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  第十二条 乙方全权承担所属员工出现的违法违规和其它纠纷责任,当乙方的设备、人员在园区发生损失和事故时,由乙方全权承担处理及损失责任,一律与甲方无涉。

  Article 12: Party B shall be responsible for the illegal conducts of his employees and other responsibilities of disputes with other parties. Party B shall undertake all the responsibilities and the loss in case any loss or accidents occur in party B’s industrial park.

  第十三条 如因乙方使用不当造成房屋或设施损坏的,乙方应立即负责修复或予以经济赔偿。

  Article 13: In case of damage of house and equipment caused by party B, he shall make repairs immediately or bear the compensation accordingly.


  Party A shall inform party B in written notice seven days in advance in case he intends to maintain the leasing items or auxiliary facilities, party B should cooperate readily.

  第十四条 乙方如需要对房屋进行改造或增扩设备时,应事先征得甲方的书面同意,并按规定向有关部门办理报批手续后,方可进行。

  Article 14: If party B intends to carry on reformation of the houses or add equipments, he shall inform party A in advance to get written approval, and apply to the concerning departments before starting the procedure.

  第十五条 租赁期内,甲方如需要转让或抵押该房屋,当产权发生变更时,甲方(或新业主)仍要继续执行原合同,具体手续由甲方负责。

  Article 15: Within the leasing term, if party A intends to transfer the leasing items or mortgage, Party A (or new owner) shall still continue to carry out this original contract and carry out the related procedures.

