a golden week of China-Africa friendship”. Since then, the follow-up actions have been actively implemented, producing early and high-quality results and making a visible difference for the livelihood of local communities. With such iron-clad facts, we have demonstrated to the world that the friendship between China and Africa remains unbreakable as ever. Supported by key South-South cooperation platforms, including the G77+China and BRICS, China’s friendly relations and cooperation with developing countries in the Arab region, Latin America, the South Pacific and other regions are showing renewed momentum.


We have actively promoted the political settlement of hotspot issues. General Secretary and President Xi Jinping’s recent state visit to the DPRK, the first visit to the country by China’s top leader after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, has not only carried forward and cemented the traditional friendship between the two countries, but also played an important and unique role in advancing the political settlement of the Korean peninsula issue and maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula. On the Iranian nuclear issue, we stand firmly by international law and justice, and worked to uphold the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and peace and stability in the Middle East. We have also actively facilitated peace talks and promoted the political settlement of such issues as northern Myanmar, Afghanistan, Syria and that between Palestine and Israel.


Over the past year, China has stayed firmly committed to the common good of the world and working with other countries in concert to face up to changes and turbulence and strengthen the force for peace and growth. In particular, the summit diplomacy provided an irreplaceable strategic guidance in this process. This June alone, President Xi Jinping made unprecedented four overseas trips and attended more than 100 bilateral and multilateral events, making selfless efforts for the cause of world peace and global governance. With concrete actions, President Xi has stayed true to the original aspiration and goals of China’s diplomacy and demonstrated China’s sense of responsibility and mission as a major country.


Ladies and Gentlemen,



This year marks the 40th anniversary of China-US diplomatic relations. In the past four decades, this relationship has come a long way, outperforming even the wildest predictions back then. It has not only brought huge benefits to both countries, but also changed the world in profound ways. For us, the biggest revelation from this 40-year journey is this: China and the US both stand to gain from cooperation and lose from confrontation; and cooperation and dialogue is always better than friction and confrontation. China-US relations is now going through the most complex and sensitive period since diplomatic relations were formalized four decades ago. How things play out will significantly impact the future of both countries and that of the world. As President Xi Jinping pointed out, there are 1,000 reasons to make China-US relations work, but not a single reason to derail them. Taking this opportunity, I would like to share a few observations.


First, the challenges currently facing the US cannot be blamed on China. After 9/11, the United States waged wars against Afghanistan and Iraq. Those two wars have left the US deeply mired in the turmoils of the Middle East, costed it trillions of dollars, and sapped its strategic strength. The 2008 global financial crisis exposed the deep-seated imbalances in the US economy and society. Problems such as economic disparity, widening wealth gap and aging infrastructure all have their own reasons, but none were caused by China. China should not be made a scapegoat for them.


Second, threat of tariffs and decoupling is not the solution. China has been engaging in the trade negotiations with the US in good faith to manage our differences. However, the negotiations should be on an equal footing, and their outcomes should be balanced, mutually beneficial, and demonstrate mutual respect and accommodation of each other’s legitimate concerns. When its sovereignty and dignity are at stake, China must safeguard its core interests. There is no way that China will accept a humiliating agreement that will hold back its development and national rejuvenation. The Chinese side is determined to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests. Nothing, be it maximum pressure or threat of another Cold War, will intimidate us.


Third, taking China as an enemy is not a rational approach. Behind the China-US trade friction is the underlying issue of strategic perception. China and the US, as the top two economies in the world with closely intertwined interests and broad areas of cooperation, should work together for common progress and development. Viewing China as an enemy cannot be more unwise and would only lead to disastrous consequences. “Making America great again” and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation are two historic processes that may well go hand in hand. It is entirely possible for China and the US to help each other succeed and achieve “greatness” together .


Recently, President Xi and President Trump had a successful meeting in Osaka, during which they exchanged views on the fundamental issues bearing on China-US relations and set out the future course for this relationship. The two sides agreed to continue pursuing a China-US relationship based on coordination, cooperation and stability and announced the resumption of trade consultations. These important understandings sent a positive message and are welcomed and supported by the international community. Now the task for both sides is to follow through on the principled consensus reached by the two presidents and keep to the right direction of China-US relations. The two sides need to strengthen strategic communication on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit to deepen mutual understanding, expand cooperation in various areas, and properly manage differences. This will go a long way to promoting steady progress of China-US relationship to the benefit of both countries and the wider world.


Ladies and Gentlemen,



This year, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It has been seven decades of relentless progress despite trials and tribulations. Led by the Communist Party of China, we the Chinese people have made great achievements through self reliance and hard work, making China the second largest economy in the world, cultivating a middle income population of over 400 million, and lifting some 800 million people out of poverty. By the end of 2020, we will have taken all rural residents living below the current poverty line out of poverty, putting an end to absolute poverty in our country and creating a miracle in the history of development and poverty reduction. We are also on course to attain the first centenary goal by 2020, i.e. completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The Chinese people are getting closer and closer to realizing their aspirations for a better life.


China’s development means opportunities and contributions to the world, rather than a challenge or threat. As President Xi Jinping has reaffirmed on many occasions, China’s door will not be closed, but will only open wider to the world. At the G20 Osaka Summit, President Xi Jinping announced further steps of opening up. I am confident that the world will come to see that China, instead of building walls or decoupling with other countries, will continue to bring down its tariff rates, shorten the negative lists, expand market access and make market rules more transparent. A more open China that actively interacts with the rest of the world will bring more opportunities, and make greater contributions to the world.


Ladies and Gentlemen,



As a Chinese poem goes, “As we stand high and look far, the unstoppable tide of history, like in a mighty river, surges ever forward.” As we are about to enter the third decade of the 21st century, the journey ahead might be beset with dangerous rapids and storms, but China will stay its course and move forward by riding the waves and braving the storms. We will serve as an even stronger stabilizing force in this fast changing world, injecting greater positive energy for the evolution of the international order and a more powerful impetus for global development.


Thank you!


坚持和平与合作 构建人类命运共同体

Upholding Peace and Cooperation and Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind


Speech by H.E. Wang Qishan, Vice President of the People’s Republic of China at the Opening Ceremony of the Eighth World Peace Forum


Tsinghua University, 8 July 2019


Distinguished Guests,


Good Morning! It is my great pleasure to attend the Eighth World Peace Forum.


We meet at a time of major development, transformation and adjustment in the world. While the international environment remains generally stable, profound shifts are taking place in the relations between major countries. Continued advancement of economic globalization is accompanied by mounting protectionism and populist ideologies. Accelerated movement toward a multipolar world goes hand in hand with intensifying geopolitical rivalry and regional turbulence. The emergence of new technologies and new thinkings is profoundly changing the way people live and work. A review of the past century has led some to express fears that the post-war international order is teetering on the edge and that humanity has once again come to a crossroads.


Under such circumstances, one must look further back into history to gain a longer-term perspective for the future. The history of mankind is all about war and peace, survival and development. For several thousand years, countries and nations developed largely in mutual isolation. They rose and fell though repeated conquest and resistance in their own time and space. More than 500 years ago, the Age of Discovery brought about the first round of globalization in human history and the colonial expansion of the western Mediterranean Civilization. The international order established after the end of Second World War contributed to peace and stability in the following decades, but the world remained largely divided into opposing camps and blocs. The end of the Cold War and the emergence of new technologies created conditions for a new round of economic globalization where multinationals allocated resources globally to maximize profits. While this process generated enormous benefits for the developed countries, it also led to the collective rise of the developing countries and emerging economies, and linked the interests of all countries ever closer, making the world a truly “global village”.


We live in an age where people cherish peace and yearn for development, and economic globalization represents the trend of our times. There will always be twists and turns on the road ahead, but the greatest fear is fear itself in the face of challenges. We must stay committed to peaceful development, unswervingly advance economic globalization and jointly build an international order that is more fair, equitable, stable and effective.


Distinguished Guests,


The more than 5000 years of uninterrupted Chinese civilization saw great sufferings as well as glories of the Chinese nation. The Chinese people believe that one should help others to succeed while seeking one’s own success. They honor harmony, cooperation and inclusiveness and aspire to build a peaceful world for all. After 1840, the Chinese nation had been mired in a century of humiliation. Since then, numerous patriots had risen up and fought valiantly for national independence and liberation. With the founding of New China, the Chinese people, through their extraordinary efforts, established from scratch an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system, and embarked on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics as they explored ways to promote development, reform and opening up. Today, the Chinese people have achieved the historic progress from struggling for subsistence to a moderately prosperous society in all respects, heralding bright prospects for the great renewal of the Chinese nation.


People’s aspirations for a better life are what drive us forward. China cannot develop by shutting itself from the world, nor can the world develop by shutting out China. Without a peaceful and stable international environment, there will be no development to speak of. China will continue to run its own affairs well and maintain strategic focus and confidence in response to external uncertainties. Committed to the path of peaceful development, China will never seek hegemony, expansion or sphere of influence no matter how the international situation changes or how developed it may become.


Let me try to put it this way: China’s path of peaceful development is about developing China through promoting world peace while upholding world peace through China’s development. It is about pursuing development mainly through reform and innovation while staying committed to opening up to learn from others. It is about following the trend of economic globalization and promoting development for all through mutually beneficial cooperation. It is about working with the rest of the international community for an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity.


Distinguished Guests,


To achieve further development, we must build on past achievements. It is the consensus of the overwhelming majority of countries that while the existing international system is less than perfect and needs to be reformed, it would be ill-advised to cast it aside and start all over again. With the common interests of all humanity in mind, China has come up with the proposition to build a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind.


We must consolidate multilateralism as a cornerstone. We must uphold multilateralism with the United Nations at its core, abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations, and respect each other’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. While the internal affairs of a country should be determined by its own people, global affairs need to be handled by all countries through consultations on an equal footing, so that all countries and peoples can enjoy dignity and security. In this regard, major countries need to set an example by demonstrating their sense of responsibility and contributing more to world peace and stability.


We must explore more avenues to achieve development for all. Development is the master key to address all problems. We must strike a good balance between development and security in the process of advancing political, economic, social, cultural and ecological progress. We need to follow the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in strengthening dialogue and cooperation in economy, finance, science and technology, energy and other areas in a bid to build an open world economy of higher standards. This way, we will be better able to promote common security through greater convergence of interests while rejecting protectionism practiced in the name of national security.


We must promote mutual learning among civilizations. Diversity of civilizations and of development paths is both a natural result and a driving force of human progress. People from different political systems and with different historical, cultural and religious backgrounds need to reject estrangement, exclusion, suspicion and hostility, and promote greater mutual knowledge, mutual understanding, mutual trust and inclusiveness. This approach will be conducive to fundamentally forestalling the breeding and spreading of extremist ideologies.


We must jointly respond to new challenges facing humanity. We must seek the largest possible common ground as we set out to improve the international legal system and global governance mechanisms, and extend international cooperation to new areas such as the Internet, artificial intelligence, outer space, deep sea and polar affairs. We must stand up to our shared responsibilities to implement the international consensus on climate change, strengthen international cooperation in poverty reduction, disaster relief and public health, and combat transnational crime and terrorism in all its forms.


Distinguished Guests,


In its eight-year history, the World Peace Forum has gained growing influence. At this year’s Forum, experts from all over the world will have in-depth discussions on stabilizing the international order. I hope you will provide each other much food for thought, build consensus, and contribute your wisdom to world peace and development.


To conclude, I wish the Forum a full success.

