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jam有果酱,拥挤,挤满的的意思。在英语写作中常用到,今天小编给大家带来了jam的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


n. 果酱,拥挤,挤满,困境,[无线]干扰

vt. 把…挤进,把…塞满,使挤紧,使堵塞,使卡住

vi. 挤满,拥挤,堵塞,发生故障

变形:过去式: jammed; 现在分词:jamming; 过去分词:jammed;







The holiday traffic is jamming the roads.假日的车辆堵塞了交通。

You'll have to catch the next bus, we can't possibly jam any more passengers in.你得坐下辆公共汽车, 这辆车无论如何也挤不下了。

The key turned halfway and then jammed.钥匙转了一半就卡住了。


1、They were in a real jam, Bob thought glumly.


2、His room was jam-packed with fruit, flowers, gifts etc.


3、Did she do things like bottling fruit or making jam?


jam词组 | 习惯用语

traffic jam 交通阻塞,塞车

in a jam 事情搞得一团糟,陷入困境

jam in 用力把…塞进去

jam on v. 踩压

strawberry jam 草莓酱,草莓果酱

ice jam 冰塞,冰障

paper jam (复印机的)卡纸

jam jar 果酱罐

apple jam 苹果酱

barrage jamming [电子] 阻塞干扰,[电子] 抑制干扰;全波段干扰;弹幕式乱真

traffic jams 塞车;交通堵塞;交通拥堵

log jam 卡住原木;原木堵塞;不法经营

ice jam 冰塞,冰障

jam weld 对头焊接,对接焊

paper jammed 卡纸;记录纸卡纸

jam with 挤满…

paper jam (复印机的)卡纸


1.The recipe uses a jarful of jam.这种烹调法要用一瓶果酱。

2.That photocopier is always getting jammed up.这复印机总卡纸。

3.Shoppers jammed the stores at Christmas time.圣诞节时购物的人挤满了商店。

4.He jammed on the brakes of the car.他踩紧车闸。

5.Wednesdays, the jazz DJ hosts a jam session.每星期三爵士乐主持人都主持爵士乐即兴演奏会。

6.This kind of jam is made of berry.这种果酱是由浆果做的。

7.She spread the toast thinly with raspberry jam.她在烤面包片上塗了薄薄的一层山莓酱。

8.The little boy smeared jam on the chair.小男孩往椅子上抹果酱。

9.He jammed on the brakes to see if they worked.他猛地刹车看看刹车灵不灵。

10.The knives and forks were kept in a jam jar.刀叉原来放在一个果酱罐里。

11.The staff members are jammed into a nest of claustrophobic offices).工作人员被塞进让人会感到幽闭恐怖的办公室里)。

12.Devlin jammed the muzzle of the gun into the man's neck.代弗林将枪口紧紧抵住那人的脖子。

13.75,000 refugees jammed into a stadium today to denounce the accord.今天75,000名难民涌入体育场谴责该条约。

14.Far too many football supporters tried to jam into the small ground.太多的足球支持者想挤进那个小场地。

15.The logs jammed in the river.圆木挤塞在河里。

16.The brakes jammed.刹车失灵了。

17.My speciality is making jam.我的专长是制果酱。

18.We want to buy Tomato Paste, Spieces, Canned Food, Honey, Halva, Jam, Macaroni, Food Stuff我们要采购蕃茄浆,香料,罐装食物,蜂蜜,果酱,通心粉,食品

19.Sorry we’re so late. We got stuck in the mother of all traffic jams on the way.我们这么晚才来真对不起,路上堵得太厉害了。

20.Who enjoys driving to work with the constant traffic jams, roadworks and the impatient hooting of white-van man?有谁喜欢在开车上班时遇上塞车、道路施工,以及粗野的司机不耐烦地按喇叭?


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