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类比法(Analogy)是一种词义修辞格,把两种本质上不相同的事物就其某方面的共同点进行比较,通过比喻说明某种道理或描绘某种复杂情况。例如,Lesson 27的第一句, “It has been said that everyone lives by selling something.” 作者把人们生活工作的方式类比成销售货物的方式,每个人都是一定意义上的推售员,抽象的为谋生而付出的努力被比喻成具体的可供售卖的货物。通过这样的类比,读者找到了联系的线索,加深对句子的理解并引起共鸣。假如我们要借助类比描绘英语的作用,我们就可以说,“What English means to a student is what weapons mean to the soldiers who fight in the battlefield.” 或 “If we obtain English proficiency, we obtain the key which leads us to more knowledge and opportunities.”

夸张法(hyperbole)也是词义修辞,刻意地夸大或缩小把事物的特征,在数量,形状和程度上加以渲染, “言过其实”地使事物的本质特征更好地呈现出来,给人强烈的印象。Lesson 49, 作者谈到阿姨家的仆人数量时提及”an army of servants (仆人大军)” and “the shifting population(流动人口)”, 把Bessie导致布丁砸在桌上的小意外说成 “catastrophe (大灾难)”, 不难看出这些都是夸张的例子。如果我们的朋友多不胜数,我们也可以自豪地说,“I have an army of friends.”, 但是如果他们都是 “the shifting population who just come and go into my life without even a hello or goodbye (他们只是连招呼不打就来来去去的流动人口)”,那么这样的友情带来的只是一个 “catastrophe”, 因为没有得到真正的知己。

排比法(Parallelism),属于结构修辞,以语法结构对称来突出意义,增添气势。Lesson 51,阐述Bagrid预测计算机的功能, 文中出现了连续四个排比,充分证明了Bagrid非凡的眼光,“Bagrid foresaw a time when computers would be small enough to hold in the hand, when they would be capable of providing information about traffic jams…, when they would be used in hospital…, when they would relieve office workers and accountants of dull, repetitive clerical work..”排比是最常用的修辞之一,排比项通常以三项为起点,控制于五项之内。 结合一个写大学教育的主题,以下的排比句跃然纸上, “University is the place where we absorb the most comprehensive knowledge, where we encounter friends of lifetime, where we cultivate our characters and personalities, where we create the most impressive part of our life.


“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句普遍用于正式的文体中,在非正式文体中介词也可以放在后面,比如I found a room in which I can study.(正式) = I found a room I can study in.(非正式) 。

“介词+关系代词”的情况一般用来替代关系副词(where,when,why),when和where都可以用in/on/at which来替代,而关系副词why被for which取代时有一个条件,即前面的先行词必须是the reason。


1. 根据从句中的动词,形容词,名词和介词的固定搭配而定。

2. 根据先行词与从句中动词的关系及其含义而定。


第5课: However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that…… (in which中的which代指的是fax,而在传真中应该是in the fax)

第17课: Verrazano, an Italian about whom little is known, sailed into New York Harbour in 1524 and named it Angouleme. (这里牵扯到固定用法:know about,表示对…有所了解)

第17课: They support the cables from which the bridge has been suspended.(这里是和后面动词的固定搭配有关,be suspended from)

第32课: The most valuable find of all was the ship's log book, parts of which it was still possible to read. (which表示log book,这里作者要表达的是log book 的一部分,所以用part of)

第60课: She felt inhere handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down all the details… … (这里如同第5课的原句,介词搭配和名词paper有关,应该是on the paper)




平行结构在英文学习中是个拓展层面,掌握后会对自己的语感有很大提升。比如美国前总统肯尼迪当年的名言:And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. 就是用了这种平行结构。


第15课: George took off his jacket, rolled up his sleeves and pushed is right arm through the drain cover.

第27课: He may hunt, beg, or steal occasionally to keep himself alive; he may even, in times of real need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom.

第37课: Ships may be delayed by storms; flights may be cancelled because of bad weather, but trains must be on time.

第47课: Lawn mowers whining on a summer's day, late-night parties in apartment blocks, noisy neighbors, vehicles of al kinds, especially large container trucks thundering through quiet village, planes and helicopters flying overhead, large radios carried round in public places and played at maximum volume.


按照语法的分析,句子应该具备的成分,有时出于修辞上的需要,在句中并不出现,这种句子叫做省略句(elliptical sentences)它虽然省去句子语法构造所需要的组成部分,但仍能表达其完整的意义。

第27课:In the light of this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comfort.


Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 读书足以怡情,足以.足以长才。

Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人准确。



(1) 所谓赘词,即累赘,也是句中不该重复出现的部分,因此不能使用。

1. advance + forward ×

proceed + forward ×

progress + forward ×


2. return + back ×

revert + back ×

3. sufficient enough ×

4. compete together ×

5. reason ... because ×

(正确结构:reason ... that ...)

6. join together ×

7. repeat again ×

8. new innovations ×

9. two twins ×

10. same identical × (都表示同一的,仅能使用其中一个)

(2) 否定:注意在下列否定句中形容词,副词和代词的变化。

1. He talked too much.

He didn't talk very much.

2. He will come back too.

He won't come back either.

3. She has already know that.

She hasn't known that yet.

4. We have some novels.

We haven't any novels.

5. He is telephoning someone.

He isn't telephoning anyone.

6. They are still in the classroom.

They aren't in the classroom any longer.

7. I like her a great deal.

I don't like her much.

8. She was away a long time.

She wasn't away long.


“独立主格”的意思就是“独立出来的一个主格”,是描述除主句主语外的其他主语的结构。我们先来看一幅唯美浪漫的画面:这个女孩静静地站在树下。天上的雪花纷纷飘落。用英文可以说“The girl is standing quietly under the tree, with the snowflakes dancing in the air.”句中的 “with the snowflakes dancing in the air”就是 “独立主格”。 “独立主格”顾名思义,首先是“独立”,说明这个成分是独立于主句存在的,比如这个句子中,即使去掉“with the snowflakes dancing in the air”,前面的句子还是一个整句,其结构不会受任何影响,所以说“with the snowflakes dancing in the air”是独立于主句“The girl is standing quietly under the tree ”的。同时,根据“独立主格”的功能,“with the snowflakes dancing in the air” 这个结构描述的其实就是另一个主语“the snowflakes”的动作“dancing”.

细心的人也会发现,在这句话“The girl is standing quietly under the tree, with the snowflakes dancing in the air.”中,前面的主句有完整的“主语+谓语 ”,所以是句子;而后面的“独立主格”结构却是“主语+非谓语”的格式,从语法上来说是“短语”,而不是“句子”。Bingo!“独立主格”结构本身就不是一个句子,因为它描述的是“另一个主语”——即“绿叶”的动作或者状态。the snowflakes对于the girl而言,相当于是一个陪衬她的配角,主角the girl我们赋予她一个句子“The girl is standing quietly under the tree ”,而对于配角the snowflakes,我们为了一目了然体现它的配角地位,在描述它的时候就不能赋予句子了,只能用短语with the snowflakes dancing in the air。这也说明了英语和中文的区别,中文是写意,喜欢探索字里行间的隐义,而英文是写形的,很多逻辑和关系都是直接通过语言结构体现的。

根据上面的讲解,我们来总结一下:假如现在有一个主角“红花”A,在做一个动作V1,与此同时,作为他的背景或者配角,另外有一个配角“绿叶”C,他在做一个动作V2,那么我们可以使用独立主格结构将这句话写成:A+V1, (with) C+V2的非谓语形式(最常见的是现在分词或过去分词)。

有了公式和用法,我们再来看新概念英语三第6课中的一个句子:The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade.(宁静突然被打破,一辆大轿车亮着前灯,响着喇叭,呼啸着冲进了拱廊街,在珠宝店门口停了下来。)阅读这个句子的时候,我们发现思维会卡在划横线的这个部分上,所以我们先暂时不看,先分析when引导的这个时间状语从句,when a large car…roared down the arcade,比较好理解,就是当“一辆大轿车呼啸着冲进了拱廊街”。而中间的这个with结构就是“独立主格”结构。我们可以想象一下,当大轿车在呼啸着的时候,作者为了更加全面细致地描写,需要再准备几个配角去陪衬汽车,这两个配角就是“its headlights”和”its horn”,他们作为“绿叶”做的动作分别是“正亮着”和“正响着”,对应的非谓语动词分别是on和blaring,所以根据“独立主格”的结构最终写出了“…a large car roared down the arcade,with its headlights on and its horn blaring.”这个句子,最后为了句子结构优美,再灵活地调整一下“独立主格”的位置,便最终成就了“…a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade.”这样优雅的句子。


1.“…I sat in my room for a few evenings with my eyes glued to a book.(Lesson 50) 我好几个晚上坐在自己房间里,两眼盯在书上。”

这里I是主角“红花”,my eyes便成了配角“绿叶”。

2. “The girl, tears streaming down her face, begged to be allowed to slip into the guard's van.(Lesson 60)女孩泪流满面,央求让她不声不响地到押车员车厢里去算了。”

这里the girl是主角“红花”,tears成了配角“绿叶”,做的动作是“streaming流淌”。with在这里没有出现,因为独立主格结构中,with可以省略。



★ lessons 28~30新概念英语第三册课后答案详解

★ 新概念英语第三册第3课:An unknown goddess

★ 新概念英语第三册第35课:Justice was done

★ 新概念英语第三册第59课:Collecting

★ 新概念英语三册课后练习答案lessons 25~27

★ 新概念英语第三册第33课:A day to remember

★ 新概念英语第三册第48课:The silent village

★ 新概念英语第三册第46课:Do it yourself

★ 新概念英语第三册第10课:The loss of the Titanic

★ 新概念英语第三册第40课:Who's who

