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● 时间及频度副词:before,frequently,always,usually 等

● 地点副词:here,northward,anywhere,above,below等

● 方式副词:rapidly,quickly,clearly,hard,well等

● 程度副词:quite,much,nearly,just,enough,perfectly,only 等

● 疑问副词:how,why,when,where 等

例:He walked out of the room slowly.

She looks very beautiful.

We study English very carefully.

Even a child can do it better.

Perhaps she will telephone you tomorrow.


1. enough:修饰形容词或副词,须置于被修饰词后;而修饰名词时放在修饰词的前面。

He is old enough to go to school.

I have enough money to buy this type of bicycle.

2. too:位于形容词或副词前。

She is too eager to see me.

3. very:置于所修饰的形容词、副词前。

He is very handsome and many girls like to speak with him.

4. much:修饰动词,形容词及副词比较级。

The subject has beentalked too much.

Her dress is much more beautiful than mine.

5. still:“依旧,仍然”用于肯定句、否定句中。

He still remembers the days they spent together.

I still can not catch his words.

6. yet: 位于疑问句末尾时意思是“已经”;用于否定句时意思是“还”。

Have you emptied the dustbin yet?

I haven't done that yet.

7. only: 根据句意灵活运用。(请翻译下面三个句子!)

Only he can tell you how to do it.

He can only tell you how to do it.

He can tell you how to do it only today.

8. hardly, scarcely, seldom, never本身为否定意义副词,注意使用。

Hardly had we left the station when it began to rain.


1. easy: stand easy (= comfortably)

easily: It can't be solved easily.

2. clear: The bullet went clear through the window

(= directly)

clearly: Clearly, he doesn't know anything about it.

(= obviously)

3. high: He can jump very high.(高地)

highly: We think highly of the good teacher.(高度地)

4. just: We have just know the news.(刚刚)

justly: He was justly punished.(公正地)

5. hard: You must think hard.(努力地)

hardly: He hardly knows about it.(几乎不)

6. pretty: He is not pretty sure about it.(非常)

prettily: The girl is prettily dressed.(漂亮地)

7. near: He lives near the school.(附近)

nearly: I nearly missed the bus.(几乎)

8. late: Don't come late next time.(迟到)

lately: I haven't read novels lately.(最近)

9. formally: You should be dressed formally at the meeting.(正式地)

formerly: Formerly, he was the manager of the company.(以前)

10. free(免费地)


11. most(最)


12. sharp(准时地)




1. Automobile production of the present time has been increased ________.

A. greatly B. highly C. on a large scale D. infinitely

2. — Was the class long enough? — No, ________ enough.

A. it wasn't much too long

B. it wasn't too much long

C. it wasn't quite long

D. it wasn't too long much

3. After the funeral, the residents of the apartment building ________.

A. sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the cemetery

B. sent to the cemetery each week flowers faithfully

C. sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each week

D. sent eachweek faithfully to the cemetery flowers

4. Air travel has provided people with the opportunity to travel ________.

A. a large amount of miles

B. much distance

C. extensively

D. wide rangingly

5. — Paul still hasn't returned from the meeting. — Really? I'm sure he expected to be back ________.

A. before long now

B. long before now

C. now before long

D. now long before

6. — Has your father arrived in Bombay yet?

— He probably arrived there sometime ________ .

A. a week past B. thelast week C. this past week D. theweekbefore now

7. — Whydoesn't Jessica stay withrelatives inNewYork? — She________ inBoston.

A. has onlyrelatives

B. only has relatives

C. has relatives only

D. relative has only

8. The nectarineis a fruit ________ likea peach.

A. as B. and C. too D. somewhat

9. 一 Is aw you at the racetrack last week. 一 I go quite often, but I only bet ________ .

A. scarcely B. hardly C. barely D. occasionally

10. Let's stayat home, Ithinkit's ________ for walking.

A. muchtoo hot

B. very much hot

C. too much heat

D. very much heat



如:a person, a day; an hour, anold man...



1.用于双方都知道的名词前:Please cleanthe classroom.


The horseis a useful animal.(马是有用的动物)

This is a very hardjob for theteacher.(对于老师这是一项很难的工作。)

3.用于世界上独一无二的东西前:the sun, the spring.

4.用于方位名词前:People in the west like coffee very much.

5.用于乐器名词前:play the violin.

6.用于计量单位前:Gasoline is soldby the gallon.

7.形容词级和序数词前:This is the easiest way to work out the problem.

He came to see me for first time.

8.用于江河湖海山脉名称前:the Pacific,the Thames,the Rocky Mountains

9.杂志、报刊名称前:the Times,the Overseas Digest

10.用于建筑物、和组织前:the White House, theMinistry of Education

11.用于姓氏复数前,表“某某夫妇,某某一家人”the Smiths,the Greens

12.用于形容词前,表一类人 / 物:the rich, theblind

13.用于 English,Chinese,French等名词前,表“全体国民”the English,the Chinese


1.三餐前 breakfast,lunch,supper, ... Have you had lunch?

2.体育运动项目前 playchess,... I have nointerest intennis.

3.在由 by引出的交通工具前by air(乘飞机),by car

4.在称呼或职位前 He has been elected president of the committee.

5.习惯用语前 at school,day by day,at table(在吃饭),go to church(做礼拜)...


1. The cat is ________ beautiful animal, but its intelligence leaves much tobe desired.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

2. ________ university of Chicago has an excellent l aw school.

A. A B. An C. The D. /

3. — Tina looks especially pretty tonight.

— Yes, she always looks her best in ________ of that color.

A. dress B. a dress C. that dress D. the dress

4. — Did he fly across the English Channel?

— No, he crossed it by________.

A. a ship B. the ship C. ships D. ship

5. If you want to go to the post office from here, take________.

A. Broad way bus B. the Broad way bus

C. some Broad way bus D. a Broadway's bus

6. 一 How did you pay the workers? 一 As a rule, they were paid ________.

A. by an hour B. by the hour C. by a hour D. by hours

7. ________ more to be pitied than blamed.

A. Uneducatedare B. Uneducatedis

C.The uneducatedare D.The neducatedis

8.Astronomy is ________ of stars and planets.

A. a science B. science C. the science D. scientific

9. - After that, what happened to him?

— The chancetoenter ________ cameand he tookit.

A. tocollege B. thecollege C. for college D.college

10.We sternart of the 19th century shows the influence of________ Far East.

A. a B. an C. the D. /



He is a student, isn't he?

He isn't a student, is he?

(1) “have to, had better, used to”要用下列方式反问:

He has to finish the work, doesn't he?

They used to smoke, didn't / usedn't they?

You'd better get up immediately, hadn't you?

(2) “has, have”作为助动词和实意动词,反问形式不同。

We have done all the work, haven't we?

You have some time, don't you?


2. “seldom, barely, hardly, scarcely, few, little” 语意本身是否定,因此反意问句应为肯定形式。

She seldom comes to visit us, does she?

He hardly knew it, did he?

3.当主句为祈使句,反意问句提出要求,命令应用 “will you”

Do it at once, will you?

但如表示邀请,劝告,反意问句用 “won't you”

Have a cup of tea, won't you?

4.否定祈使句应用 “will you” 来反问。

Don't open the window, will you?

5. “Let's” 短语

● 当其为肯定形式,“shall we” 提出反问

Let's play basketball, shall we?

● 当其为否定形式,“all right, ok” 提出反问

Let's not go to the party, all right?

● 如为 “let us ...” 其反问形式应为 “will you” 提出请求

Let us go home, will you?

6.当 “think, suppose, consider, believe” etc 被用作为主句谓语动词,其后带有宾语从句时,反意疑问问句应与从句保持一致。

I don't think that he is an honest man, is he?



1. — Your uncle told me that he overslept this morning.

— Oh, my uncle rarely used to oversleep, ________?

A. wasn't he B. was he C. didn't he D. did he

2. — Remove this, ________? — Right away.

A. will you B. shall you C. don't you D. do you

3. You ought to wait for her, ________?

A. don't you B. oughtn't you C. shouldn't you D. won't you

4. You have Tom move the stone, ________?

A. do you B. don't you C. haven't you D. have you

5. Let's go dancing, ________?

A. will we B. shall we C. don't we D. are we

6. Have dinner here, ________?

A. will you B. would you C. won't you D. haven't you

7. There is someone at the door, ________?

A. isn't there B. is there C. isn't he D. is it

8. The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than now, ________?

A. does there B. wasn't it C. don't it D. didn't it

9. This is the third time this week he's had to study late, ________?

A. isn't it B. isn't he C. hasn't it D. hasn't he

10. — Don't bother to drive me back!

— But then you'd have to walk home alone, ________?

A. hadn't you B. do you C. would you D. wouldn't you




Being ill in bed, I can't go to school.

Mother being ill in bed, I can't go to school.

(1) 独立主结构形式可用以表时间,理由,条件,伴随状态等

He lay on the grass, the sun shining upon him.

= He lay on the grass, and the sun was shining upon him.

Weather permitting, I'll start tomorrow.

= If weather permits, I'll start tomorrow.

School being over, the boys went home.

= When school was over, the boys went home.

The sun having set, we arrived at the station.

= After the sun had set, we arrived at the station.

王牌重点:当独立主格结构的主语表示“一般人”,如:we, one, you时,主语可省略,此用法常用于下列表达方式中:

generally speaking 一般来说

strictly speaking 严格地说

talking of ... 谈到

speaking of ... 说到

judging from ... 由……来判断

taking all things into consideration 把一切都考虑在内

considering ... 考虑到……


If we judge from his face, he must be ill.

= Judging from his face, he must be ill.

He has lots of books if we consider that he is young.

= He has lots of books, considering that he is young.

(2)with 复合结构也是独立主格结构形式之一。这种结构在句中作状语(表示原因,方式,伴随等)和定语,作定语时紧随被修饰名词后。

1.with+ 名词 + 介词短语:

The woman with a baby on her back is my sister.

The boy rushed into the room, with his schoolbag in his hand.

2.with + 名词 + adj.

with the door open, he left the classroom.

3.with + 名词 + adv.

With the gloves off, she felt cold.

With the lights on, the building looks beautiful.

4.with + 名词 + 现在分词(主动)

with + 名词 + 过去分词(被动)

Withthe guide leading us, we got to the village.

The boy was crying with the vase broken.

5.with + 名词 + 不定式

With the hard work to be done, we have to prepare for it.


★ 新概念英语第三册第35课:Justice was done

★ 课后辅导资料

★ 新概念英语第三册第57课:Back in the old country

★ 新概念英语

★ 新概念英语第三册

