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长难句:such behaviour is regarded as “all too human”,with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance.




分析: 主句是such behaviour is regarded as “all too human”,介词短语with the underlying…作伴随状语,而that引导同位语从句解释前面的名词assumption。

2、 regard作动词时通常表示“看作,尊重”。accounting may be regarded as a process of communication in a very real sense.(会计也许可以被看作是真实的交流过程。)he is a highly regarded scholar in the academic circle.(他在学术界被视为一位德高望重的学者。) underlying表示“潜在的,根本的”。clearly,leftists have an underlying view of the difference between the “civilized” and “savage” races.(显然,左派人士对“文明”种族和“野蛮”种族的区别有一个基本的看法。) capable表示“有能力”,如果与of连用可以表示“有能力做某事”。that mob’s capable of any crime.(这群暴徒什么犯法的事都能做出来。) human意为“人类的,人性的,有同情心的”,在句中表示“有人性的”,all too human意为“太具有人性的”,因而可以译为“人之常情”。
