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January有一月的意思。在英语写作中常用到,今天小编给大家带来了January的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


n. 一月,[人名] 贾纽厄里



January是公历月份的第一个月,不可用于中国的农历,农历1月通常用the first moon来表示。




It's quite warm for January.就一月份来说,天气相当暖和了。

I was born on January eleventh.我生于一月十一日。

The station will be operative again in January.该车站将于一月份恢复使用。


1、The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd.


2、He arrived on January 9, disheveled and much the worse for wear.


3、The Independent Labour Party was founded in Bradford on January 13, 1893.



January effect 元月效应

lunar January 农历正月

January thaw 一月暖期;[气候] 一月解冻

January 0 月0日

Captain January 一月船长; 一月船主; 一月站长; 简瑞里船长;

January 9 月9日

fri january 杂谈中国

January Eradication 一月根除

January Draconids 一月天龙座流星雨

January Jones 詹纽瑞·琼斯; 詹纽瑞; 琼斯; 詹纽瑞琼斯;


1.Their son will start college in January.他们的儿子将于一月份开始上大学。

2.The trial restarted on January the 5th.审判于一月五日重新开始。

3.In January the pond skins over with ice.一月份池塘覆盖了一层冰

4.The project was terminated as of January 1.该项目于一月一日竣工

5.The tragedy he mentioned took place in January.他提到的那一悲惨事件发生在一月。

6.Warner Brothers-Pathe released the Cinecolor film on January 5.华纳兄弟于当年1月5日推出了这部彩色新闻片。

7.Confetti covers the floor every year on January 1.每年1月1日,五彩纸屑撒得到处都是

8.The year began auspiciously with good trade figures for January.一月份贸易额可观,今年一开头就前景光明。

9.The lake froze over in January. Bridges freeze before the adjacent roads.一月份此湖被冻住。桥比附近的路早冻住

10.The increase in pay agreed in June will be backdated to January.六月达成加薪协议,加薪将追溯至一月起算。

11.Unless a miracle happened, I would be homeless in January, foodless, jobless.除非有奇迹出现,否则在明年一月我将无家可归,没有吃的,也没有工作。

12.Lovely happenstance will continue to surprise and thrill you through most of January.而且随之美好的机会将持续给你惊喜与兴奋在未来一月份的大部分时光。

13.Jan is the abbreviation for January.Jan 是 January 的缩写。

14.It happened on January the seventeenth.事情发生在1月17日。

15.That was a somber January day.那是一个阴沉的正月天。

16.The inauguration of a President of the United States takes place on January 20.美国总统的就职典礼于一月二十日举行。

17.Disallowance of interest deductions due to new thin capitalization rules effective from 1 January 2008.自2008年1月1日起将生效的新的资本弱化规则,可能产生对企业利息扣除的潜在限制。

18.Sophie was two in January.我祖母今年1月份过世了。

19.MethodsThe clinical datal of nonoperative management of 21 cases with closed hepatic Injuries from January 1994 to December 2004 were retrospectively analysed.方法对1994年1月~2004年12月采用非手术治疗的21例闭合性肝外伤的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果21例均痊愈出院。

20.A view of a damaged neighborhood in the Canape-Vert area on January 13, 2010, after an earthquake the day before in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.阿中的一个三明治损坏附近的看法垂直领域1月13日,2010年,地震后的前一天,在太子港,海地。


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