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key有钥匙,(打字机等的)键,关键,线索的意思。在英语写作重视比较常用的单词,今天小编给大家带来了key的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


n. 钥匙,(打字机等的)键,关键,线索,秘诀,(音乐的)调

vt. 键入,锁上,调节…的音调,提供线索

vi. 使用钥匙

adj. 关键的,主要的

变形:过去式: keyed; 现在分词:keying; 过去分词:keyed;







He is striking the key of his typewrite.他敲打着打字机的字键。

To exit from this page, press the return key.退出本页面按返回键。

The key here is to set up a responsibility system.关键是建立责任制。


key用作及物动词时,作“用键盘输入”“调整…的音调,定调子”解,后接名词或代词作宾语; 还可作“使与…适应〔适合〕”解,常与介词to连用。可用于被动结构。

key up可表示“升高或调整(乐器的)音调”,还可表示“使激动,使紧张”“鼓舞”,后面常接介词about,for, to引起的短语作状语。


She keyed in all the new data.她键入了所有的新数据。

I've keyed this sentence (in) three times, and it's still wrong!我把这个句子输入了三次,可是仍然不对!

To make matter worse, I locked my key in the car.更糟的是,我把钥匙锁在车里了。


1、The key issue was whether the four defendants acted dishonestly.


2、For a beach resort with a difference, try Key West.


3、He unlocked her door and handed her back the key.


key词组 | 习惯用语

key point 关键点;要点

key factor 关键因素;主要因素

key in [计]键入

on key 上机

key issue 关键议题

key link 关键环节;中心环节

key component 主要组成部份;关键组分

public key [计]公开密钥

key management 密钥管理

key project 重点项目,关键项目;枢纽工程

key phrase 关键短语

key position 关键部位,要害部位;位置关键帧

key parameter 关键参数

key word [计]关键字;保留字

key area 关键区,关键地区;标题区

key chain 钥匙扣;钥匙链

key on 接通;楔入;用键固定

private key 私人密钥,个人密钥(用于把即将发送的消息进行加密的密钥)

press any key 按任意键

key way 键槽


1.The key alone will open the door.只有这把钥匙能开这个门。

2.Can you duplicate the key for me?你能把这把钥匙再给我配一把吗?

3.A key was enclosed in the envelope.信封中装有一把钥匙。

4.I looked everywhere for my lost key.我到处寻找我丢失的钥匙。

5.Herein lies the keys to the questions.里面包含着问题的答案。

6.Claudia inserted her key in the lock.克劳迪娅把钥匙插入锁中。

7.Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean.直布罗陀是地中海的要冲。

8.I was keyed up about the exam.我对考试感到紧张。

9.My keys are in my coat pocket.我的钥匙在外衣口袋里。

10.The keys are right under your nose.钥匙就在你那里

11.Moderation is the key to good health.有节制的生活是健康的关键。

12.Too much force will twist the key.用力过猛会把钥匙扭弯。

13.He pocketed his wallet and car keys.他把钱包和汽车钥匙放进衣袋里。

14.The key events to cancel preediting or converting.19取消预编辑或转换的键盘事件。

15.Please turn the key in a clockwise direction.请顺时针转动钥匙。

16.He cried that he had found the key.他大声地叫喊找到了钥匙。

17.We have duplicate keys for the front door.我们有几把相同的前门的钥匙。

18.Thinking about the final exams keys him up.想到期末考试他就紧张。

19.France jacked up its key bank interest rate.法国提高了主要的银行利率。

20.It was he who keyed the door yesterday.正是他昨天用钥匙锁门的。


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