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美国习语: 卖座率低,惊人的消息

A newspaper says that a picture that had cost $34 million to make has bombed at the box office. This young producer made money on his first three films, so the studio invested 40 million in his fourth film. But it turned out to be a real bomb -- it didn't make enough to get back the investment. Grandfather dropped a bombshell last night when he told the family he is marrying a woman 40 years younger than he. In March 1968 President Lyndon Johnson dropped one of the biggest bombshells ever dropped in American politics when he announced that he would not run for re-election because of the Vietnam War.

语言往往是难以捉摸,也是没有道理可讲的。我们曾经在美国习惯用语: 节目里给大家介绍了几个和战争有关的俗语,其中之一是:blockbuster。 Blockbuster 是二次世界大战期间联军用来和纳粹德国进行空战的武器,但是现在的意思是某一件事非常成功,特别是文艺作品方面的成功。可是,你要是用另外一种武器的名字,它的意思可以完全相反。例如:bomb。 Bomb 就是炸弹,也一样是一种武器。但是,在电影和音乐方面,你要是用 bomb 这个字,它的意思就是不成功,不受欢迎,卖座率很低。要是有一则新闻报导说最近一位著名歌星录制的歌曲是一个 bomb 的话,那就是告诉你,这张唱片或磁带没有像想象中销路那么好。要是你听到别人说: "A newspaper says that a picture that had cost 34 million dollars to make has bombed at the box office." 你大概可以知道这句话的意思是:"一份报纸说,一部花了三千四百万美元摄制的影片卖座率很低。"也就是说,这部电影的本钱都收不回来。 我们再来听听一位在好莱坞采访的记者讲的话吧: "This young producer made money on his first three films, so the studio invested forty million in his fourth film. But it turned out to be a real bomb -- it didn't make enough to get back the investment." 这位记者说:"这位年轻的电影制片人开始拍摄的三部电影卖座率很高,赚了不少钱,所以电影公司就投资四千万美元让他拍第四部电影。可是,这部电影的卖座率实在很低,因此连本钱都没赚回来。" 下面我们要给大家介绍的一个俗语也和 bomb 有关,但是它的意思和 bomb 又很不相同。这个习惯用语就是:to drop a bombshell。 To drop a bombshell 的意思是:宣布令人震惊的消息,就像一枚炸弹在你身旁突然爆炸一样让你吃惊。下面这个祖父宣布的消息确实会让人感到很惊讶: "Grandfather dropped a bombshell last night when he told the family he is marrying a woman 40 years younger than he." 这句话的意思是:"祖父昨晚上对家里的人说,他要和一个比他年轻四十岁的女子结婚,这可真叫大家吃了一惊。" 你知道美国历史上最令人吃惊的事之一是什么吗?下面这个例子就会告诉你: "In March 1968 President Lyndon Johnson dropped one of the biggest bombshells ever dropped in American politics when he announced that he would not run for re-election because of the Vietnam War." 这是说:"1968年3月美国总统约翰逊宣布,因为越南战争,他决定不竞选连任。这可是美国政治史上最令人震惊的消息之一了。" 今天我们给大家介绍了两个和战争,具体来说是和炸弹有关的习惯用语,可是它们的意思和战争都没有什么关系。我们讲的第一个习惯用语是: bomb。用 bomb 这个字来形容文艺界的作品,那就是作品销路不好的意思。我们今天讲的第二个俗语是:to drop a bombshell,这是指宣布一个令人惊奇的消息。


Sally and Joe had a big fight last week, but they've made up and now everything is peaches and cream again. Peter's sister is a lovely girl. She has a real peaches and cream complexion, soft and white as milk and a touch of pink like a fresh ripe peach. Bill was sure that he'd be elected class president. But when Mary beat him in the voting, he told us he was glad he didn't get the job because it was too much work. That's nothing but sour grapes. Talk about a clear case of sour grapes. When Bob's girl left him to marry another man, he went around telling anybody who would listen that he left her because she wasn't good enough for him.

英文里"水果"这个字,也就是 "fruit" 是来自很早以前的一个拉丁文里的动词,意思是"享受"。而事实上也确实如此,香蕉、苹果、橘子、樱桃、桃子或葡萄等水果放在果盘里看起来都十分吸引人。因此、有关水果的俗语往往是具有一种肯定和完善的含义,例如:peaches and cream。 大家知道 peaches 就是桃子, cream 是指奶油。 Peaches and cream的意思是:一切都很美好。有人可能会问:桃子和奶油有什么关系呢?这是因为美国人在吃水果时往往喜欢把水果切成块,然后加一点奶油一起吃。实际上,美国人吃很多东西都喜欢和奶油一起吃。所以,peaches and cream 就意味着完美无缺。请听下面这个例子: "Sally and Joe had a big fight last week, but they've made up and now everything is peaches and cream again." 这句话的意思是:"沙莉和乔伊上星期大吵了一场。可是,后来他们互相谈开了,现在他们又很要好了。" Peaches and cream 还可以形容一个年轻少女容光焕发的面孔: "Peter's sister is a lovely girl. She has a real peaches and cream complexion, soft and white as milk and a touch of pink like a fresh ripe peach." 这人说:"比德的妹妹是一个可爱的女孩。她的皮肤真是完美无缺,柔软洁白得像牛奶,还透露出一点像成熟了的新鲜桃子的粉色。" 可是,水果在美国成语里也并不千篇一律地含有褒意,有的时候也反映了反面的意思。下面我们要讲的一个俗语就是一个例子:sour grapes。 Sour 是酸的意思,grapes 就是葡萄。中文里也有酸葡萄的说法,而且中英文的意思也完全相同。举个例子就能说明这一点: "Bill was sure he'd be elected class president. But when Mary beat him in the voting, he told us he was glad he didn't get the job because it was too much work. That's nothing but sour grapes!" 这句话翻成中文是说:"比尔开始认为他肯定能当选为班主席。但是,当玛丽在选举中击败他以后,他对我们说,他很高兴他没有得到这个职位,因为当了班主席工作太多了。他这么说纯属是吃酸葡萄!" 下面是另一个关于 sour grapes 的例子: "Talk about a clear case of sour grapes! When Bob's girl friend left him to marry another man, he went around telling anybody who would listen that he left her because she wasn't good enough for him." 这人说:"要说吃酸葡萄吧,这件事可是很明显的了。当鲍勃的女朋友和另外一个人结婚后,鲍勃到处去对那些愿意听他诉苦的人说,是他不要他的女朋友的,因为他的女朋友配不上他。" 今天我们讲了两个和水果 fruit 这个字有联系的俗语。第一个是 peaches and cream。 Peaches and cream 是指一切都很完美。我们讲的第二个俗语是 sour grapes。 Sour grapes 跟中文里的说法"酸葡萄"的意思一样。


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