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  Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 - July 2, 1961), was born in the United States, Illinois, Chicago suburb of Oak Parker, American writer, journalist, is considered to be 20 One of the most famous novelists of the century.

  Hemingway's life has won many awards. He was awarded the bravery medal during the First World War; in 1953, he won the Pulitzer Prize for the book "The Old Man and the Sea" (1); the 1954 "Old Man and the Sea" won Hemingway Bell Prize for Literature. In 2001, Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises" and "Farewell to Arms" were included in the "Best English Novels of the 20th Century" by the American Modern Library.

  July 2, 1961, Hemingway in Idaho Ketchum's home with a shotgun committed suicide.

  Hemingway's feelings in the complex, has concluded four marriages, is the United States "Lost Generation" (Lost Generation) writers in the representative of the works of life, the world, society has shown a confused and anxious. He has always been known as the literary tyk, he is the spirit of the American nation monument. Hemingway's work marks the formation of his unique creative style, in the history of American literature and even the history of the world literature occupies an important position.


  language style


  Hemingway has excellent language control ability. He often expresses the most complicated content in the simplest vocabulary. It expresses the concrete meaning with the basic vocabulary, the simple sentence and so on. He uses nouns and verbs to reveal the true face of things. From the point of view, Hemingway often used a brief statement of language expression, he believes that there is no need to use text modification carved to grandstanding, as long as the things described clearly on the line, the other by the reader to decide. Such as the "old man and the sea" in the old man with a harpoon frog big fish scene, the author described as "the old man put down the fishing line, the harpoon held as high as possible, resorted to the strength of the body, plus he just Strength, put it straight down into the side of the fish. In these descriptions the author did not use any modified ingredients, but the verb, the noun is a simple combination to describe a thrilling scene. In this plain language, people can feel the profound artistic realm and art at the end, this rustic language also makes Hemingway's works have more affinity and authenticity.

  Hemingway's novel language has the characteristics of not redundant, simple style, simple sentence, simple words, he often use the basic word as the center to construct a single sentence, rarely use the expression of ideas adjectives and adverbs. In the twenty-sixth chapter of the "Farewell to Arms," there was a dialogue between Henry and the priest about the war. The dialogue was very concise, concise, without any glitzment, but from which the reader could feel the people Of disgust. In the novel "killer", the use of a lot of concise phrases, in the form of colloquial dialogue to start the plot, through the dialogue to avoid a lot of explanation and complex background account, giving an immersive feeling.


  Literature and art to express emotions, but the emotion is to rely on the appearance of things perspective, the more the appearance of things directly described, the more able to produce a strong visual authenticity, the more able to narrow the distance between the reader and the writer. Hemingway with a high degree of visualization of the language, the visual, olfactory, auditory and other senses into the language, write the shape of things, color, taste, etc., with direct visual performance of the universe and life. As in the snow of Kilimanjaro, Hemingway wrote that the man was lying on the canvas bed, and he looked over the shy shade of the shy tree to the sun's dazzling plain, with three huge birds hugging, and Many in the wings soar. Hemingway with this simple, simple language is to highlight the image of the clarity and visual sensitivity. The formation of this language style is closely related to the Impressionist Master Cezanne, who learned how to control the reader's eyes from Cezanne, as in the early novel "In the North of Michigan", Hemingway focused on the young girl, Cotz body, with her eyes describe the scene, in order to suggest its pure innocence, optimistic and naive, full of longing for the future.

  The use of compound sentences and clauses is more in line with formal style, but the sentence is too long to make people look more strenuous, so Hemingway in the dialogue to strive to overcome this shortcoming, with simple, smooth, vivid sense of rhythm to express The movement of the characters, this text can often produce visual effects, to the reader to bring a visual impact. Such as "the elderly and the sea", the Marlins dragged the old man Santiago swim day and night, the elderly almost fainted, but still insist on not giving up, then the author with a very simple words "pull ah, hand Ah, he thought, stood firm, legs, "accurately expressed the fatigue of the elderly, resulting in a strong visual and psychological feelings. In the short story "white elephant mountain" at the end of the author to take the trouble to repeat "Please ask you, please, please, please, beg you, beg you, I beg you" The image expresses the girl's upset and produces a strong visual impact.

  Implicit emotion

  Hemingway has his own special artistic style, he emphasizes the objectivity of writing and the idea of the implicit implicit, against the author directly to the characters comment and implied, he often used implicit language to express complex emotions, with a limited form of expression of endless connotations , So his novels in the appearance of quietly, but the inner feelings are rich and hot. "Iceberg principle" is Hemingway's creative principle, he insisted that the complex social life should be extracted from the most characteristic of the plot, his thoughts and feelings hidden, in accordance with the "iceberg principle" left seven seven feet of space Readers think and try to figure out. Such as "farewell, weapons," the outcome, Henry regardless of the nurse's insidious to see his wife's remains, but to see his wife when the body did not have a statement, nor a tear, this silent farewell to do not explain and get explained, Alienated and cold and the realization of the purpose of care, to achieve "here silent victory" effect. Hemingway often through the image of the characterization of the inner world of the characters hidden behind, through the performance of the material world to the reader to think, to imagine that this writing is a few pen, but it is into the wood, the characters' Portrayed, showing a do not yield to the fate of the tough guy spirit.

  Hemingway often struggles to get rid of the influence of subjective feelings on the work, with a near objective way to express their emotions, which is often demoted as "dumb cattle." In fact, critics only flow in the works of appearance, do not understand the feelings of the author's heart. German writer Ryder has said that Hemingway through the indifferent to reach the excitement, without explanation to be explained. In the "white elephant mountains" almost all dialogue, works almost do not see the trail of the author, but in the dialogue but there are deep connotation. In addition, Hemingway is very good at using language ambiguity to express symbolic and ideological content. Such as "farewell, weapons," the weapons have two meanings, on the one hand the meaning of war, on the other hand is the meaning of love, it symbolizes the two themes of the novel against war and farewell to love; Mountains "," elephant "is not only the meaning of elephants, there are useless, cumbersome meaning.


  From the narrative approach, Hemingway's novel's dialogue is "show" rather than "tell". It is a kind of "perfect imitation" that belongs to Plato, rather than the kind of "pure narrative" that it wants to create a different degree of "imitation of the illusion" that is "the poet's endeavor to cause him not to speak" But a person in the illusion of speech. Compared to the two, "pure narrative" narrative and event distance, as "pure imitation" directly. The dialogue gives the narrator complete the character, which pushes the imitation of the utterance to the extreme, completely obliterating the traces of the narrative, giving the words to the characters and occupying the front desk. In this case, the shadow of the author subsided, as if there were only people in the story, without the narrator, the story of the person, in other words, the narrator did not intervene or seldom intervene in the narrative, Under the traces of. This narrative approach, in terms of its distance from the object being described, is very close, almost equal to zero; it is subtle in terms of the narrative information it conveys. Hemingway use the narrative means of dialogue, its intention is "show", the pursuit of perfect imitation. In the "Kilimanjaro snow", in order to highlight the dialogue, the opening is the dialogue, very unexpected, this is the display of the narrative style.

  In order to meet the concise expression of this expression, his dialogue as much as possible to write a very good understanding, not esoteric words, without big words, and small words, as long as the reader in accordance with the order to read down, fully understand the words of each speaker is Who. In addition, each participant in the dialogue is generally two, one question and answer, or chat, or controversy. The reason why the two people to maintain this measure, rather than a number of people, because many people, in the absence of the name of the speaker in the case of the reader is not easy to find out which one, which is very important. When there is a third person or more conversation, Hemingway must indicate the name of the speaker.

  Hemingway also wrote "style of spoken", his dialogue sentence is short, simple structure, there is no gorgeous rhetoric. This style of spoken language is characterized by the use of the American Midwest people's spoken language and its rhythm, but also mixed with different local language, the language of the ancient Havana, the Spanish language of the Guadalrama, Spanish English; The language of the fisherman, the language of the bullfighter, the language of the hunter, etc., read the sound of the sound, often to the reader a real language illusion. They use the vocabulary, pronunciation methods are not the same. We say that Hemingway's novels are never fancy, and are used to avoid adverbs, adverbs and other modifiers. This is reflected in many aspects. The dialogue is no exception. We can also say that it is because of the large number of dialogues used in Hemingway's novels. Therefore, the large tracts of the daily language of the novel caused the overall simplicity of the novel. In modern narratology, the narrative means varied and varied. Hemingway's love of this unique narrative style, the reason is: the use of structuralism, "distance and angle" theory to observe, the dialogue can make the reader feel immersive, and the narrative is difficult to achieve This realistic effect. In addition, the dialogue is more concise than the narrative, but also more vivid sense, implication is more abundant. In view of the dialogue with such a great superiority, the novel master Hemingway did not hesitate to adopt it, and its charm to an unparalleled degree, making his novel unique, dominate.

  Relationship between men and women

  From the theme of the relationship between men and women to analyze Hemingway, it is easy to see, despite the keen to describe the man's wild and heroic, Hemingway has indirectly expressed his fear and hatred of women. His "code heroes (code heroes)" are fighting alone, even if the woman has any relationship, and ultimately to be separated. Strong sense of destiny and death in his works to be generally reflected. Its masterpiece "old man and the sea" is a sketch of a purely male world. DH Lawrence observed a pattern of men and women in Hemingway's short story: "A person wants to be free." Just avoid one thing: get involved in it. Never be involved. If you are caught by something, get rid of it. Get rid of it and leave.

  For example, this is about Robert Jordan in the Spanish civil war to participate in a bombing bridge mission story, which interspersed with Jordan and Maria's romantic love, they only have three days of romance, Jordan retreat When the legs were seriously injured, and Maria can not go to Madrid. Three days in the mountains is the best of Jordan's life, he and Maria's love, although short, but to achieve the eternal, Jordan's love in the revolution before the cause of the sacrifice. He knew that he was still in danger and was dedicated to the Spanish people. However, from another point of view, this choice also reflects the cruelty of Hemingway. He did not know if Jordan and Maria jointly safe withdrawal is a sign that the beginning of a better life. He would rather choose to gloriously die, rather than romantic together for life. In the "farewell, weapons", Henry did not start to Catherine seriously, and that is just a game. "It's better than going to the house every night, it's a game, just like playing a bridge, but it's not playing cards, but talking." For example, when Catherine's surgery was Henry's monologue, critics That Catherine's death and Henry's hostility to her, in the last chapter, when Catherine's surgery, a short period of time, Henry 19 thought Catherine will die, "dead" the recurrence of the word seems to be With the magic of the general anxiety, when Catherine on the operating table full of painful bleeding, Henry twice out to drink, but also eat something - because he was hungry. When he came back, Catherine was dead. And then in the "foreign land" in the "major" and "I" dialogue, for example, this story mentions that the young wife died of pneumonia:

  "Why should not men get married?"

  "No, that's it should not be done," he said angrily. "Even if a man is destined to lose everything, at least not to make himself fall to the point where he is to be lost, he should not let himself fall into that situation, and he should find something that will not be lost.

  Major words, but also Hemingway's inner monologue. Hemingway with his pen will be a woman in the novel one by one death, the hero is "tough guy", endured the spirit and physical pain. In Hemingway's novel, we can see this phenomenon, a good woman will eventually die or have passed away. As the "old man and the sea" only once mentioned the wife of Santiago is "the wall was once hanging his wife's color, but he took it off, because he felt too lonely" This is Hemingway ideal Love end: the old couple spent a lifetime of good times, good wife has passed away, widower fishing alone at the beach.

  After the above analysis, it can be concluded that in Hemingway's novels, the separation of men and women is usually based on a powerful external force - in the form of extreme death. In his first novel, Jack and Brett were separated from Jack's sexual incompetence, as in his three novels, "The Sun Also Raises", "Farewell, Weapons" and "The Whip Bell" ; The second novel in the separation of male and female heroes died of Catherine dystocia; in the third novel, the hero Robert Jordan for the cause of justice and dedication. Hemingway seems to use this so-called "fate" factor to cover up his fear of living with women.


